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Progressives Helped Pave The Way For These ‘Russian Asset’ Bernie Smears


If Sanders was a real progressive/socialist democrat, he at some time shortly after the 2016 election should have publicly apologized to his supporters and retired. At least, after Donna Brazile's book came out which exposed him as allowing the rigged primary to go on without a fight, or even a word. We deserved a fight for getting the progressive movement to the heights we took it. I see the many once supporters of Sanders, as myself, on facebook who will not follow this ass hat into another campaign. He has no chance and he did it to himself, killing the progressive movement.

After what was done he owned the DNC and Clinton absolutely nothing! !!! !!! He should have spend our money on a public broadcast of outing them and then going independent, or taking Jill Stein up on her offer to take over the green ticket! Putting the green party over that 5% hump and into a presidency would have open the country up to a 3rd party block aid over the 2 establishment corrupt rule. I watched a video just yesterday of that primary election cycle quagmire that was a scam from point A to Z, Iowa to California. For the life on me I can't think of where it is now. Sanders won that primary, and there's nothing anyone can say to persuade me and a few million others any different than what the paper shows and super delegates chose.

I see I'm not missing anything after denouncing TYT and Cenk, having boycotting them after Cenk flip in that election cycle also. Another obvious war and corporate sellout shrill I once thought had a good grip on issues to a progressive nature or at least left leaning. Caitlin should have especially added Nina Turner to this list also! With a growing number of so called progressives tipping their hats towards a presidential run, our movement has become a fucking joke when you look into their past and voting records. Who they have associated with and how their past positions would tend to show the opposite of being anything but progressive.

William_Mary 8 Jan 27
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I noticed a different tone with TYT. I slowly became disinterested with them. I know they don't get everything right, but it's disheartening when they claim to be progressive liberals and then parrot the bullshit. Not only do they do that, but Ana seems a little more mainstream than she puts on. I also don't like that they ridicule their own employees that want evidence of all this red scare crap.


Angry politics and words are not going to help progress.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

We should all be angry! And speaking out! Freedom ain't quiet. And it's not free. People are unnecessarily being wiped out around the world in our name. Countries are being raped and pillaged for the benefit of a very few. And it's being done in our name. To stand silent means we accept that harm being done and blood on our hands in collaboration.

@William_Mary . I'm a little more angry at what the overpopulation of humans have done to this planet. The clock is ticking. Meanwhile angry humans are bombing and shooting at each other. Just priorities for me.

@OldGoat43 some specialist will argue the planet isn't over populated. But it's the gentrification policies that draw the lines between the haves and have not's in large cities. Food distribution world wide today leads to more waste. It's designed to do so. Often much of it rotting away some where. And trade agreements have devastated farming communities around the world that otherwise would help produce better food sources locally as they once did. Leading only to benefit corporate farming which is an environmental catastrophe. These people harmed by these policies then flock to large cities to try and find work or forced to migrate to other countries, again, usually large cities to attempt escape from deportation. This then sets the reoccurring cycle of gentrification over and over again.

“Free Trade” Is Today’s Imperialism by the 1 Percent


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