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Demo©rats and ®epublicans: Representative Democracy in Propaganda Only


Yesterday someone stated my main point was seemingly that the DNC is corrupt. That would be quite correct. Or not. My point actually is that the whole fucking system is corrupt. My entire agenda here, this group, is to point out that we are living in a grand illusion. To spread that knowledge and attempt to get roughly 52% of the population in the US to remove themselves and their families from the managed perception they're trapped in. If you're participating in the republican or democratic parties as a means to change our country, you're part of the problem. You're essentially abetting the existence of the problems you claim to want to change. Don't be a Bernie Sanders! Sure, occasionally you might see a small victory in an issue from time to time. But as evidence shows, since at least the Reagan era, our country has been moving steadily to the right towards a corporatocracy with a fascist nature. The greatest minds of socialism have quite intelligently written on how this type of governing works that we are experiencing right now. And is why the westernized oligarchs spent and spend so much time suppressing any attempt of such a socialist system to survive. This began in 1917 after the Russian Revolution. Why are we beginning to see a turn towards fascism? Those socialist minds will tell you it's because it's the end game that comes when capitalism has ran it's course. The mockery of democracy is over, so must go your rights, including your voting rights. Documented decades ago was the use of the media by the CIA to begin a systematic use of managed perception over the population. Part of that strategy was to add the word theorist, to come after conspiracy. Born were the conspiracy theorist who dared to speak out about anything their government was doing. We have a fair history of independent journalist who have spoke on this type of managed perception as they began to leave main stream media. Robert Parry was one of them.



Our entire existence today relies on our government to keep us in this illusion of managed perception to fulfill an agenda. That agenda starts from the oligarchs and travels down to corporations and bankers etc. Relying on our intelligence agencies who travel the globe creating chaos and ghostly enemies for us to fear, often using false narratives to do so. While using the media to push those false narratives to keep us ignorant and uninformed. Down to our establishment politicians who put on the dog and pony show to benefit the oligarchs. Who also use the media to spread that illusion in repetitive mode to keep us trapped in a mere few issues while major issues are ignored or world issues we are involved in remain hidden from us. We are indeed a fake society! How's that for being your republic, your democracy, as a free nation? Your watching from another country? You might have it somewhat better than us in the US. But you hear it coming also? You should, because I see it coming. I read a lot about it there also. Steve Bannon took that agenda on tour and it's coming to a place near you soon. If he hasn't already been there.

William_Mary 8 Nov 11
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More people should see it, but unfortunately they don't.


The Koch brothers group and greed have corrupted the whole system. Your second big paragraph speaks of a fake society and covers it well, but this is the entire world and not just America. BTW, I hate to use terms like "fake society" when the term "fake" became a big thing with us over 2 years ago and was brought to light by a "fake president."

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 11, 2018

@jorj Soros and "others" doing the same thing as the Koch brothers? I think you need to read more and forget about buddy Trump going to bring back your coal mines. Try reading "Dark Money." George Soros is not in there.

@jorj Isn't in the book that I think is all truth. What book do I think is all truth? I have nothing of relevance to offer because I pointed out that coal mining is not going to make a comeback. Then this idea makes me "so smart." You sound as though you are really butthurt about something and you're on the borderline of name calling.

@jorj I'm not looking for the answer and I have little to do with partisan politics. GOP and Dems are not all that is out there and I belong to neither of them. I cannot force you to stop including Soros so I suppose the best we all can do is simply give up. I guess we are doomed. I don't buy into InfoWars, Breitbart, or Jones, so maybe the answer is the National Enquirer. With the inner workings of everybody and everything exposed it just seems to me that many think every event (like the caravan) is a conspiracy. Things happen. It's just that I prefer to remain in the sanest world possible.

@jorj OMG! You think you were so "viciously attacked" when I only posted a different opinion. I still have this difference of opinion and wonder if I should keep on posting. To say something makes another go all viral. The sanest world to me is where I don't have to hear about the idiotic things we have been posting here. A world where I can watch the morning news without hearing about or seeing the overnight tweets of an orange madman. BTW, what is a "left wing bubble?"

@jorj I'm simply reporting your claims on things I replied to because I saw the situation differently. BTW what is the real substance of this argument? Why was it an argument in the first place? With words like hyperbolic and tribalistic are we to assume that either of us won something here? What I see is a bunch of name calling that does not even fit. I'm in a "left wing bubble" but you actually favor Bernie. Backing up to read all this again it just appears idiotic and started over a simple difference of opinion.

@jorj I'm not sure he is the most popular but he didn't get coverage because Hillary wanted the DNC to be all about her. I like Bernie. I identify with Democratic Socialists and Sweden is a good model for that.

@jorj When we all see that no good is gonna come is that when we all give up?

@jorj OK, OK. I have woken up.

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