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COVID-19: Prepared for the Wrong War

After All Man’s Defenses Had Failed, Slain
By the Humblest Thing Put Upon This Earth’


[“Code-named ‘Crimson Contagion’ and imagining an influenza pandemic, [it] was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August. ]

I might argue that this again suggest they knew what was coming. But rather than prepare for it as a social issue used it towards other beneficial means for the capitalist.

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William_Mary 8 Mar 23
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The comments at the end of the article were a mixed bag. I think one even thought trump was doing a great job (not sure that person actually comprehended what they read). Clearly this situation has been in the making for years due to the military industry machine's desire for only the best toys. This is now on trump and his admin, and henceforth I'll call it the trump virus.
Imports of PPE's were cut by at least 25% with trumps tariff war with CHina and while we could have shifted to other countries or manufactures that ass was NOT covered and is still hanging out there fartin' noxious bullshit.
The dems were focused on going after trump for wrong doing and frankly I do not blame for that, trump needs to be exposed but they could have done more investigating when the report came out since both sides have their reps in these meetings. The gop controls the senate so dems oly get to do so much.
We had warning, we had a model to be prepared but as arrogant Americans always do, they try to reinvent the wheel. This time it is a huge failure and will cost everyone.

I have noticed an uptick in people believing Trump is doing a good job from those that use to bash him. They are one's that also tend to believe that this is a hoax of some kind and it's nothing to really worry about. They are totally discrediting the idea that this could become a widespread health concern, which they aren't practicing the given recommendations to isolate.

When Robert Parry started writing negatively about Obama policies Consortium got a surge of republicans coming to the site. What you're seeing there are those who remain in the conditioned republican support system still engaging in tribal politics. Many of the commentators there really do get it though.


These politicians need to be dealt with.


Plus you have the politicians that knew about the report on COVID-19 and shorted stocks to make money.


The Pentagon scriptwriters are hired from Hollywood?

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 23, 2020

The whole world was caught off guard by this virus not just America... Trump made it worse...

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