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AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation

A review launched by Attorney General William Barr into the origins of the Russia investigation has expanded significantly amid concerns about whether the probe has any legal or factual basis, multiple current and former officials told NBC News.


Off my MSM homepage new feed, right our of the gate, as those who follow closely here, I don't, or try not to jump the gun to soon on fresh news. I'm patiently waiting for an update from Ray McGovern or the VIPS to relate to this. But basically what we have here is more evidence to my goal in this group of both parties working in unison.

What you should take from this article is that there's nothing new. Seemingly going to be just more wasted time and money put forth to another distraction tactic. Actually the only new thing that might come to mind isn't in the article. That being with Clinton now leaving her closet of skeletons after guarding them for several months is feeling secure enough to leave them unguarded or alone to continue within her creation of Russian fear mongering.

As you'll see here as in the past, the narrative is hack, related to Russia. While not a mention to government or intelligence sources seems to be of concern. Not once is that narrative challenged with the word leak. Better yet, DNC leak.

Deep State: The Republican party just separated themselves as a partner of the Deep State?: {Republicans have suggested the investigation stemmed from a plot by members of the Obama Administration and career intelligence officials in what they call the “Deep State,” to undermine Trump.} How convenient. Seriously, the intelligence apparatus has never benefited the Republican party in our history? Here we are again with the new use of Deep State by our politicians and media. Yes, that Deep State that doesn't exists. Until it benefits them to exist.

Speaking of intelligence apparatuses. Notice once again that only a select few agencies are mentioned, not 17. Although with Clinton making her rounds again and attacking Gabbard and Stein, I'm fairly confident that her and the media will pull that string in time.

{Under that discredited theory, Ukraine, not Russia, hacked the Democrats in 2016.}

So Trump wants to go on another witch hunt, !his words! to the Ukraine. Lets talk about discredited. In the case of this article, lets not. Because all the discredited areas of this bullshit that alternative journalist have brought to light, like Ray McGovern and the VIPS, and several journalist, Barr and his investigator haven't mentioned any real attempt to seek real evidence. Just going down the same ole clown posse road to nowhere.

{He continued: "United States government reached its conclusion on attributing to Russia the DNC hack in 2016 before it even communicated it to the FBI, long before the FBI ever knocked on the door at the DNC. So a server inside the DNC was not relevant to our determination to the attribution. It was made up front and beforehand."}

That pretty much sums it all up. The key, the very key, evidence to all this was not seen as relevant!?! No one wants the truth to be released to the public! The NSA who collects all internet movement around the globe and has the ability to track any source of a hack to its location just decided not to do their job on this one? And the FBI left their job to a private entity who just happens to have an agenda against the Russians government also.

Barr=bigger rabbit hole to waste=both parties in collaboration=Trump and Clinton, one in the same.

William_Mary 8 Oct 20
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I like how people think that one half of the establishment with the same foreign policy agenda is going to expose the other half and it's entire intelligence community that makes it possible.

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