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Venezuela’s US-Backed Coup Leader Immediately Targets State Oil Company and Requests IMF Money


(The International Monetary Fund is notorious as a vehicle for U.S. political and economic influence. For decades, the IMF, along with the World Bank, has trapped ostensibly independent Latin American nations in debt and imposed so-called “structural adjustment” programs that force governments to impose brutal neoliberal shock therapy on their populations, including austerity measures, privatization of state assets, deregulation, and gutting of social services.)

There you go, right out in the open, can't get their hands on it quick enough. So if the IMF sends this quack the money he wants and then loses the coup to take over, does Venezuela then own the money back and get more sanctions until so done? Or does if force interaction by bombs?

William_Mary 8 Jan 26
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Yeah, I read this in another article. It's so obvious Guaido is a US pro-corporate shill.

Maybe the Gray Zone. The link to that site is there by Ben's name under the headline. He also does some work for The Real News Network. But his articles can be found in many sites. He's one of the good guys!

Yea, they don't even know this guy down there. Just a dope the opposition and US propped up to the front. Schooled in the US then taken under the CIA's wing and sent back to be their puppet. Most likely someone in a family with money down there who left to be trained then sent back. One thing to know about immigrants to the US from these countries down there is that most of them have or had the money to get out on their own. You'll find them on comments at sites often claiming how bad it is in their country. Or they are there and part of the opposition, and or purposely with intent working for a disinformation agenda to combat any dissent towards people like us supporting their governments.

We have the same thing with a governor in Ukraine. He was in Georgia when the shit hit the fan there as the president, I think. They brought him to the US, schooled him, trained him, then sent him over to the quagmire when the Ukraine shit came down and made him a governor. I'm going to post the RT show I seen on that last night here this morning some time if I can find it. This is how our government works towards interfering in other countries. Were the good guys though!?!

@William_Mary It was actually this website: []

Yep, the good ole' US of A.

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