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I'm here for all the intellectual discussions and wonderful people. In my whole life, I have never felt less like a freak then after reading all your posts. Finding people of a similar belief system to me has been a fresh breath of air. Appreciate you all so very much.


Natalee - Assk me no questions, Butt I might still lie
JazznBlues comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Holy Hot Crossed Buns!
[aol.] Should the US lock down again to stop Covid-19? More people are dying now!!!!!!
JazznBlues comments on Nov 17, 2020:
I'm against lock downs in general. I'd like to see N95s easily available to all Americans. I also think we need a nation-wide mask mandate.
Happy Wednesday all
JazznBlues comments on Nov 18, 2020:
The stuff dreams are made of
There was a question on here about, "Should Trump be exonerated?
JazznBlues comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I believe NY state will cover prosecution of the pathetic orange fool. I'm OK with Biden moving forward and fixing all that this Toddler-in-Chief broke.
A South African Couple Has Turned Elephant Dung Into Award-Winning Gin - Gastro Obscura
JazznBlues comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Humans and their obsession with poo... SMH
A couple of cutie's
JazznBlues comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Happy Thursday all
JazznBlues comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Hubba Hubba!
Lying Pastor: A COVID Vaccine Will Alter Your DNA and “Remove the God Factor” | Hemant Mehta | ...
JazznBlues comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I responded to his tweet a little over the top after watching it. Really ticked me off though. I said Jesus must have died on the cross to take on his sin of stupidity. Probably too much, I'd make a terrible Christian.
Real time exchange just now with my cat.
JazznBlues comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They whine at me while I'm sleeping if it drops to a 1/4
My Favorite Holiday Hostess Tips: [] The third one is gold.
JazznBlues comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Happy Tuesday all
JazznBlues comments on Dec 1, 2020:
She's got my attention!
Isn't capitalism great
JazznBlues comments on Dec 5, 2020:
"There have been at least 500 veteran suicides in Australia since the start of the Afghanistan war ...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Totally agree. It was rough going back to civilization after 8 years in...
Physicist have made a unique light matter mixture
JazznBlues comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Good read
How do you think your Christian friends would react if you sent them cards wishing them a happy ...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Tip of the Hat Good Sir!!! I am so sending out X-mas Cards for the first time in decades. Good Fucking thought!!!
My favorite Christmas sweater...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Found one I took a fancy to today
No thinking allowed...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Love it!
Newbie here. How is everyone?
JazznBlues comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Bangin' Booty
JazznBlues comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Now there's a sight for sore eyes
Republican senator blocks stimulus checks
JazznBlues comments on Dec 19, 2020:
No shit, single handedly breaking Americans left and right. Forcing Evictions & cutting down the safety net... Disgusting and vile! Chinese agent to boot!
Happy Saturday all
JazznBlues comments on Dec 20, 2020:
So perfect I started looking closely for photoshopping. She is a beauty!
I hate how people automatically assume that something drastic happened for you to be atheist : ...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 21, 2020:
Tougher to believe year after year, built up to critical point so I left. Felt very similar to outgrowing Santa Claus. Wouldn't call that traumatic, more just growing up and maturing.
Los Angeles County Will Let Churches Host In-Person, Indoor Christmas Services | Hemant Mehta | ...
JazznBlues comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Vaccine is on the way so they obviously have to hurry to infect as many as possible as quickly as possible. American ingenuity! America first...
I dream of living in a post-religious society.
JazznBlues comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Like the religious holidays a lot more than the secular ones.
Antarctica Covid-19: Virus is now on every continent as Antarctica records its first outbreak - CNN
JazznBlues comments on Dec 24, 2020:
Joy... 2020 just won't lay down and die!
Merry Christmas
JazznBlues comments on Dec 24, 2020:
I know nothing about this. When did this happen? Have a feeling I am too young, which I never get to say anymore...
Christmas morning fire
JazznBlues comments on Dec 25, 2020:
Sudden desire to put whipped cream all over her
I'm a level 4.
JazznBlues comments on Dec 29, 2020:
January 20th first job
JazznBlues comments on Jan 2, 2021:
I get the feeling Biden will be walking into the White House like getting a ride from a friend who's car is stacked 4ft high with fast food wrappers from the last 4 years.
Scientists' Belief in God Varies Starkly by Discipline | Live Science
JazznBlues comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Nice post and love the discussion!
Strike a pose
JazznBlues comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Now that is hilarious!
[] Take my money Randy
JazznBlues comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Stop wondering if Trump supporters are Terrorists...
JazznBlues comments on Jan 13, 2021:
They act like this and then pretend they're saints
Mesmeric Ms. Mendoza (And please enjoy the additional 5 pics inside of the post.)
JazznBlues comments on Jan 19, 2021:
To have a real legacy Biden will have to be more radical: []
JazznBlues comments on Jan 22, 2021:
While fighting with my boss, I told him my sign of success for Biden is whether after 4 years he has brought the left and the right closer together and further away from this civil war we're almost in. The rift will tear this country apart if allowed to widen.
That is an euphemism I've honestly never heard.
JazznBlues comments on Jan 24, 2021:
I get frustrated with HIPAA so often as it curtails getting my job done regularly. Like a doctor having to diagnose a patient without being able to hear the symptoms. Fucking love this meme!
Canadian Official: COVID-Defying Churches Should Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status ...
JazznBlues comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Why limit it to covid defying churches?
I got dumbass, what's yours.
JazznBlues comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Guess I'm a Dumbass too!
Coronavirus Mutations In Boston Patient May Hold Clues To Variant Origins : Goats and Soda : NPR
JazznBlues comments on Feb 11, 2021:
That's just fucking terrifying!
Georgia Spa Shooter Was a Patient at an Evangelical “Sex Addiction” Clinic | Hemant Mehta | ...
JazznBlues comments on Mar 21, 2021:
The church behind this tragedy should be prosecuted fully. They are a terrorist training camp. If they were Muslim and from another country they'd have already been drone striked.
New Christ statue in Brazil's Encantado to be taller than Rio's []
JazznBlues comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Why couldn't it have been a 140 foot tall statue of Darth Vader! I'd even donate to see that become a reality.
Ted Nugent Speaks on Getting Underage Girls Signed Over to Him in Old Clip
JazznBlues comments on May 2, 2021:
Pedophile POS
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Voting Restrictions
JazznBlues comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Can you hear the dirge for the Supreme Court. Just a politicalized tool of the right now... Sad
Have I asked this before?
JazznBlues comments on Jun 3, 2018:
My Moment was when I was thinking about how all the religions seem to be created out of man's fear of death. That realization made all of the religions seem very ridiculous and not particularly relevant. Being willing to face your fears head on seems to be the cure.
Aldo Nova - Fantasy []
JazznBlues comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Loved this when it first came out but looking back at the video, it's got to be the worst video of all time.
Just thought this chart would be helpful in understanding the differences.
JazznBlues comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I'd like to be an agnostic atheist but the idea of god seems sooo ridiculous. I think I'm stuck with gnostic atheism. Talking to someone about god is like talking about teletubbies or mutant ninja Teenage Turtles. Just can't wrap my mind around the fact that a full grown adult believes in that crap.
Would you date a girl from the middle east?
JazznBlues comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Yup, no doubt, exotic is hot.
When a non-believer dies, what can one say instead of "Rest in Peace"?
JazznBlues comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Rest in peace & Dust to dust both feel like they could go either way, atheist or religious.
Thank you friends for your warm welcome, it's interesting to see open minded group who shares a ...
JazznBlues comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Remember people only have as much power over you as you give them. I do admit their attempts at control get annoying.
After watching Undercover Brother, it made me wonder if eating mayonnaise really is a Caucasian ...
JazznBlues comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I'm white as bread and I find it disgusting!
Discussion - If I buy a used CD, am I cheating the artist?
JazznBlues comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I view it as being taxed twice for the same thing.
Did anyone else go through the stages of Atheism?
JazznBlues comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Never made it out of 2. I try to, but end up viewing religion as the root of all evil. I start looking at cause and effect of a variety of issues and end up recondemning it very quickly. Narrow minded, bigoted, racist, entitled, arrogant pricks. Yup, still in stage 2 ?
Saw this article about asexuals and felt some resonance.
JazznBlues comments on Sep 10, 2018:
The more I've dated the more I know what I like and what I don't. Frustrating because I have BFF girls that I adore but the spark isn't there. I've also had girls who all we had was spark. Is it too much to ask for to want both?
A Tale of Gender Bashing and a Double Standard.
JazznBlues comments on Sep 22, 2018:
I'm fairly far left and almost always enjoy colbert, but complaining isn't satire, the bit was annoying and not funny. It's not that it came from a woman it's the fact that if you string twenty complaints together about anything, it's just annoying.
Kavanaugh is looking more and more like an utter lowlife.
JazznBlues comments on Sep 24, 2018:
Stupid immoral atheist
Hello my girlfrined is bully me into becoming an evangelical christian like herself,I have been a ...
JazznBlues comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Buy some Nike's and get the fuck out of there. Just do it!
Unpopular Opinions I know you got 'em, what are they?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Heading home from work and smelling BO on the bus. Really bad BO, like I don't know what a shower is BO.
Have you stopped watching a TV show, or listening to a musician due to their political beliefs?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I separate art from the artist. Everyone is fucked up, in their own special way. I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything if I boycotted art based on the actions or beliefs of said artist.
I just don't understand how people can stand being alone.
JazznBlues comments on Oct 4, 2018:
It's a learned very important skill to acquire. Time, perseverance and conscious intent will get you there. Good luck
Alright you heathens, what's your favorite movie with a religious storyline or narrative?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 4, 2018:
I find that I'm still obsessed with the mythology of religions.
Alright you heathens, what's your favorite movie with a religious storyline or narrative?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Thanx! Have a few more movies to add to the list.
Garbage - Stupid Girl []
JazznBlues comments on Oct 6, 2018:
One of my favorite bands!
My position an anger ruffles many panties.
JazznBlues comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Anger is many times pointless, but I think it has a place. Driven from passion I sometimes think it's warranted. Caring intensely can lead to anger if endangered or disrespected. To give up anger completely would mean for me, to disconnect from all I care about...
What action or bad habit do you have, that still drives your parents nuts?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I think they'd prefer me more malleable. I like to make up my own mind about most everything. Pretty much how I found myself here.
You shall submit
JazznBlues comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Pivotal reason that made me question the church in the first place. Any other organization that spouted that much oppression and hate would have been called on it long ago, unless it was the GOP of course.
Bcz it's Tuesday and still no desire to go to work tonight ?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Did you come up to MN for the Allina strike?
Root City - 6 days of Rain []
JazznBlues comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Local MN Boys, very fun to watch.
Kat Edmonson - Summertime []
JazznBlues comments on Oct 18, 2018:
I love her froggy voice! Very unique.
This was the greatest South Park episode to date []
JazznBlues comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I'm fond of the episodes red hot Catholic love and creme fraiche
Only talking to you local music fans out there.
JazznBlues comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Miss Myra and the Moonshiners - Blue Drag Live on a boat - great local band rough recording
Because I love men who play guitars! []
JazznBlues comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I love this video. Watched it a few times after Prince died.
What's the best response to "why are you so quiet'?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Like a shark has to swim to breathe, I probably won't be around when I'm finally silent...
How do you handle negativity regarding your agnostic ideas?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Like a door knocking mormon, I go in for the kill!
Kid you not, I'm on the train to Chicago and my car is packed with Amish and I barely have wifi.
JazznBlues comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Lol photographic evidence. I'll probably end up liking them.
Any Farscape fans?
JazznBlues comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Hell Yeah!
Is anyone here a thigh master? ;)
JazznBlues comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Does anyone else get a little creeped out when you see you have a new "Follower", but upon checking ...
JazznBlues comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Shouldn't it be everyone's goal to expand their horizons and not to associate with people just like them?
I've drawn and painted two Doctor Who characters so far for Inktober and they're two of my best ...
JazznBlues comments on Oct 27, 2018:
How about an old school Tom Baker?
I was called “pretty”, yesterday! Well, actually the full statement was , “You’re pretty ...
JazznBlues comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Lol my sister told me that yesterday. She's a total ham. Love her!
Halloween has been won, I give you Ruth Vader Ginsburg!
JazznBlues comments on Nov 1, 2018:
I think it might be my sister underneath all that. She posted it.
Halloween has been won, I give you Ruth Vader Ginsburg!
JazznBlues comments on Nov 1, 2018:
She's 5 states away and doesn't get cell reception so we have more of a Facebook relationship.
I couldn't have said it better!
JazznBlues comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Oh so perfectly said!
Since we were on zippers and booties I found this.
JazznBlues comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I would even call her lithe or willowy.
While I don't believe in God, I can appreciate the sentiment!
JazznBlues comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Found this while watching American Gods. Had to rewind and snap a picture real quick.
Stunning Seductress in Breathtaking Body Paint!
JazznBlues comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Dreams really do come true!
How long should two people be in a relationship before the idea of marriage is brought up, assuming...
JazznBlues comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Married for 17 years and I doubt very much I'd ever do it again. I view it as unnecessary, like a state certificate of monogamy. The romantic in me still holds out hope for true love someday.
Left or right? Who you like the best?
JazznBlues comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Well last night's shift was horrible.
JazznBlues comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That really blows, ED?
Intermission...(thighs that kill)...
JazznBlues comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Pleasant way to die...
Do any members here read "The Register"?
JazznBlues comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I don't trust Apple. Shady practices... Big Motorola fan!
Might need this one too!
JazznBlues comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I agree but don't overlook power. Funny how you create a god and his rules seem designed to keep you in power.
Flight of the Conchords - Business Time []
JazznBlues comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Yeah me too
This single image clearly explains exponential human population growth causing today's Anthropocene...
JazznBlues comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I will believe that corporations are people after Texas executes one.
JazznBlues comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Lol hellz yeah!
JazznBlues comments on Feb 11, 2019:
It's like super low quality flash mob! Hilarious!
JazznBlues comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I dated a girl that had many psychological hang ups in bed. Extreme vanilla, took all the fun out of it for me. Good friends with her to this very day, but would have been a HUGE mistake to promise to have sex with only her for the rest of my life with out knowing if we were even compatible first. Russian Roulette
What's you favorite song sung by a woman or an all girls band?
JazznBlues comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Larkin Poe - Preachin Blues
Garding the gates
JazznBlues comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Cute Storm!
Bee-lieve it []
JazznBlues comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Really happy to hear they are still around, far away from me.
Maybe a li'l too deity-focused? Also, none of these shirts actually exist. Is that OK?
JazznBlues comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Tip of the hat


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