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Lawrence Wilkerson on Trump’s Iran aggression: same neocon lies, new target

As millions of Iranians mourn the US murder of Qassem Soleimani, ex-Bush administration official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discuses the parallels between Bush’s war on Iraq and Trump’s campaign against Iran; the history of US shunning diplomacy with Tehran; and how an addiction to war drives US foreign policy.


Here's another good discussion with Aaron Mate and Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. I've watched many of Wilkerson videos at TRNN which is where Mate use to be. Years ago Wilkerson hinted, stated, we'd be in Afghanistan for half a century. Well it seems he is well within reason and the people in the US don't seem to mind either 😟 In this interview he also reinforces Wesley Clark's claim of invading 7 countries as we went into Afghanistan. For those who might not know, Wilkerson was part of the Bush administration. He explains to a light degree of how the plans were to go, while also stating that not only, as the recent Afghan papers reveal, the people heading this war plan didn't have a clue what they were doing in any of it throughout the entire region.

God dam mit! Bush might have had some what of a brain after all!

Condi Rice a liar!?! Say it isn't so!

Wisdom, smart, from Iran!?! Who dah thunk that would be spoken? Another X American military man making Iran out to be the adults on the playground.

The only thing about Wilkerson in this I found humorous is, he doesn't seem to understand Trump supporters well at all!

If I can't get you to watch this video, and I know I get very few who do 😟 at least spend a couple minutes on when Mate ask Wilkerson a question on Iran starting at about 20:20 to end the conversation! And take to mind what Wilkerson's response is! It's absolute proof to our current government being bought and paid for! And our soldiers are mere pawns for their agendas! And our tax dollars feed this agenda when we could be solving so many issues here at home and advancing our society into a century I'll argue we are well behind on because of it.

William_Mary 8 Jan 12
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