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The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders


(The only alternative to this is the struggle to unite the working class on an international basis, in a common struggle against the multinational corporations, the various capitalist states and global capitalism as a whole. In that struggle, the Chinese proletariat, the largest in the world, is objectively a great ally of the American working class, engaged in bitter struggles against some of the same transnational corporate giants that exploit American workers.)

What has happened since NAFTA was forced upon us was a disturbance of a natural order. Look at it much the same way you might see party divide here in the US between 3 countries. But job loss for the US to Mexico and China was well underway before NAFTA. And many either forget or don't realize that Reagan was the one that began the NAFTA agreement talks after signing the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement in 1988, as it was part of his idea in his 1980 campaign. This, NAFTA, was basically on the desk just waiting to be signed by Clinton when he took over in 92, after ironing out some details.

They pitted 3 countries against each other, as far as workers and farmers would see it, and of course the first big hit, as always with trade deals, the natural order of farming. While in the background China was soaking up the majority of bigger industrial manufacturing and the technology that came with it. That's where the US lost its natural order and today is in a, I'll call it, a manufactured complaint of technology theft. Seriously, if our companies didn't realize China was going to benefit off the technology being there, then they're pretty fucking stupid. I don't think that is the case though.

The Natural Order Disturbance

(In just the past nine months, the World Socialist Web Site has noted Sanders’ praise of warhawk John McCain; his celebration of the decision by Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, to pay Amazon workers a miserable $15 an hour (in many cases a pay cut because of the loss of other compensation); his support for US provocations against Venezuela; his boasting of being the best builder of the Democratic Party; his chiming in alongside of Trump in declaring his opposition to “open borders” and warning that an influx of impoverished refugees would threaten the living standards of American workers; and his criminal public silence on the British police seizure of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who now faces extradition to the United States and possible capital charges of espionage and conspiracy.)

If we weren't all tied up in manufactured warring from Reagan's era up to today, borders would not be an issue. The border wasn't an issue until Bush Jr and 9/11 hit us. As far as wall and fence talk goes anyways. Then you basically only had the migrants from the few countries Reagan was squashing and colonizing for corporations, then effected farmer workers coming looking for work after the trade deals. But then there have always been seasonal farm workers doing that anyways.

We get this over corporations paying their workers a fair share of the means. In a system like this the workers are easily manipulated into these situations. But if paid well providing everyone the opportunity to buy, the growth can filter to other countries to keep the natural order in place. Fewer need a reason to leave their country. But they don't want us well off, happy, and healthy, they live for greed. And we get politicians and bosses like the above who play chess with the natural order.

(The Socialist Equality Party warns workers and youth that the Sanders campaign of 2020, like its precursor four years ago, is aimed at trapping the movement of the working class within the confines of this right-wing capitalist party and blocking the emergence of a genuine, independent mass political movement of working people, fighting on a socialist and antiwar program.)

Sanders supporters fair warning.

I'm not hesitant about my past support for Sanders in 2016, or about now today denouncing him. His reactions and lack of actions of that election cycle speak volumes to his true colors, IMO.

William_Mary 8 May 6
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Yada Yada. Sanders is a democratic NOT autocratic socialist....but these terms are too deep, too complicated for most Americans to grasp and grapple with...

Sorry,, you naive ramblers get me upset...

Please...@William_Mary - just watch this....and realize that you are a card-carrying socialist if you pay in to - or get benefits security?

Obviously you don't know enough about me.

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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