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Trump, Impeachment & Forgetting What Brought Him to the White House

In their frenzy to bring down this president, Andrew J. Bacevich sees centrist elites rushing to bury any recollection of the catastrophes that paved the way to his election.


{As this process unspools, what politicians like to call “the people’s business” will go essentially unattended. So while Congress considers whether or not to remove Trump from office, gun-control legislation will languish, the deterioration of the nation’s infrastructure will proceed apace, needed healthcare reforms will be tabled, the military-industrial complex will waste yet more billions, and the national debt, already at $22 trillion — larger, that is, than the entire economy — will continue to surge. The looming threat posed by climate change, much talked about of late, will proceed all but unchecked. For those of us preoccupied with America’s role in the world, the obsolete assumptions and habits undergirding what’s still called “national security” will continue to evade examination. Our endless wars will remain endless and pointless.}

This right here makes the first sentence leading into the first paragraph a fallacy: There is blood in the water and frenzied sharks are closing in for the kill. Or so they think.

From the time of Donald Trump’s election, American elites have hungered for this moment. At long last, they have the 45th president of the United States cornered. In typically ham-handed fashion, Trump has given his adversaries the very means to destroy him politically. They will not waste the opportunity. Impeachment now — finally, some will say — qualifies as a virtual certainty:

The elites, and the rich republican and democrat representatives that serve them, have vastly benefited from Trump being president. The democrats from 2018 now having power haven't done a god dam thing to combat anything Trump and the republicans have done to move this country the farthest to the right in history, or towards accomplishing anything in that paragraph. If you think for one second that the ruling class and these representatives aren't putting up the greatest facade of all time of their false hate of Trump, as they did in the 2016 primary cycle, then you simply haven't been paying attention to the reality of what has been happening for the past 3 years. Them - everything---Us - nothing. And the world is ablaze in fires and wars in which the only country seemingly not protesting the greatest crimes on humanity and the planet is, the US. We have been conditioned into such depths of complicity by them and their main stream media that the next election has us already at a loss. No matter what party breaks through the fake electoral process as a winner.

The move to the right since 2016 will never be reversed and after 2020 it will grow even more rapidly within our consent of further compliance. Do you think Obama leaving some 108 federal judge seats open to be filled wasn't by design? He had less than half that when he took office. He not only left us under represented by not filling those seats but allowed them to substantially grow to our disadvantage. Then you have 145 federal district judges,14 court of appeals judges with 1 supreme court placement. Very likely going to be at least 1 other supreme court placement. When Trump walked into the white house he was looking at 267 appointments to turn the courts to the right. And 2 weeks ago he seated 40 new judges. Which my last count puts him about half of those 267. Just like with his administration appointments we are getting no fettered due process from those supposedly representing the people, constitution, or bill of rights. [] These people are on a free for all against us and loving every minute of it! And you can be sure before Trump walks out, whether it be 2020 or 2024, if not every one of those seats are filled most will be.

{So if Trump finds himself backed into a corner, Democrats aren’t necessarily in a more favorable position. And that ain’t the half of it. Let me suggest that, while Trump is being pursued, it’s you, my fellow Americans, who are really being played. The unspoken purpose of impeachment is not removal, but restoration. The overarching aim is not to replace Trump with Mike Pence — the equivalent of exchanging Groucho for Harpo. No, the object of the exercise is to return power to those who created the conditions that enabled Trump to win the White House in the first place.}

This is like the rules of your local neighborhood bar. Rule 1: The bartender is always right. Rule 2: If bartender is wrong, see rule 1. No matter how you view what is being done around the world, within our country, constitution or bill of rights, innocent or guilty, wrong or right, the ruling classes verdict is rule 1, right or wrong. And I as always will argue that the power never left those who created the conditions, and Trump is part of "those" who create the conditions.

{Holding promised security assistance hostage unless a foreign leader agrees to do you political favors is obviously and indisputably wrong. Trump’s antics regarding Ukraine may even meet some definition of criminal. Still, how does such misconduct compare to the calamities engineered by the “centrists” who preceded him? Consider, in particular, the George W. Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003 (along with the spin-off wars that followed). Consider, too, the reckless economic policies that produced the Great Recession of 2007-2008. As measured by the harm inflicted on the American people (and others), the offenses for which Trump is being impeached qualify as mere misdemeanors.}

Sadly he leaves out the Obama play in Ukraine. Which would be as relevant to todays facade.

{Trump’s critics speak with one voice in demanding accountability. Yet virtually no one has been held accountable for the pain, suffering, and loss inflicted by the architects of the Iraq War and the Great Recession. Why is that? As another presidential election approaches, the question not only goes unanswered, but unasked.}

Not even his own supporters as Trump himself declared he'd address.

William_Mary 8 Oct 12
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