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Trump’s Re-election Campaign Launches on a Loud Fascist Note


{This proven liar, this serial screwer of his own people, often manages to salt his rants with just enough hard truth to make his adherents feel like revolutionaries for standing by him even as he steals their future and poisons their well.}

As I have noted a number of times here, Trump brilliantly used the truth to con his supporters. Even about fake news from probably one of the best at fake news, Fox, as they again so boldly cover this rally in the article.

{The fact that Trump has convinced a swath of the populace, represented in Orlando by that seething crowd, that he is on their side while being perhaps the most successful grifter in the history of the District is a trick many in national politics would love to emulate.}

But they have! In slow increments since the Reagan era. Bush Jr. expanded that agenda with perpetual warring in the Middle East which Obama built on, a silent public gave insurance to expand again to test fascism with Trump. This is what a silent ignorant society who is seemingly willing to the allowance of the sacrifice of your families will bring a nation. Thousands in deaths in illegal wars with 10's of thousands maimed and mentally damaged, a nation losing in suicides from over doses more than that of the next 3 causes of deaths combined.

(Trump’s base is highly motivated, the media loves a spectacle, and the Democratic Party is presently fractured along primary and impeachment fault lines (especially after the entrance of “centrist” candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden)

And this is where a system is stacked against Sanders. Another fake cause of conship of the people. Make no mistake about it, the amount of democrats in the run is no coincidence. It's a means for the super delegates to decide the outcome. And even though Biden is being banged around like a pin ball in a machine of scandal, he remains. I have little doubt they'll push him all the way to the top. Sanders however will not use the truth outside of the machine, but in coning methods within losing again. He will not even mention the truths of what our society receives or how it is used against us.

And this time around, the republican party is totally backing Trump and put together loads of money to support him. The entire establishment is gearing up for another 4 years of Trump. Make no mistake about it, what ever you hear from any establishment outlet about wall street, corporations, or ruling class not liking him, they have been loving him and the results he has brought them!

Even as this article goes into that, all one has to do is asked this. Then why hasn't any of those entities the writer speaks of put up opposition to Trump? Have you heard of even one republican mention even a possible run? Or even conduct an exploration to run? I have not. And as he also goes into the quagmire of incompetences of Trumps administration, those that have the power to address those issues, congress and senate, have not done so. That is a loud reality everyone needs to take concern to! Not only that, they have bent over giving Trump uncontitutional powers and allowed him to get away with more than any president before him!!! Have I mentioned anything about a test yet!?! Silence? Where's our forth estate!?!

William_Mary 8 June 20
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Trump is as establishment as it gets. Tax breaks for the rich, wanting to gut social programs, military action and threats to numerous nations. The guy said publicly on video that we should just go into countries and take their oil etc. What has he actually done to buck the system? Nothing. What has he done to make it better for the people and take on the 1%? You can only say you're an outsider so much without actually showing it. The QAnon crowd thinks it's all part of his master plan to get rid of the deep state. Smh.

Democratic Party politicians are so against him that most of them voted to increase military spending under him lol. They voted to give him more military power when they claimed he was a Russian agent.

Sanders should be doing nothing but going all out. This is his last hoorah. I would be breathing fire if I was him. He knows they're stacking the deck against him again. He knows the situation probably plays out where none of them get the required delegates in the first round and they screw him with the superdelegates. If he doesn't go all out then what does that say?

I should also say it might not even get out of the first round. The vote will be so diluted between progressives and liberals between Bernie, Gabbard, and Warren, that Biden might just win enough delegates in the first round.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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