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The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were To Make Public

The Washington Post has published clear, undeniable evidence that US government officials have been lying to the public about the war in Afghanistan, a shocking revelation for anyone who has done no research whatsoever into the history of US interventionism.


{After all, by WaPo’s own admission it both sought and published the Afghanistan Papers in order to take a swing at Donald Trump. According to the Post it went down this path in 2016 initially seeking documents on Michael Flynn, who was then part of the Trump campaign, after receiving a tip that he’d made some juicy statements about the war in Afghanistan to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). WaPo then made the decision to publish the papers now rather than waiting for its legal battle for more information to complete because Trump is currently in the midst of negotiating with the Taliban over a potential troop withdrawal.}

SO, before you go thinking the Washington Post is some kind of heroic news outlet changing their colors, just take to mind they had an agenda going into this, and still on an agenda today. With the second riches man owning the outlet, a few sacrificed people doesn't mean much to someone in bed with the intelligence agencies. He pretty much owns them, as well, as they use each other to keep the delusional reality in tact. And with the short memory span of the American public, getting back on track will be rather simple. This is merely a means to keep those living in the illusion trapped in the facade they aren't a fake news outlet. It's a win win for the wapo.

{I mean, it’s not like the Afghanistan Papers revealed anything we didn’t already know. It’s been public knowledge for many years that there was a preexisting agenda to invade Afghanistan well before September 11, it’s been public knowledge that many lies were put in place after the invasion, and it’s been public knowledge for a long time that we’re being lied to about how well the war is going. All these new revelations did was reify and draw attention to what anyone with an ear to the ground already knew: like all other US-led military interventions, we were lied to about Afghanistan. It’s not like the US government was staving off some massive unknown bombshell revelation with its resistance to WaPo’s FOIA requests. Yet it resisted them anyway, just because it was more convenient.}

With that said, I rest my case. As silverotter also stated in the first post on this issue. When these outlets start real coverage of the last 18 years we gone without it, and on the 7 wars we are presently in now that few know of, not counting the wars within sanctions on other countries, might we be actually having changing colors.

William_Mary 8 Dec 11
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My brother is in the Canadian Army. He spent three missions, totaling two years in Afghanistan. I always had mixed emotions about what he was doing there, like if the bad guys were on both sides of that war.

I'm sorry! I imagine that is a struggle you have to face from within. While I have no family that I know of in that aspect, I, like many I would imagine, struggle on the patriot aspect. For the record though, my intent here is never about bringing shame on anyone for their service or bringing shame on our country, or anyone else's country, for the imperialistic manufactured warring agendas being played out. My intentions are purely about changing the criminals leading us down that path.

PTSD is probably a result of many coming home feeling the same from forced involvement. I've worked with some who explained their discontent with their time in Iraq and Afghanistan. As soon as 2005 I was getting stories from those who served in Iraq and seen horrors and felt the confusion of purpose. The reasons are endless, but mirrored by many. Over 18 years we have had all the evidences leaked out of what would lead to this, which the MSM has never covered. Veterans groups who speak out about it, families angered and speaking out, 9/11 families, will not be allowed. They can't get a platform but they are out there. And to get a platform would mean tolerating a growing outcry which would cause more families to join a movement to quell the warring and bring awareness to those still trapped in the illusion.

Or those who are there but fear the backlash of the minions without a sense of sincere empathy within their fake patriotism. And those are the one's I attempt to speak for.

I glad your brother made it home safe and hope he survived from the worst many came back with.


The great thing about revealing at last truths about 10 or more years ago is that they were done under previous administrations and of course the present one is not like that.


Definitely propaganda.


This country cannot support the bloat without a war.

Ever since the end of the 30's depression we have been on a war economy.

One of these days those truly running the country will pick the wrong location for the next war.

moosepucky Level 7 Dec 11, 2019

They already have. How much worse can you get than Russia, China, and Iran?

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