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Obama, Pelosi push Democrats further to the right


(Former President Obama sounded the same theme in remarks Saturday to a town hall organized by the Obama Foundation in Berlin, where he discussed the rise of the ultra-right in Europe and internationally and warned against any shift to the left in response to it. He denounced β€œleft” critics of the Democratic Party leadership for undermining party unity.)

This is where I remind you that under Obama's watch he helped support and fund an over throw of a democratically elected government and installed a fascist government with Nazi ties in Ukraine.

And here I'll remind you how Caitlin Johnstone adds this all up. And I agree 100%


William_Mary 8 Apr 8
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Obama is just another establishment tool that promotes status quo. He's one of the only people I know that can get progressives to eat up the idea of no positive change.

If the progressives are undercutting "Democratic allies" isn't that the point? To be PROGRESSIVE and not be status quo? He's basically saying they shouldn't disturb the conservative way of doing things. He's saying progressives are impeding the status quo that isn't being progressive.

He's so worried that 3 or 4 "far left", which is a fucking joke, politicians out of the hundreds of status quo corporate whores are going to undercut the shitty system for the rich.

So Obama supports shitty status quo Democrats like Biden, Beto, and Harris. What a surprise!

One is a creep who has a past of looking the other way on women who were abused as well as creeping on women, the other one has a voting record of a Republican, and the other one perpetuates the prison industrial complex values and mentality. Yep, we should support these people as true bastions of progressivism and liberalism and freedom lol

Biden also plagiarized in law school and lied about his academic record, promoted the "superpredator" mentality that went into the 1994 Crime Bill and talked down on minorities and their plot in life not caring about how it came to be or how to change it, said "'I'm not sorry for anything that I have ever done'", received 5 student draft deferments during Vietnam (the same as Dick Cheney), jokes about his sexual creepiness, has a history of calling not so good people decent guys - like Pence, Pompeo, Fred Upton, and Paul Ryan, has a history of siding with corporations and banks, voted for the Iraq war, voted for DOMA, looked the other way on Anita Hill, presented GWB with the Liberty medal, and on and on and on.

Yeah, let's support that scumbag and the status quo and not undercut people like him.

What a fucking joke that people still fall for this bullshit propaganda.

Does Obama or any other establishment Dem support health care for all single payer? Really support it? He's flip flopped on it before. Someone like Pelosi who has said she wanted single payer health care for her entire career shot it down when she had the chance to actually vote for it and make a practical change.

Obama's corporate and foreign policy are despicable.

Obamacare, as it's better than nothing or what the Republicans want which is probably nothing, is still more beneficial to corporations.

Always staying in the middle doesn't change much. There is a reason why conservative, moderate, and progressive/liberal have the definitions they have. Incremental change is not change.


"incremental change. A small adjustment made toward an end result. In a business environment, making an incremental change to the way that things are done typically does not significantly threaten existing power structures or alter current methods."

It's lip service.

How many times are people going to be fooled by these empty promises? Their ways don't work. Their ways don't change the system. It's obvious. They've had the reins for far too long. These guys are worried about progressives or liberals? They haven't had the reins of the system all this time. It's been status quo.

They keep lying that single payer health care for all isn't feasible or practical and we can't afford it, but there have already been studies that citizens would actually save money. That somehow a system that benefits the people in every other country that employs it would be a failure in the U.S. just doesn't stand up to reason.

Even in Cali, Anthony Rendon (Democrat) killed single payer for all. Rendon takes corporate money from corporations that oppose single payer. Should we believe him that it's not dead and they are just debating and discussing it?

The majority of Americans (~70%) support and want single payer for all. The politicians know this and still don't change it. They keep telling you we need to work on Obamacare. For what? Just implement the better system.

There has never been a health care system in the U.S. that has benefited the people more than it has the corporations. No matter how much incrementalism has been incorporated. Does Obamacare cover more people? Sure. Do the premiums and deductibles keep going up EVERY year? Yes. It's a cash cow for corporations. It's making families more and more broke by the year. Obamacare subsidies also are higher per person than Medicaid.

Why do people still support this incrementalist shit? It doesn't work!

These corporate Dems will never enact single payer as long as their corporate overlords are still contributing money to their campaigns, just like they do to the Republicans. That's not going to stop any time soon.

Also, how soon we forget when Bill Clinton initiated the draconian Crime Bill of 1994, or when Obama went along with almost every Bush II policy that had to do with restricting civil rights including the NSA surveillance program and The Patriot Act and the NDAA. How are these people considered "left wing" and why the hell should we listen to people like them when it comes to not undercutting the status quo to get what we actually want? None of it makes sense, at all!

You better be careful! People will start calling you Bill πŸ™‚

@William_Mary I don't get it. Why? Just call me blonde lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle there's not to many people around me that tend to be like me. That's what I tell them when they start sounding like me.

@William_Mary Ohhhhh BILL meaning William lol. My mind automatically went to Bill Clinton lol


Establishment people like Obama are just full of shit. It's so obvious, yet people are still blind.

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