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I joined this group assuming independent sources meant unbiased. At least as much as possible these days. I long for that. Facts delivered void of opinions and leading language. If that's what this group was meant to be about I wanted to start a conversation surrounding that. If not then no harm, no foul and I'll show myself out. I wondered if this was maybe better as a private message to the group founder but if there was a misunderstanding then I might not be the only one who felt this way and I thought a post could help those people too.

Sacrilege 6 Jan 29
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Enjoy being online again!

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Have you thought of finding and sharing some of your own post that you find out there that you feel are non biases and we should all know about? Every news story has many different ways of seeing it, it is just finding sources that are covering it different.


I just rely on Stephen, Seth and Bill. The real stuff is too depressing.

Just joking - Though I never watch fox news or any of the notables on fox. I just want the damn facts and intelligent questions. In the world today unbiased is not easy to find because ratings and money play such a huge role. Good discussion here about the issue and Sacrilege you are more than welcomed in this group - IMHO. TY for the post.


I suspect that these days it is very hard if not impossible to locate what you desire. From the day that we are born, we start to develop likes and dislikes and it is interesting how identical twins growing up in the same environment and influences develop differing preferences.
To say that anyone presents unbiased news is unlikely unless it is simply a listing of football results.
I find here in Australia that even reporting on something that should be unbiased like the Olympic games simply does not happen. If an Australian is not in the race it is not shown on TV or likely to be in newsprint unless a significant record is achieved.

Because I do not subscribe to mainstream media or watch TV I select the news that I do based upon whatever my prevailing soapbox may be. However as I long ago learned that no one wishes to know my views unless they coincide with their current money grubbing or corrupt schemes, I am ignored.
For thirty years or more if you rang the parliament to speak with a member or minister you were not asked "citizen, who are you". No, you are asked, "which organisation /company/trade union/lobbyist do you represent?"
Have you read the Constitution where it recognises any of the aforementioned bodies as having any rights other than to pay due taxes let alone greater civic rights than the citizens?

Now that is an example of my biased reporting.

I frequently use RT as a conduit to share information. You probably will not be surprised at the number of indignant howls and vacuous insults that I get for using the agency. Usually, there is a link to another organisation such as the BBC, the Australian Broadcasting Services the ABC and SBS and yes sometimes it is a piece specially written for RT. The majority of complaints usually come from people behaving like Pavlov's dog on seeing the source RT, they do not bother to read and find out what it is about and if you cannot filter out the propaganda it is probably because you have become so blinded by the propaganda that you have been fed all your life in America, Britain, Cuba or wherever.

You will also find on the site cabals of people who will undoubtedly try to persuade you as to the righteousness of their particular cause. Be aware that some will lie to you and gaslight you whilst projecting their behaviours onto you.

In this group, yes you will definitely find threads that are biased however you will also find that the majority of them are not reported in your so-called mainstream media.

Have fun and g'day.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 30, 2019

Hey! I'm only biased towards the truth 🙂 For the love of peace,people.planet.

It's really to bad people are stuck in the illusion projected by society against RT. I say society because the majority of it has allowed main stream media set that false narrative without question! If more people would watch and get use to a few programs on there, I would argue they would get a totally different view of the world to compare to what they get from our media. And then be forced to actually sense a need for truth. Much like I'm attempting here. Putting another face on read news. Especially from what I imagine most get on their homepage.

RT offers many different aspects of people one could get comfortable watching. If they just take the time to observe a few or go over their profiles on the site. I particularly believe Rick Sanchez is one most could get comfortable with. Younger crowd with Lee Camps Redacted Tonight. Who adds a sense of comedy to his reports. Chris Hedges who is a book of knowledge in socialism, gentrification, community issues, etc. Having been a world traveler doing journalism for several years he can easily be seen as a complete source of information on any scale. Watching the Hawks is quite good. Mike Papantonio-America's Lawyer. The World According to Jesse Ventura. Who has a reputation of being a quack, but honestly does some good work. RT's news hour delivers a totally different view on world events that would likely make most main stream media faithfuls heads spin. And walk away with that rhetoric claim it's because they are a Russian station. But how do we get people to that need of sense of truth? While we have a growing number of people admitting the news is fake, they keep watching it and buying into it. It goes in line with everyone knowing our representatives have very low ratings yet they keep voting them in. How do you realize that their ratings are hovering at a meek 10% and work mostly for the interest of corporations, then keep voting them in without wanting to abandon their system by trying a 3rd party? It totally bewilders me!

@William_Mary I have firstly to state that I have never seen RT tv. I simply have the app on my phone which gives me a headline precis of the news. If I'm tempted by the headline I will read it otherwise it is left unopened. I attach FYI two photos of the current RT stream. As you can see there is bias in some headlines but is that bias anywhere near as bad as the bias shown in the Trump Pinata on this site?

@FrayedBear there's that word again, bias. Party? Fact? Agenda? I would say RT is biased towards agenda. Most of what I see on RT is on information you don't get from fake news from our MSM. Especially on their news hour. I don't know how to label that as biased if it's simply a distribution of a different style of coverage that tends to seemingly include more factual evidence. And as some of these host on their own programs will often refer to the MSM as they debunk their presentations of fact, or lack of. So agenda?

Outside of Larry King who tends to delve into the main stream media agenda quite often. Larry King has some good programs, I'll give him that. But the other night as he went into Venezuela he was obviously selling the main stream media narrative. There's a sense of bias that surely isn't Russian. If the host are equal in their rhetoric towards both parties, and rightfully against all governments practicing questionably, what are they biased towards other than agendas?

I have my own agenda here. What do you see me being biased towards? I equally dissent against both parties. I find them both to be part of a system of corruptness against the people and country. Along with the MSM. Highly suggest people put their faith in change in a 3rd party, actually the green party. Which could only be my only biased DNA. What I'm getting from you is the biased nature you see in the division of a 2 party system controlling our ability to move forward in progressing civilization. We are in deed holding the entire planet from evolving into a better state of being! But I also put the world elite in that effort, let me state. I have a hard time relating a sense of bias to agenda I guess? Should I?

@William_Mary As I originally started we all start developing our biases at birth. Even seemingly even handed reporters of all governments are in that act showing bias and will use different words for the same situation differing only because of the reporters personal bias eg. When talking about a male politician compared to a female one or say a Hispanic politician vs a WASP. I agree wholeheartedly that RT is transparent in what it reports but like Australian media and the Olympics shows more reports of Russian MMA fighters than American unless the Americans are being beaten in which case it can be by any nationality!
My own bias is that the only good politician is one dead for at least 100 years and that a two party system does not result in government for the people but the party and those monetarily supporting it.
Are you familiar with Professor Cipolla's 5 basic laws of human stupidity? []
I have found them to be a good test of any political policy or proposed law. The point is to apply "benefit to all" literally. All does not exclude anyone.
My deceased brother did not leave me with much, we were like cat and dog, but I will always remember his quip "the day that you stop learning is the day that you die!" He was killed 20 years ago. A good friend adds the corollary "the day that you accept a fact as irrevocable is the day that you cease to be rational".

@FrayedBear that's an interesting read. Thank you.

Don't argue with stupid people. They'll beat you with experience and drag you down to their level.

@William_Mary Very true. Sadly my good nature frequently lets me down and I then get angry with myself.


While I rely on mostly independent sources for more factual news, I also use main stream media sources from time to time to show the lack of facts or agenda to perception management.

Unbiased to what? Party affiliation? Facts?

Anyone is free to post in the group. I encourage it! Whether it's a news article, or, in general, a conversation of events of today or the past.

"Facts delivered void of opinions and leading language."

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. Facts are what we perceive them to be from our own self awareness in method to find truth. Often hindered by outside sources that attempt to set narratives for us to follow. As I mentioned above, to wage a perception management campaign upon us. Combining those 2 entities it is imperative for us to educate ourselves with alternative sources. As I argue in this group that main stream media is a tool for the establishment and deep state to lead us towards a false reality of what is going on around us and around the world. As read it seems like you want facts delivered to you without opinions or leading language? Or do you want to make post with no one offering an opinion or leading the conversation towards another direction? Either way that is impossible. Opinion is how information is delivered, leading is what the story is going to be of. How information is delivered can be compromised by both opinion and other views, but both are based on opinion. Leading in different directions in which we either strengthen our own opinion on or begin to redevelop our opinion on new sound information. I'm attempting here, for newer people, who have been caught in the illusion of main stream media, to redevelop their opinions with better news sources, as an example.

BTW- I am the group owner. Message delivered 🙂 Feel free to jump in. Again 🙂


Thanks for your contribution

48thRonin Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

I'm still trying to decide if that is sincere or sarcastic as I don't know you.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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