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Robert Fisk Exposes Israel’s Hidden Role in the Brewing India-Pakistan Conflict

Israel’s export of Zionist nationalism and neocolonialism — and the accompanying oppression that in practice actually helps to create many of the very terrorist groups they fight against — is just as dangerous as its export of arms.


While partially noted, at least leaning towards in the head line paragraph, then while learning in the article, Israel has its own abilities to manufacture and sell its own weapons, as an American one might want to know just why we spend 38 billion a year to support them. While a large part of that money is suppose to be towards military and weapons. What am I misunderstanding about this!?!

William_Mary 8 Mar 11
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US is playing both India & Pakistan, in more ways than one []

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 11, 2019

As for the $38 billion support of Israel by the American taxpayer and government isn't that like the wonderful misdirection (spin) created by Austria that Adolf was German not Austrian? In other words Fisk is completely deceived in that it is not Israeli neocolonialism being exported but American?

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 11, 2019

I can not agree with the conclusion as Fisk does not produce anything other than an unsupported hypothesis for his assertions. For a start, he does not adequately connect the manufacturing companies to their governments or the purported ideology to the sales.

Let us be brutally honest here, I know of no government that prohibits any arms manufacturer that complies with its worker health & safety laws AND provides paid employment to its citizens whilst paying employee taxes or profit and other taxes!

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 11, 2019

It is not just Israel but many countries around the world including the U.S.A, Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. have been creating conflicts to achieve 3 things to say the least:

  1. De-stablize the region by keeping regional players occupied with conflict and not give them to time assert an international voice or get stronger

  2. Sell arms to terrorists and defending nations as well. Believe it or not. It is a big money maker for rogue nations and weapons manufacturing industry that can spur the economy, jobs and in return make campaign donation to the ruling party and candidates for the favor

  3. Look good by taking the higher road to peace and conflict resolution, humanitarian aid etc. in the U.N. and elsewhere on the world stage

Nothing new here. This has been going on for many decades.

St-Sinner Level 9 Mar 11, 2019

I hear you. I'm just glad that there is finally a dialogue in this country regarding the difference between being anti Israeli poicy & human rights abuses, & being anti-Jewish. When I was younger if you were jewish & you spoke out against the Israeli apartheid government you were branded a traitor. It's beginning to look like that is an outdated attitude. About time!

harpster Level 3 Mar 11, 2019
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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