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Good question???

Sheannutt 9 May 30
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I love and use the young living oils.
I use the lavender to sleep. I use the Frankincense and the Rosemary to help with headaches and they work together.
The peppermint helps me with dizziness.
Usually I put them under my tongue.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 30, 2018

Also, I have asthma and scent allergies, so things like essential oils often mean trading for comfortable breathing that doesn't cause chest pain. I'm going to want to make sure it's actually going to benefit before I risk the detriment and carry that scent around with me for however long.

Also, some things are more understandable like certain scents helping headaches (while others cause them, so again, being cautious about it), but I didn't believe my mom when she offered me some for my back pain. Once I put it on, it made sense because it changes the temperature where it's applied, which can help muscles, but without that information, I thought it was pretty much just scents.

Aerihk Level 5 May 30, 2018

I mean the prescriptions are FDA approved after going through official studies and testing, and the others are done more for enjoyment or convenience, things that generally don't need research to see if it's worth it. After having it for enjoyment, they may find it actually helps (ie energy) but I think that's often not the primary reason. If it is, a lot of people use energy drinks and stuff because it helps, so it's its own kind of widespread evidence.

Aerihk Level 5 May 30, 2018

I use lavender oil. It's great for sleeping.

i agree.


Or cannabis

Mooolah Level 8 May 30, 2018

CBD keeps me away from having seizures.


Yeap, makes no sense to me.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 30, 2018
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