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The main stream media cannot tell you what is really going on as they have to write stuff the way advertisers want them to write it. There is only a handful of media owners around the world, ie Rupert Murdoch for one. Papers and TV programs make money on advertising not selling papers, if they don't write or "show" programs the way the advertisers want them to they will not get the business, so watch and read independent news and you will know what is going on.

Jolanta 9 Feb 5
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Who would that be. You would know nothing of what trump has done with out the mainstream news. That is fact. Fox is not news. They don't have to be because they are not licensed by the government. ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS are. Those mainstream news organizations are the only reason we have a democracy period. Independent news has uncovered nothing. It has really been the NY Times and the Washington Post who have uncovered most of trump's shenanigans.

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 5, 2020

You work for the CIA spreading disinformation? If not you're completely liberally news conditioned. Spend more time here! I also have a list of media sources on the Welcoming Page that provides a complete variety of all aspects of political information to keep you informed. A financial show and a show on government and corporate crimes. A news show by Rick Sanchez that covers today's events better than anything you mentioned providing more details within an unbiased nature. Which you'll never hear mentioned on your news sources covered the way Rick Sanchez and his team do. If those are your only news sources you don't know news!

All independent and people who can't get on main stream media because they tell you shit that main stream media are suppressed from telling you by their owners.

FAIR has done numerous reports on mainstream media bias. They have shown that most "experts" on these mainstream media shows are all government/ex-government, corporate, military/ex-military shills that spread establishment agenda talking points etc. Add into that known CIA involvement in mainstream media and it's just the 4th branch of the government.

@Piece2YourPuzzle If that were true we wouldn't even exist as a country. That is fact. As I said the ONLY reason yo9u know what you know is because of main stream media. If you think that somehow, at sometime the big money and power brokers are not going to run the country, keep dreaming. That is and has been the way of the world since recorded history. whether it is a village, cty, state, or country. The people can only try to keep it in check to some degree.

@Sticks48 "If that were true we wouldn't even exist as a country." - How so?

"As I said the ONLY reason yo9u know what you know is because of main stream media." - Not true at all.

"If you think that somehow, at sometime the big money and power brokers are not going to run the country, keep dreaming. That is and has been the way of the world since recorded history. whether it is a village, cty, state, or country. The people can only try to keep it in check to some degree." - Yet you say the mainstream media is the only reason why we have a democracy.

@Piece2YourPuzzle We might exist but not as a democracy. Mainstream media is the only reason period. Show me a democracy that doesn't have a mainstream media and show me a totalitarian government where there is a mainstream media. Nothing bores me more than conspiracy theories. I am 71 and have never seen one proven in my lifetime.

@Sticks48 Because the government is tied into the mainstream media they don't need to be a "totalitarian" government. They control the narrative which controls the public's minds. That's all they need. This is no conspiracy theory. You just haven't done any research on it I'm very sure.

@Piece2YourPuzzle HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You so funny, but I wouldn't take it on the road yet. 🙂

@Sticks48 Thank you for letting us know you have no argument. Any reasonable person would have researched the FAIR reports, just for starters, but you didn't. Instead, you chose to try to insult me.

@Piece2YourPuzzle I just look at facts. FAIR is not listed on anyone's list of a neutral arbiter. If I insulted you it was purely intentional I assure you. 🙂

@Sticks48 Oh, you're "one of those". You only trust CNN etc. Get off the teet.

@Piece2YourPuzzle l look at all of them and then use my fucking brain. I don't trust any one source. Anyone who trusts one or two sources is either intellectually lazy or an idiot.

@Sticks48 You are conflating me using FAIR as a source with just trusting them. On the other hand, you said they aren't on a "list" therefore they aren't credible. Talk about being intellectually lazy or being an idiot.

@Piece2YourPuzzle As I said it is something I checked into. I think you are a moron you think I am an idiot. The fact you think I am an idiot makes me feel that much more sure and confident in my position, so lets leave it at that. This is getting redundant and boring.

@Sticks48 You think I'm a moron because I presented the name of an organization that does reports on mainstream media that you refuse to even read based on a mention that they aren't on a "list" that is approved by some authority. Couple that with you saying that power brokers and big money runs the country, but the mainstream corporate media (owned by 5 or 6 corporations) is the only reason why we have a democracy. THAT'S why I think you're an idiot! You are not a rational person, and you can't even see that you are contradicting yourself.

.....but yes I agree, this is redundant and you are boring me.


Very true. There is also the issue that they are constantly competing for access to high profile people so, in order to secure access, they cover those people in a favorable light rather than reporting unbiasedly

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