3 3

Texas governor lists church services as essential. Have you ever seen the size of some of the six flags over jebus churches in Texas? There are some that would likely hold the entire population of my county! Texas will be the nation's next hotspot. When will the federal gvmnt take over and stop this nonsense. My little town of about 350 people had a church stay open against guidelines. 40+ infected, 3 dead...and counting and it's now a hotspot for the state. []

wolf041 7 Apr 2
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One could be tempted to say that they are now happy but probably not -just dead now or regretful if it didn't kill them.


You get what you vote for

Jolanta Level 9 Apr 3, 2020

Are you in lock down in WA or back in Canberra now?

@FrayedBear Lock down in Crown Metropole Perth. Day five.

@Jolanta Arent they closing the boarder this weekend which means you are stuck for the duration doesnt it?
Or do you do another 14 days in SA then NSW? Then ACT?

@FrayedBear What I know is that when we get back to ACT we are supposed to be in self-isolation for 14 days but who knows. It’s changing day to day. You know Sweden doesn’t have any isolation, people are told to be adults about it and keep a distance, wash your hands and gatherings of 50 or more are forbidden. They have so far 6000+ infected people, 350+ dead and of course those who have recovered. I have been following what is happening there and yesterday they had fewer infections and fewer deaths. So I don’t know what is best for all of us to do, only time will tell.

@Jolanta Yeah and the Swedes used to have a lovely habit of leaving mongoloid babies outside the back door on winter nights.
Do they fly you back to Canberra?

@FrayedBear When did they do that? Our travel agent is going to book flights back home.

@Jolanta I'm told by an historian not long ago, if it has ever ceased.
Do you have to pay?
WA closes its borders at midnight tonight. Whether that includes departures I don't know.

@FrayedBear Once upon a time Scandinavians used to bring grandma or grandpa out to a cliff and make them jump too. We learned it at school in Sweden, long before our time. I have no idea what is going to happen once the quarantine is over, day eight today, but I think they are going to get us home or they will have to feed and house us. Besides I think they would want to get rid of us, just in case.


I don't mind losing a few hundred of those hardcore praying Repugs.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 2, 2020

The problem is that the infect everyone else.

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