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What and Who Gave Us Trump?

Why did Trump look around and think, "Hey, I can get away with this."? Well, take a look around.


Maybe his book expands on what's in the article, but it goes much deeper than the article. Under Reagan we had the beginning of a perception management program that lead us into illegal interference in Latin American governments and wars towards democratically elected rulers who didn't play by the westernized globalist rules. And lets not forget how even before that administration was in power, it had the power to end an attempt for a second term of Carter's presidency by illegally making a deal with Iran. Which ultimately via illegal arms sells bolstered a crack epidemic in the black community of LA that in time spread death and violence across America for nearly a decade. Also under that administration and under McCain we had another financial quagmire. The S&L scandal. Also which no one at the top paid a price for, but merely a few lowly middlemen that were scapegoated.

Then there was GWH Bush. You might want to believe that his "no new taxes" might have cost him his 2nd term. But I will argue it was because of his involvement of the wars in Central America, the Iran deal, and the constant persistence of Robert Parry's investigative journalistic work of Bush's involvement. He was scared of the truth coming out while holding the presidency. All Parry had to do was prove that one meeting with Bush's where abouts that are missing from the records that no one will talk about. And Bush's pardoning of his war hound Abrams was about all he could muster to keep himself save before getting out of town.

Why isn't Clinton running in 2020? For 8 years during the Obama era you heard it over and over. There wasn't to many months that could go by that some MSM didn't condition the population making sure that seed got planted. Every chance they got for a personal interview that seed was laid down and covered with dirt. Today, crickets. She's only there now to reinforce the Russiagate narrative. I will argue like Bush she is afraid of the potential possibility of the truth of her and the DNC's actions coming to light. She probably has one foot on a plane to a place she can't be touched, ready to go in a heartbeat.

You'll still play hell to convince me Trump wasn't set up to be president from the beginning. Nader is simply putting together all the puzzle pieces I keep harping on. Only I'm going back further. Essentially what has aspired is that our government, for the ruling class, has over at least 5 decades been conditioning us to accept their agenda through incremental changes to a point they are confident in taking larger leaps. And we just got handed a major leap in 2016. And the democrat party is essentially playing right along with it as they aren't taking any real measures to combat it other than lip service. Essentially we are looking at the Forth Reich as our government. They have over that time given up their war powers and given presidential powers out to a point they are basically ineffective. Everything concerning social justice goes to corporations and the most wealthy. And Trump is constantly using these matters to the advantage of, not us! And not the rest of the world!

You may be outside of the US, but the same thing is going on in your country or one near it. Might want to ask yourselves, just who's Empire is it? Because this isn't just an American thing! This is a world war being waged in a whole new way. And right now they think they have us all mindless and subservient. Unfortunately, most of us are way to comfortable watching others getting marched over.

William_Mary 8 May 25
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Damn! Now you want me to think about things I feel powerless to counteract. I somewhat agree with the premise, the obscenely wealthy want to stay that way and money talks. In politics it talks loudly. My choices are to write letters to my representative, who is a repub completely in lockstep with idiotrump and mealy mcconnell, go to the ballot box and vote for someone to replace all of them, but since everyone is in on the secret money, there is no best person anymore. We need a little more information, structure, assistance and most of all MONEY. I refer you to Democracy in Chains, bu Nancy Maclean.

I'll have to look into that. I see she is involved in some discussion groups, one on her book, on Youtube.

I haven't read it, but the description seems interesting about the radical right wing's stealth plan. I truly believe most of our politicians are right wing whether they are in the Rep or Dem Party. The media is right wing. All the actual left wing politicians never get the air time or support from their parties or the mainstream media. The U.S. constantly demonizes left wing countries and left wing politics in general. They falsely label anything left of center as socialism or communism.


Can't argue with that rant. I keep hoping people will wake up.


People are just fucking dumb lol

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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