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Meet the Oligarchs Funding Campaign to Kill Anti-Poverty Programs

Top funders behind a campaign against food stamps and Medicaid include some well-known rightwing political megadonors.


Notice how all these names for these foundations and NGO's {non government groups} may give you a sense they're there to help, provide a path towards self betterment. That's so that when they or a group come to you looking for donations, with a stated twist to their agenda they seem to have a sense of caring, while the money you give actually creates more problems and harm.

As usual, looking at all the money these groups bring in, they could actually be a source to vastly help the issues they fight against. Which is evidence of an agenda to produce more poverty and suppression. Which is also evidence our politicians are in knowing collaboration. These foundations and NGO's rake in the money from these rich people and companies, in which they (the rich) hide behind, they go to our politicians in a form of lobbying our politicians, our politicians adhere to their agenda often passing legislature written by the foundation and NGO's.

It's basically a willing ponzi scheme among the rich and politicians we also get caught in when we ignorantly donate to these groups. You'll never know just who you're giving your money to when they come up to you in stores, mailer adds, religious groups are very good for this, workplaces, etc. You see the name and hear the twisted statement and think it's for a good cause, when we're actually curbing our neighbors, our own. In the shadows though, that money is being filtered into the wages of high income CEO's of these foundations and NGO's, political donations to the bought off politicians, back to the rich when the politicians reward them in further acts of deregulation and turning a blind eye to various laws they stretch and break. Because they know much of the money in donations they receive came through a back door of a PAC from these foundations and NGO's from them. It's the same system we find in the energy sector of our country also. Where our tax dollars are used as subsidies.

William_Mary 8 Sep 14
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