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Tulsi Says DNC, Corporate Media Are "Trying to Hijack Entire Election Process"


I received this story from 2 groups on facehack. One above being IVN and the other being a member of the Ben Swann group I'm in which leads to a Twitter account. Now I'm no fan of Gabbard as some of you might recall. As I have posted about her connections to Bannon and far right nationalist government in India from her father. Which is in control of that country right now. But you can find the link below to the Twitter story along with my response to it. As I, you might find the many responses full of empty establishment rhetoric that mis the real reasons to bring question to one when they think about Gabbard. And the amount of responses that are simply hateful without needed reason and basically of an incoherent nature.


The comments on Twitter are sad! A bunch of twits. Now I understand how they came up with their name. They knew the American public are mostly twits living in a delusional reality that has been conditioned for them through perception management. I have my issues with Gabbard but she came out with the truth. She should have exposed this as she left the DNC in 2016. And the townhall meeting that made Twitter months ago that a woman interfered in when the question was brought up. Sanders, the con artist, should be speaking out about this also and backing Gabbard on this. If they were to have been speaking on this from the end of the last election and putting the pieces together since, they'd be ripe for the pair going to the White House in 2020. But they're both part of the corrupt system. She's to late and now most likely about to end her career playing this song now.

William_Mary 8 Oct 12
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Now that Zuckerberg has met Trump and agreed to run some political ads with known falsehoods we can look for lots of fun before election time. I've also heard that Trump has the info and certain people from the now defunct Cambridge Analytica working for him.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 12, 2019

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