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Chris Hedges: Democrats may well lose to Trump again, and Bernie Sanders is "naive"


(The whole thing is heretical, and the failure on the part of the liberal church in the name of tolerance to call these people out has essentially given them a religious legitimacy that I find very frightening.)

I have occasionally made this same statement. Where are the organized religions as the horrific actions and growth of social inequality vastly increase goes on around the world against all people? They hide in corners in fear. Just like any remaining republicans with any sense of decent morality does, afraid to verbally denounce Trump. Same as the democrats. I recall the meeting between Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer over the "wall". Schumer, I thought was going to shake out of his shoes as Trump went on his little tirade. The uncomfortable feeling in him was pushing the obvious weakness out, the inability to muster a grain of courage to stand against Trump. Didn't even have the balls to just stand up and walk out from the tongue lashing on camera him and Pelosi received. They're all afraid of the backlash that comes on social media from the hoard of these Trump supporters. If anyone of us were to commit the threats and vile comments as these people do, we'd be suspended, possibly banned, and more likely to be reported to law enforcement.

[I predict that Donald Trump wins again in 2020, and wins the presidential election by a comfortable margin. Please convince me otherwise.]

(That is my fear as well. The Democrats' strategy is to play to the margins and by doing so slice away enough of the Trump vote to win. But again, the Democratic Party does not want to sever itself from Wall Street and all that corporate money, because the party hierarchy is the creation of that money and they wouldn't hold power without it.)

This is where I reiterate my usual, you can't change this party from within. And we're out of time trying to do this. Besides, it has proven to be a case of insanity. We must align ourselves with a 3rd party. And this is where I reiterate my other usual, the Green Party. The only party with a platform for people, peace, and planet. As weak as it is it is the only party with roots and enough power to be taken and turned into the equalizer in time.

I'm 58 years old, my time is coming near end. What do you want to leave behind for your grand children? I'm not talking about just politics here. Weigh it all out. These people ruling over us have a way out of what they've created. 2, maybe 3 decades if our grandchildren are lucky, the civilized world and planet are going to be drastically different from what we see today if this continues. While these people manage to go off and move to live in pristine areas, most of our families will be left in conditions only found now in large metropolitan 3rd world countries of poverty stricken rat infestations.

Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity - A Pentagon Video

According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and "Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent" thrown in. It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban hellscapes

William_Mary 8 Mar 15
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It could happen, but how long after it happens do the majority of people die because of a lack of resources, conflict, disease, etc?

Like I said before though, it's only going to get more totalitarian.


Well there’s a problem with the ideology as well as a solution.

Trump yesterday pretty much gave a green light for violence at political rallies especially those of his competitors.
And the second that someone dies or there’s a mass casualty incident just as what occurred in New Zealand legal action will taken against him.

At least in Bernie’s camps we’re trying to prepare for and address what may come from his statement so that those on our side aren’t the aggressors.

Actually I’ve said this from the beginning that there’s a plan for causing mass civil disobedience which would open the door for a declaration of martial law.
And when it’s all said and whoever wins will rewrite the constitution to reflect their side.

And to be very very real this country will never be whole again and yes there might then be mega cities but with or without the collapse of our republic.
The timeline is extremely overinflated it will be another 50 years before New York or Los Angeles reaches the capacity of Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Mexico City, or even parts of India.

And if no one has noticed that there’s definitely differences between us and them.
First off we’re in no way as small as Japan, or Korea.
Secondly even though we’ve overly promoted certain cities especially to foreigners the bulk of our industry spread throughout and we have plenty of usable land land in reserve.

And lastly even though there’s been propaganda that the human race is running out of land it has been proven that the world’s population could all fit into Alaska and with enough land to build a 1,000sqft home with a driveway and a backyard.

We as humans just need to encourage depopulation of these potential mega cities by advertising that other locations have the jobs, climate and adequate housing. But I’m just a guy who’s seen much of the world and the best and worst of humans. And I’ve been wrong at times.
So in some ways I hope that I’m wrong and others not so much.

48thRonin Level 8 Mar 15, 2019

I don't think the crisis is so much about population and land, but about population and resources.

@Piece2YourPuzzle If we have land then we have resources. We’ve just gotta nudge some people into understanding that if they like eating then they need to contribute to their own cause.

But also if we as as a society is to survive then we need to actually put a cap on population sizes within a certain radius or we need a Third World War hopefully one without nukes to reduce the numbers.

But that’s just my opinion once again.

@48thRonin land mass is going to shrink with climate change. We have already went over the tipping point of no return, governments refusing to acknowledge this and take actions to slow it down. Large parts of the planet are going to become to hot for human life, also taking vast amounts of farm land. Flooded out or also to hot to grow in. Willingness to accept this for our future families as you seem to be willing to do is not acceptable in my opinion. Quite frankly, that's exactly what got us here.

@William_Mary Well as you said we’re beyond the tipping point and if it’s completely accurate then mega cities will be nothing but a death bed for civilization because those are the areas that have contributed the most to the global warming crisis.

And yes some land mass will be lost and some areas will dry out but as long as there’s storms then there will be fresh water and we have the technology to turn salt water into fresh water.

We also have the knowledge and technology to grow food and maintain animals in harsh conditions.
And it’s not that there are people out there still driving a 1972 Cadillac that will result in global warming killing off large groups of society nor is it the government.

It will result from billions of people who being clueless and just expecting things to be there.
These are the same people who call and order food to be delivered during blizzards and lose their shit when no ones delivering.

And it may sound completely horrible but our civilization would benefit from loosing them and our government and society needs to not focus on maintaining places like New York and Los Angeles.
But instead places that will be able to support life with some adjustments.

And like how I feel or not this planet isn’t in a warming process it’s in a thawing process because before whatever hit this planet down in the Gulf of Mexico which created the ice age.
This planet was tropical and sub tropical for over 90% of its land masses.

The planet is simply returning to its normal state and all we’ve done is accelerated it which is something that I remember hearing about since the 70’s. But as usual no one wants to be preventive so here we are freaking out at the last damn second as always.

So no I’m not worrying about stopping the inevitable but instead adapting and overcoming. Which is why I’m moving more towards the center of the country.
And I’ve advised all of my family in Hampton roads Va to do the same and if they don’t that’s their decision.

Once I’m settled in I’m going to prepare for everything that I’ll need and for the worst that could happen. And if it’s not enough then this planet has had 5 mass extinctions and has bounced back so what’s to stop it from having 5 more?

@48thRonin we've had technology for decades to eliminate the issues we are facing today. But what good are they if you can't get the governments to enable them, as they do the bidding for the oligarchs. Expected? Right, we expect our government to do the right things for society. I guess I'll just keep fighting for future generations as you give up, dig in, excepting defeat. I believe our youth deserve a good fight from those of us who excepted to long. Their world should deserve that for our ignorance of not waking up sooner.

@William_Mary I hear you that nearly all governments have chosen to be paid instead of ensuring that their own grandchildren would have something worth having.

But the problem that I have is that I’m watching the world attempt to stop something that can’t be stopped by just now adopting preventive measures.

There’s an option but it’s extreme and would result in the loss of a billion or so lives and that’s to force several volcanoes to release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere along with ash cover.

This would result in a moderate and temporary ice age so to speak and it would buy us the time that we’d need to put these other measures into place and hopefully buy us more time to get where we need to be.

But this is being considered as too drastic (???)
But in reality we know that it would have a drastic effect on the global economy and well what will the Kardashian’s think as well. Which is why I kinda welcome the giant meteor for the most part if for nothing else than to hopefully clean the gene pool.

@48thRonin ummm, why not just enact the new green deal.

@William_Mary Because it’s framework that’s designed to create a compromise not an actual plan to be forcefully implemented.

I’m just saying that that we still have fossil fuleled vehicles being produced in greater numbers than electric or hybrid. And there’s no way remotely possible to replace them as well as I wanna see the government stop people from driving their gas/diesel powered vehicles without a war.

And just how does anyone plan on moving goods and cargo without using fossil fuels because the last thing that we need is for the Somali’s to get ahold of a nuclear reactor because how else are you going to move a freighter across the ocean without fossil fuel?

The plan says by 2030 but it would take at least 30 years to adapt our infrastructure. Sorry but it’s a great idea but it’s 50 years too late

@48thRonin our military uses the bulk of fossil fuels our society is accountable for. And I understand the use of fuel in transportation all to well. I've worked in it for the past 15 years. "It's 50 years to late" you're answering my questions and making my points in a lot of areas. Great strides can be accomplished in the social aspect of fossil fuels alone to begin a turn around. Other social transportation also. Again referring back to the limitations on technology our society has been engulfed in for the benefit of the oligarchs, on purpose. I don't want to quit riding my motorcycles either. But I'd welcome a regulation on times I can to a degree. Trade our cars in for electric cars I can afford. For the good of the future.

@William_Mary Just looking at what we’ve been talking about I feel that places where the population is larger than one million within a 5-10 mile radius that they should have to go electric first.

For one most people in those areas either don’t own a car and if they do it’s only one. Mass transit is already converting over, taxis are starting to go towards better efficient hybrids and if these cities were to do as Portland Oregon has by turning their sewer system into water generators then that would compensate for the needed electricity in order to charge electric vehicles.

There’s a lot than can be done to prolong our existence but I still feel as though unless we’re willing and able to sacrifice something of ourselves and I don’t believe that we’re ready yet


The squalor and strife of future urban existence has been very acurately portrayed by Science Fiction writers for over 70 years.......

jasen Level 8 Mar 15, 2019

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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