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Inciting Emotions and Playing US: Why Sectional Movements are Counterproductive


(Instead of focusing on the root causes of injustice, we have been programmed to bicker over who has it worst. This is a most counterproductive approach, one that is heavy on tactics and lacking any semblance of strategy. People who could otherwise be allies and form a coalition that could truly take on the ruling class are nullified by identity politics. While the people chant and demand action, mercenaries who push these separatist causes are paid handsomely by the establishment.)

(It is easy to spot emotional manipulation when it is being done to others but a lot harder to realize when it is being done to us. This is why so many are flummoxed when people on the right fall for Donald Trump’s feigned populism or why the “other side” shake their heads in disbelief when Democrats like Pelosi and Chuck Schumer pretend to be social justice warriors. Politicians and pundits are given every incentive to obscure the system, rage against the symptoms and finger point in order to displace blame.)

As groups we are easy prey. If any of us really want to change the war of class being waged on us, we must all stand together. Or we continue to supply them the ammunition to keep us down. All colors, all national back grounds, all cultures, all life styles, all shapes and sizes, for all our reasons at one time. It doesn't matter if you're a democrat, a republican, or independent, you are indeed the enemy also! Because you're not one of them and they have an agenda you most likely don't want a part in. Unless you're into death and murder, losing YOUR rights, scratching to get by.

William_Mary 8 Jan 17
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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