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The Russia Interference Narrative is McCarthyism Reborn in the 21st Century


(In August 2017, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity published accounts of digital tests they’d run which showed that the DNC’s software wasn’t even compatible with an overseas hack. The VIPS, who’ve also helped debunk the Iraq WMD hoax, have yet to see their report seriously challenged. This means that Guccifer 2.0 is evidently a fictional character who was created to look like the person who carried out Russia’s nonexistent infiltration of the DNC.)

In that paragraph you'll find a link "showed" taking you to an article I have referred to a few times here from work done by the VIPS group from Consortium News. In which you can find several articles of their analysis on this issue and 2 referrals to both Obama and Trump. VIPS have broken down that data to a point of strongly contradicting what we're told by main stream media.

The next paragraph also “assessment”. You'll find another false claim still being told today. I heard this lie from a woman in an interview just last week. 17 intelligence agencies having backed this Russiagate claim. Is a false claim. Also from Consortium News and work done by the VIPS group.

(This act of political opportunism from the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, and anti-Trump neocons has had very dangerous consequences.)

If the democratic party is willing to lure you from truth within this manor of opportunism, how on earth can you trust them to run the country anymore than you can the republicans!?!

(Firstly, it lets the ruling class give an explanation for Trump’s election that doesn’t involve social inequality or discontent with the system. According to them, Hillary lost not because voters in crucial areas didn’t like her pro-war record, or because the Democratic Party has failed to address the decline of the working class’ living standards, but because of, Russian interference.)

WORD! Distraction! And I would argue it the real investigation should be in the primary of 2016, the leak, and Seth Rich's murder, who most likely is the source of the leak.

William_Mary 8 Jan 27
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It's funny how Seth Rich's murder was glanced over like a passing pothole story on the local news, isn't it?

I kind of get the parents wanted to get out of the chaos it brought them, but if it was my son I'd be all up in too this shit until I found out if this was the reason my son was murdered. And I would own the DNC, DWS, and the Clinton's if Assange has the proof. Possibly the DC police and a couple of intelligence agencies for not properly doing their job. The DC police for handing evidence over to DWS without completion of an investigation. The FBI for not taking control of that evidence and starting their own. Unfortunately though, it's clear the FBI is working for Clinton and the DNC on this one. One has to wonder why the parents aren't interested in finding a sense of resolution though. Being like, it's done we're over it, in such a short period of time just doesn't add up! As does anything within this story!

@William_Mary I remember there was a story out of DC in the 80s I think where there was a girl that was murdered at a bakery or a bank or something, and she had ties to Bill Clinton. An affair I think. People don't believe shady stuff like this goes on and they chalk it up to "watching too many movies".

If Assange had any proof I'd like to think he would have released it already. I have no idea who is running Wikileaks these days though.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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