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From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

Far from being the work of a single political party, intelligence agency or country, the power structure revealed by the network connected to Epstein is nothing less than a criminal enterprise that is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and control.


{One of the key players in the Iran-Contra affair was Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, uncle of the slain Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. One lesser known fact about Adnan Khashoggi is that, at the time of his Iran-Contra dealings, he was working for the Israeli Mossad, according to former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky.}

Jamal knew to much and had to be taken out. The Saudis must of thought he was going to start talking about their ties to Trump and the world cabal.

The thing I'm learning from all this is essentially that of what I've felt all along. We are so deep in this world criminality that it may be to late to turn it around. Even Carter is mentioned in this article. He's right in the thick of all this to where it's undeniable for him to claim he didn't have knowledge of it. Which explains his workings in the Middle East aspect during his administration. I no longer can spout off ignorance on his part or betrayal to him by others. Which explains his silence on the conspiracy of the Iran hostage situation used to block his 2nd run. Just as Sanders betrayal the country, Carter has done so as well. Now we know why.

Remember my words!?! These people are playing chess while they have us playing checkers. They are years in moves ahead of us. They have dirt on everyone that is seen as anyone. Once they have the dirt they can place them anywhere and use them anyway they want. If any of them fall out of line or reach their end of means, they are taken out. So you think a world cabal made up of the worlds ruling class, leaders, politicians, intelligence, and drug lords is just a "conspiracy theory"? This series on the Epstein case outlining the history of where he came from has that theory all wrapped up in it. And I'll tell you there are a lot of people we don't know or hear about who actually lead this cabal. And they don't want you to know who they are or their names. And they go to great deadly lengths with high payouts to keep it that way. They aren't even on Forbes top list of the worlds most wealthy.

Take notice of the mention of Hong Gong in the article also. I will argue that HG is China's own unwanted Little City Of London. Which is why it is blasted in our news cycle today within a false narrative. The ruling class need to keep it safe from any sense of real exposure to its criminal actions, which are many, that China MIGHT want to expose. I underscore might for a reason?

{While this network has long been able to ensure its success through the use of sexual blackmail, often acquired by the unconscionable exploitation of children, it has also been a driving force behind many other ills that plague our world and it goes far beyond human and child trafficking. Indeed, many of the figures in this same sordid web have played a major role in the illicit drug and weapons trades, the expansion of for-profit prisons, and the endless wars that have claimed an untold number of lives across the world, all the while enriching many of these same individuals.}

Here's the sickening aspect of the power to rule. It's more difficult to get the politician or figure of potential use caught in the act of monetary, weapons, and drug related crimes, so they target the nature of men using their natural sexual appetite. And they'll use vulnerable children and underage females and males they view as lowly to accomplish their blackmail schemes. Which is part of the reason the European mentality of men ruling the political class is hard to escape. Men are easier to trap. Only if a woman is tied to a trapped man like Hillary Clinton can you control her. Then it is a willing collaboration.

Giants: Who Really Rules The World?

Abby Martin sits down with Peter Phillips, former director of Project Censored and professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. His new book “Giants: The Global Power Elite” details the 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors.

William_Mary 8 Aug 24
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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