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Bernie Sanders joins Trump’s attack on “open borders”


In a perfect world, open borders would be fine. No one I know is advocating for open borders! Most of the countries these people are coming from are rich in resources and or particular farming crops only found in their area to provide a decent economy. Poverty has been placed upon them by the western corporations and an agenda to pillage their resources. Sanders playing the open borders song and leaving out the reality of history is disgusting! He simply didn't have the balls to represent society as a whole. I can't believe I fell for his bullshit for as long as I did.

Unfortunately, we have a century of westernized interference to turn around south of us before we could begin to work on open borders. The damage we've caused is horrific!

William_Mary 8 Apr 9
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Establishment Dems started this and are trying to equate Bernie's words with Trump's position and words on immigration because he's their biggest threat in the primaries. It's pretty obvious what establishment Dems are doing. They're disgusting. I guess they and their supporters forget that there are numerous videos with Dem leadership including Obama and Pelosi talking about how immigration is a problem in the U.S. and that they voted for a border fence in 2006.

Also, since when did this position of open borders get labeled on the "left wing" or the Democrats? It's a ridiculous notion. What country or political group wants or actually has open borders where millions of people can just enter their society with no restrictions or documentation etc?

Most countries that have "open borders" only have them open between the country next to them for both countries OWN CITIZENS! Not people from dozens of other countries all over the globe. Times have changed. We got the Statue of Liberty in 1885. The poem about "give me your tired your poor" was written in 1883. It wasn't fixed to the Statue until 1903. This isn't 116 years ago. The population has increased. A lot has changed. I'm all for giving people asylum from brutal existences in other countries, but you can't just have "open borders".

Just like how Biden's team is trying to convince voters that somehow Bernie concocted Biden's creepiness or has exaggerated it with Biden touching, kissing, and invading the space of at least 9 women over the years.

Just like how Hillary's team was trying to paint Bernie as a sexist the last few years.

Agreed. This is a pretty ridiculous argument, we are so far away from this even being a real issue in the election. A whole lot of battles need to won before even thinking of taking on this one. Much bigger fish to fry. Who else has the history of fighting for the very things that are facing us right now? He isn't dictator lie Trump so he will have to make a compromise as anyone will have to but who else do you really think will stick up for the very things that may eventually lead to a world where you can argue over open borders? Most of them will cave to the enormous power that rules now. There is no one else I trust more because Bernie has fought for it for decades when it wasn't politically good for him to do so. That's when you know someone really means what they say. It's easy to say now but it wasn't a few years ago. You can watch him saying the same thing back in 1992 in Congress on youtube. The Democratic establishment puts out these attack articles as much as the right-wing. They are scared he will change the game that brings them so much money. Bernie is just the spearhead of a much larger movement growing, it's bigger than just Bernie so the change is coming for them no matter how much they attack him or the others like AOC.

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