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Behind the Omar Outrage: Suppressed History of 9/11

Trump’s demagogic ploy with the freshman lawmaker raises the more serious question of who and what led to the “Day of Planes,” writes Max Blumenthal.


(These people were in the CIA, USAID, and the National Security Council. Others, with names like Charlie Wilson, Jesse Helms, Jack Murtha, and Joe Biden, held seats on both sides of the aisle in Congress.)

I'm not fabricating the message when I attempt to lead you into believing both parties are working this worldwide control. The evidence has been decades in the making. I have mentioned Wilson a few times in the past, his actions in Afghanistan lead to what is going on in the Middle East today. This strategy is quite similar to those used in Central and South America.

(When they finally got what they wanted, dislodging a secular government that had provided Afghan women with unprecedented access to education, their proxies plunged Afghanistan into a war of the warlords that saw half of Kabul turned to rubble, paving the way for the rise of the Taliban. And these people remained totally unrepentant about the monster they had created.)

This very scenery is playing out in Libya today. After funding and arming terrorist, Hillieary Clinton, sent in the bombs, along with other countries, and destroyed the most adapt functioning country in Africa. Education, healthcare, rich in resources to provide all these and more for its people. The crime of Muammar Gaddafi, after being betrayed by the French, he broke free of the westernized pawn game he allowed them to engulf him in. Today, the very same fake government the westernized oligarchs supported to over throw and murder him have basically abandoned that government and another civil war has began. Another radical tyrant is now marching into Tripoli, to take over an already scarred country entangled in open air slave auctions and horrific treatment of women.

(Though the Blind Sheikh was eventually convicted in a terror plot contrived by a paid informant for the FBI, some people in federal law enforcement had been reluctant to indict him. “There was a whole issue about [Abdel-Rahman] being given a visa to come into this country and what the circumstances were around that,” one of his defense lawyers, Abdeed Jabara told me. “The issue related to how much the government was involved with the jihadist enterprise when it suited their purposes in Afghanistan and whether or not they were afraid there would be exposure of that. Because there’s no question that the jihadists were using the Americans and the Americans were using the jihadists. There’s a symbiotic relationship.)

This is where I remind you of the supposed end of ISIS in Syria that was wrapping up a couple of months ago. Where top commanders of ISIS and all the other various terrorist groups that eventually joined in as part of Al Qaeda, the White Helmets, at least 400, some reports say several hundred, were shuffled off to Jordan then spread out through at least 4 countries. The US, Canada, Brittan, Germany.

(According to The Washington Post, Bush exhibited an “expansive mood” that day, taking in a round of golf. “We are going to be struck soon, many Americans are going to die, and it could be in the U.S.,” CIA counterterrorism chief Cofer Black warned days later. Bush did not meet with his cabinet heads again to discuss terrorism until Sept. 4.)

Shortly after 9/11 a news program put out a documentary of what Max Blumenthal is talking about in those paragraphs. It was actually on TV! Once! You'll probably never see it again. It went into a hell of a lot more information, which I imagine is in Blumenthal's new book.

(Which people did which things to drag us into the political nightmare we’re living through? For those willing to cut through the campaign season bluster, Ilhan Omar’s comments dare us to name names.)

This is my deal with Omar. She leads me to believe she is playing the game the top democrats want her to play. If she isn't, why not call out Trump as being in bed with the very people who brought us 9/11?!? Force him to prove he isn't and ask for the 28 pages that Graham claims shows that top Saudi's, including some in the royal family, funded and supported the 9/11 terrorist. She has a ton of information at her finger tips, use it! Fight back! If she's what she says she is, she owes it to us.

William_Mary 8 Apr 18
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I hope I'm alive if the truth about 9/11 ever comes out. The people involved will probably be dead though. If they weren't then I'd be first in line to to have a small piece of retribution at their executions. I don't pretend to be a "better" human by not urging for revenge or preaching forgiveness. I think that stuff is in the same realm of there being a God. Let the motherfuckers suffer. I hope if it does happen, that the people will never trust this government ever again, but they will probably do what people always do.....put their head between their legs and go back to business as usual with their short memories.....just like they do after every proof of our corrupt government.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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