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With 'Unlimited Funds to Lie,' Insurance Industry Readies Propaganda Blitz as Medicare for All Surges


I didn't see that coming. 🙂 Of course I did! Other things that scare me here. The mention of Obama and Clinton staffers. In other words. There's a hidden entity those 2 serve directing and funding this potential narrative about to be unleashed on the public. Alliance? Means group made up of one or more entities often leading to a think tank that always has an agenda to screw YOU. ("We're all focused on 2020," Lauren Crawford Shaver, a former staffer on Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, said during a recent interview.) ummm, maybe not so former? Time will tell. Then there's that other name, Sanders. He didn't turn out so well. Kind of like Obama when it comes to health care. Obama spoke of one kind and brought us a completely different kind. The kind the health care industry ended up writing for him. The kind that a lot of people got screwed over, lost a lot over, and the prices jumped up an average of about 20% each year since. Roughly, depending on what scale you're in. Mary is getting hit this year at work on hers. Sanders went from socialized health care to medicare for all now. See, I have a major problem with this single payer and medicare for all shit. I can't figure out just what either means. Maybe I missed it at some point, but has anyone actually broke it down and explained it? Because if it means the health care industry is still involved, they're all of a sudden for a better public system where no one is going to get screwed again? I think not!

William_Mary 8 Nov 21
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From what I know, single payer health care for all will be government run. It's cheaper than what we have now because the insurance companies get cut out of the picture which means the government can negotiate for lower prices or something like that. People pay for it through taxes. I'm not sure of the details.



(Single-payer national health insurance is a nonprofit system in which a single public or quasi-public agency organizes health financing, but delivery of care remains largely in private hands.)

Which leads to more of the same problems we already have? Such as....

(Private insurers waste our health care dollars on things that have nothing to do with care: bloated overhead costs, including underwriting, tracking, billing, and sales and marketing campaigns, as well as exorbitant executive pay and an overweening imperative to deliver maximum returns to private shareholders.)

While the page you give us has no details, this page is full of possible contradictions. While it's listing all the nice things it can be it also leads right back to the core problem.

(The system would be affordable. It would retain current levels of public funding, which now account for about two-thirds of U.S. health spending. Modest new taxes, based on ability to pay, would replace premiums and out-of-pocket payments currently paid by individuals and businesses. The vast majority of households would pay less for care than they do now. Costs would be controlled through negotiated fees, global budgeting and bulk purchasing.)

ACA ---- Affordable Care Act---- Wasn't so affordable for me and my fellow co-employees when our employer dropped our health care program the year ACA went into effect. Many couldn't afford it and went without, paying the fines. Therefore they didn't get the Care. While my savings went bust trying to Affordable it. I spent over 13,000 the first 2 years for my health care. Which I barely used. Only getting the required yearly physicals. In which during the second year the insurance company screwed me over and then also cost me half of my tax return. I got the Act alright! So my problem is if the private industry is still going to be a major player AND the so to speak middleman now, what's going to contain them from shooting up prices to compensate for money we are supposedly to save?

(Other nations have demonstrated that single-payer health systems work, and work well.)

What other countries? Dear Canada, any members here from Canada, is your health care considered a single payer system? British? Europe? At least Bernie Sanders gave us a simple evaluation with a 2% cost at tax time via socialized health care. Which averaged out at my income of about 700 a year. That's affordable! Wiping out all questions and the quagmire greed we have now. Which seems is more likely going to be a continued problem.

Which one of these are we looking forward to! []

As of now the forth one isn't working in our favor. And the countries the other 3 are working in are vastly more socially aware! So the second and third have a potential to be overcome by the privatized industry for the profit nature they are. Especially when they are always writing the legislature that come with it. I give you Obamacare! Again no mention of how it's going to be paid for as far as value to us. All we are getting is that it will be cheaper. Cheaper for whom?

And for what it's worth. I've read that some of the advocates for these programs don't have the best intentions for us. Actually working for entities within the healthcare industry. That usually isn't a good thing.

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