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Hillary Clinton calls for reform, 'not open borders,' in explaining European migration remarks


Clinton pulling back from her statements? Or has the subliminal message accomplished its purpose?

(While Clinton went on to criticize those who prey upon fear of immigrants, her comments earned her praise from some of her foes in Europe,)
("Maybe Hillary has understood the lesson," Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy party, told The New York Times. "If you don't control migration it will affect mostly poor people, people living on the outskirts, working classes." )

Immigration reform? Emma Beals touches a truth from yesterday's post out of Common Dreams with her tweet, that isn't addressed in the article.

"You don't defend progressive politics by curbing immigration, but by tackling the drivers of the immigration. You stand up to despots and tyrants, you try to address the conflicts that cause people to flee, and you try to provide greater equality of opportunity for all people."

Then another aspect of future concern by Osita Nwanevu, also from yesterday's Common Dreams post.

"Climate change, a crisis created by the developed world, is going to force poor people across the globe to move in order to survive. The approach Clinton is advocating will be a death sentence for millions and millions of people, and we should be clear about that."

I'll ask again, immigration reform? That's asking a lot from a tyrant as is. Her foreign policies are what have helped to created all this immigrating. But can we really label this as immigration when your policies have left somewhere around a dozen cities in the Middle East alone with populations in the millions in rubble? I personally would label it as a violent forced evacuation with a purpose.

("In a recent interview, I talked about how Europe must reject right-wing nationalism and authoritarianism, including by addressing migration with courage and compassion." )

Yet as she left her position as SOS in 2013, her policy tone set the stage for this very type of nationalism to take form in the Ukraine as we backed a Nazi coup to take over that country. So much for the compassion of the people who bore the violent rage from this coup. Under direction of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.


Who was Bill Clinton's chief of staff. Also principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. The interesting issue we have here is a neocon presence in the white house for, well, Robert Parry would say 2 decades.


I personally think he gives the democrats and Obama to much credit as being fooled. I'm quite certain he must of felt a need to be nice this day, possibly satire? Knowing he usually doesn't hold back his punches. 2 decades is also being nice. Cheney and Rumsfeld have been around setting the tone for today since the Nixon era, Gates, Reagan era. Her adventures into creating chaos in Central and South America, are now carrying over into the Trump era. Who as of yesterday I'm reading is voicing a action of military action in Venezuela, labeling them a terrorist country. Bottom line is that these policy tones have been with us for decades. So when they, including the main stream media, fail to address the cause of today's immigration issues it's for a purpose.

William_Mary 8 Nov 24
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