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Not so long ago a conservative work mate of mine told me outright that Medicare for all would cost us 93 trillion dollars. I immediately thought he was pulling that figure out of his backside.

Just yesterday I am in discussion with a friend on issues and this come up again. My friend says Medicare for all is impossible because it will cost us 93 trillion dollars and the entire net worth of America is 94 trillion dollars.

OK, there you have it folks. Big Pharma has spoken and other countries that have already achieved these goals for their citizens apparently have much more money than we do. You just can't fix stupid.

DenoPenno 9 Feb 29
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As an update to this post I was listening to The Dave Weinberg radio program on 92.9 FM Friday 3-6-2020 when the same question came up about how unreasonable any program like Medicare for all would be. Dave says it is impossible because the total wealth of America is 98 trillion dollars. If we even tried this sort of program would we be like Russia or maybe worse? It just will not work.

There you have it again. Big Pharma wins and countries smaller than us have so much more wealth than us. Besides that it is socialism but Trump bailing out the farmers is not socialism. WTF is wrong with people? Can nobody think any longer?

DenoPenno Level 9 Mar 7, 2020

This is much more complicated than these silly proclamations indicate.

"93 trillion dollars?" Over what period of time,? And in what contexts?

What is the total cost to the economy from sick people not working?

How much are we already paying? What is happening with the money,....

Healthy people are better for the economy. How is that not a starting point in these conversations?

JacarC Level 8 Feb 29, 2020

You are right. It would seem that everyone would do better with healthy people in our economy. Also, it is hard to compute the total cost of a healthcare plan when many people that would have it are actually not using it.


Last I read, it would cost about $34t over 10 years. There have also been studies that have shown that it would cost less than what health care costs now. People ask Bernie to explain how he's going to pay for it in a 40 second response. Then when he starts they just cut him off or make fun of it. They don't want to hear that you have to take away the tax breaks from the rich and corporations and reduce defense budget spending.

In 2014, we spent $3t. In 2015, we spent $3.2t. In 2016, we spent $3.3t. In 2017, we spent $3.5t. In 2018, we spent $3.6t.

Notice anything? It keeps going up every year since the system began, and in the last 5 reported years it's cost $16.6t. Over a 10 year period with it's increases it's going to cost more than the projected cost for Medicare for All and it's going to keep getting worse.

So what we have now costs more. So the question really is, how are you going to keep paying for the current system? Why would you want to? It costs more for less.

He does not need to cut defence, though he should, as taxing the most wealthy would easily pay for his ideas.

@rogerbenham in respect to healthcare there's no need to tax as I understand it. Under a universal healthcare system we pay for it within the yearly tax system at a lower rate compared to us presently paying from our existing monthly payments to a company saving us hundreds a year.

Ending subsidies to profitable corporations alone could pay for re instituting federal cuts to state and local issues. Our national government is currently attempting to abandon any sense of social construct to support society in regards to accommodate a changing social structure as technology and energy bring signs of change. They chose instead to cling on to a dying outdated system rather than to use the future to create jobs as the planet fails beneath us.

They allow these corporations and the most wealthy to spend more money buying them off to keep a failing system afloat than it would take if they simply applied that to the issues we face. Hell, we don't even have election cycles any longer! These entities are spending billions from the end of one to the next preparing to undermine society to the amount we shouldn't even have issues! And then people are crazy enough to send their hard earn money to the fucking establishment politician of their choice on top of that!?! That's basically going out and buying a gun and handing it over to the home intruder and getting on your knees as you hand them the loaded gun. What's this tell you where we as a people are in politics? Most of us can't even put the pieces of this puzzle together to understand we are being totally screwed and helping to screw ourselves at the same time. It's insanity!

All the money being spent to suppress us is more than it would cost for us all to have what we see as fair needs and income times over. If we all had a unison mind to relate that to our politicians and governance as a whole the game should be over! Key word----game. Why the game? Why can't we all just get rid of the game!?! Why don't the many who are loosing in the game unable to see this?

@William_Mary Quite so. You see it. I see it. The majority can't see the wood for the trees. If you could read their thoughts you would get horribly depressed. They would think you a shit disturber.


Over how many years!?! 😟

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