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Democrats’ Green New Deal Wing Takes Shape Amid Wave Of Progressive Climate Hawk Wins


When the establishment party where most of their politicians take money from the oil barons to keep their power within that party steals your initiative green deal platform, it's most likely an agenda to kill both the initiative and your party's attempt to get on the ballot in 2020. And the supporters of that party will actually believe and argue they created that initiative platform. A new hurdle for the Green Party to jump. The new so called progressives will be used to stamp out the real deal while getting the same old deal we always get from democrats.

William_Mary 8 Nov 15
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YES!! This statement succinctly explains the problem with the 2 party system and what the Dems do in particular tor thwart real change. TY for posting.


Your only hope lies in people waking up to the fact that the big parties do not represent them and turning in droves to give the Green Party a chance. Will Trumps solid foundation wake up in two years and realise that they've been duped? Will the mass of Democrat supporters wake up to realise that the DNC is heavily imbedded in big oil and big banks and acts in their interests which are in contradiction of Democrat voters interests?

As I posted this morning an article from Max Blumenthal via Anti_Media, the answer may be within. Along with Abby Martin's new video posted yesterday. Which Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz explains in short the more prominent times of national white-ism in the 20's, then making a small come back in the 50's through the 60's. We now have it making another comeback. I see another chaotic election cycle in 2020 problematically worse than that of 2016. I foresee a larger presence of white nationalist at Trump rallies and protest around the country as this virus is spreading throughout our countries with the help of our politicians. As one would see in Blumenthal's article, both republican and democratic politicians played a role in the Ukraine. We funded, trained, and supported the rise of this virus for a false narrative against Russia. Now they(Ukraine) are training and communicating for recruits from around the globe to go out and spread their virus. We have 2 years of this festering for 2020 that governments are silently standing by and watch grow. I said it, !governments! This issue will become another us verses them and the status quo of voters will continue to spill on the streets. Question? Does our militarized police forces join the ranks this time around. Will this inevitably spread to other countries in 2020 as it raises here? We're looking at a German history that's 100 years old taking form right here in the land of the free. And we have no where to run to. Only to spread to.

@William_Mary I fully agree with your assessment of the Ukraine. A deliberate setting up of a fascist regime over an elected pro Russia regime. And then furthering the fascism that had been in that country since the thirties.


You may be correct. If so I still am not able to see a working difference as a way out of the situation.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 15, 2018

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