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Coronavirus self-grooming.
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New haircut - I'm such a god damned hipster.
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Not fat. Still has hair.

Edit: now a little bit fat, but working on it using a combination of yoga and indoor rock climbing. The hair is still hanging in there, but has migrated cover pretty much the entire rest of my body.

Edit 2: No more rock climbing - blew out the tendons in my elbows. Sigh. Aging carcass. Muay Thai instead.
I guess I should put some serious stuff in here.
Grew up in Australia, emigrated England 15 years ago. Accent is still fully intact, as is my abhorrence of class prejudice, love of barbecue and low opinion of soccer as a sport for grown men.

Full Bio


It's a quarter of a century (!) since Selected Ambient Works Vol.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Caught him at a big festival in the mid 90's. I've never seen a dancefloor swap clientele quicker than when he started with a five minute wall of static.
Here's a philosophical question.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Get into anything technical. STEM, engineering, medical etc. Can't afford to be carrying no dummies.
It's date night with your honey.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 1, 2019:
I have no idea. I've never been on a date, and it's been so long I've forgotten what my genitals are for. I'd definitely get rid of the hair in my ears and nostrils, though. That's just polite.
What words of wisdom have you picked up throughout your life that you think is important enough to ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 1, 2019:
When you're of your tits on acid it is not the time to sort out your life's problems.
I took a drive in the snow yesterday.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 3, 2019:
That's because Fukushima is not pouring irradiated water out anywhere. The frozen earth barrier that is supposed to prevent leakage into groundwater is not 100% effective, but the amount of radionuclide transport is low and slow. The reason Fukushima is not in the news is because it is boring. Very small increase in exposure, Fukushima fish regularly tested and back on the market, slow, painstaking and dull process of decommissioning and decontamination underway - it's not exactly going to light up the headlines.
Is there such a thing as a "free market"?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 3, 2019:
There is one free market. Narcotics. Is that the model we wish to replicate?
Fluoride the poison that the EPA has strict laws on disposing but it is consumed by the ton in ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Tin foil hat level conspiracy bullshit. Sigh.
Fluoride the poison that the EPA has strict laws on disposing but it is consumed by the ton in ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Oh, and before you tell me to 'do my research', I've got a question: What is an ion? If you can't answer that without looking it up, I feel more than comfortable ignoring your opinion on the neurobiological activity of fluorine salts.
self portrait....ageing is definately not for cissies
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Beats the shit out of the alternative, though.
Question for the MAGA folks...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 6, 2019:
MAGA is all about looking backwards - hence the 'Again'. How about looking forwards if you want to make America greater?
Tip for the day!
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Think of it as a full body floss.
An oldie but a baddie.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 12, 2019:
What should you do if you come across a lion? Wipe him off and say you're sorry.
The 7 Most Baffling Things About Women's Clothes
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Love the fabric on the first one!
Jesus arrives for the second coming. What entrance music does he use and why?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Come to Daddy...
Atheists, what was the hardest thing to accept when you became atheist?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Not much to report, really. It was one of many huge fights I had with my dad as a youth, but that's about it. But from 18 I lived in Sydney, then in my 30's moved to Cambridge, then Manchester - all places where religious practice is not really the norm.
Anybody play Cards Against Humanity? ???
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I have a habit of winning CAH. I'm not sure that this reflects well on me as a person.
Cockroach King - Haken []
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Cool! I was in a strange death metal tribute to the Star Wars movie soundtracks with Charlie Griffiths, the guitarist in Haken. Lovely guy, and ludicrously talented.
My new Bong
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Ah, but is it easy to clean?
Watching someone masturbate is so sexy! What elements make it hotter for you?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 27, 2019:
The way a lady's breathing changes before, during and after. And the super-cute pre-orgasmic way that girls try to knit their eyebrows together. Oh, and toe-curls.
Trump's campaign promise: “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Just goes to show, you can't drain a swamp by filling it with sewerage.
The weather was nice today, so I rode my bicycle to a nearby village named Hildersham.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 28, 2019:
When I used to live in Cambridge, one of my favourite places was Ely Cathedral. The medieval oak octagon is a marvel.
The weather was nice today, so I rode my bicycle to a nearby village named Hildersham.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Wonder if the Saxon graves where Christian or pagan? Lots of churches were set up on pagan sites of worship - but I'm guessing you know that already...
When you dont understand what logic is; or that existential claims have a metric by which their ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Reminds me of the "playing chess with a pigeon" analogy.
One thing I really wasn't expecting to end up doing this morning: spend 45 minutes having a cup of ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 30, 2019:
For a dyed in the wool athiest ex-pharmavore who used to be quite active in the extreme metal scene, I've got a slightly scary number of friends who are vicars.
Explain what you're doing, but badly!!!! I'm currently coating my head in caustic chemicals in ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I'm currently vaporising a poison and inhaling it to avoid going downstairs and packing befouled cooking utensils into the washing box.
Spectacular flight over the mountains. He sent the right bait.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I wish I lived in a country with proper mountains. England has its own appeal, and Australia has certainly got some spectacular landscape, and I've visited volcanic regions in New Zealand and Indonesia, but I've never seen proper mountains with my own little eyeballs.
Oh no - Jesus is back! []
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 2, 2019:
My money is on a Balrog.
Just venting! I made the hugest mistake deleting my 2 years old level 5 profile and now I'm back as...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Welcome back. Have some points.
If Russia hadn't entered Syria and Asad regime fell, we might have seen Islamic State forming ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Who says the FSA and the Kurds wouldn't be in charge?
Confession time! Just to let yall know I love birds so freaking much but I am actually also super ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Not sure about macaws, but be aware that sulfur crested and white cockatoos are a pretty full on responsibility. They are gregarious in the extreme, highly social, intensely curious, can be very destructive and have a very long lifespan (40-60 years). Just in case you fall in love with one, as they are extremely beautiful. Think of it as a child that will never grow up. That's permanently armed with chisels.
Hand surgery today part deux. I'll see ya on the flip side. Right thumb joint replacement.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Perfect time to implant a vibrating oscillator in the bone, you sexy cyborg you.
Name something that’s perfectly normal to do as a child but super creepy to do as an adult...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Sing nursery rhymes in public.
POGONOPHOBE - the technical term for a person afraid of beards is a pogonophobe.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 17, 2019:
FEAR ME, POGONOPHOBES!! (Roars like bear while flexing)
I'm kind of posting a similar post to Flippant Llama's yesterday.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Yes. She turned out to be an on-again off-again heroin addict that I met during on 'off' period. Made me somewhat gunshy after that.
When I feel really down I see something wonderful and realise there is still much good in the world.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 19, 2019:
I'm about to start packing to make space for builders to start doing their thing next week. At least the weather's good for it.
Hello everyone! I'm a recovering ex-cult member and joined this site in an effort to learn more ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 23, 2019:
G'day! Any particular flavour of cult? Just asking our of idle curiosity, so please feel free to ignore.
If the person you were dating told the friends who were helping you out with expenses that they were...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 23, 2019:
Maybe you should ask your friends to tell him that this is exactly the sort of behaviour that will push you further away.
What is your opinion of Nicola Sturgeon’s call of yesterday, to Scottish MSPs , for Indyref2 by ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Hmmm... bit of a constitutional dilemma, as Westminster has to approve any referendum. As a bit of a soft southern leftie, I dread the thought of Scotland leaving and increasing the strength of the Tory gerrymander in England.
I bet the Porn book for new Dads goes a little differently...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 25, 2019:
Not much, in my experience. "Hey, baby, you're so hot that I won't lose my shit when you cuddle the baby to sleep while having a beer and watching totally inappropriate stand-up." "Tonight, I'll do the feeds AND the nappy changing." "Let's pass out leaning on each other."
Is anyone else a big fan of Isaac Asimov?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 28, 2019:
Not a huge fan, to be honest. When I was a kid, love him. But then I discovered Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert, then on to William Gibson, then there was no going back to 'straight' SF. Not that I'm dissing the man, don't get me wrong. But the whole cyberpunk thing made me like my SF... dirty.
What if I like all three?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 2, 2019:
Jesus, I like my music pounding in at 200bpm+, with ridiculous tempo changes and lots of screaming. Way to put pressure on an old man.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 3, 2019:
Bet ya six squillion dollaroonies that ain't fair dinkum, maaaaaaaaaate.
The Roomba That Screams When it Bumps Into Stuff - YouTube
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 7, 2019:
That's so wonderfully over the top.
How do you de-stress?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 8, 2019:
Exercise. I do a regular Muay Thai class now, 'cause I like thumping stuff.
Look what I got today! Sexy, huh?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 9, 2019:
The cyber look is so in this season, daaahlink.
Students walk out of Colorado school shooting vigil, saying their trauma was being politicized ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 9, 2019:
A hopeful sign that America might introduce sane gun laws? I mean, out here in the world we've become numb to the stupid spectacle of your youth slaughtering themselves.
I am interested in opinions on this statement.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 10, 2019:
I disagree, though it pains me to say so. It seems to an extent that we are hard wired for belief, and to reject this requires an act of will. Therefore, I think that labelling this rejection atheism seems wholly appropriate.
What do you want done with your body when your dead ?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 11, 2019:
Make sure you inform your next of kin of your decision outside of the will, as decisions made about the disposal of your remains will happen long before any reading of a will. I've done the same - full organ donor, remaining cadaver to the University of Manchester school of medicine.
Things I trust more than Donald Trump.... AS partial list. Fell free to add to it.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 11, 2019:
A fart after 6 pints and a curry Tabloid journalism Scientific references to websites with the word 'natural' in them The latest fat burning tip that you just won't believe!! Nigerian princes with 60 million dollars Guys with heavy Indian accents that call me from "Microsoft support" The longevity of cheap Chinese electronic devices
Today's earworm... []
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 12, 2019:
Nice. My current earworm? Classic British 90's death metal...
What’s some of craziest things you’ve seen /heard in church?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 14, 2019:
The whole Dungeons and Dragons is a gateway to Satan thing in the eighties was pretty out there.
A very interesting article on the origins of perhaps the most offensive curse word in the modern ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 15, 2019:
As anyone who's watched Jim Jeffries stand up knows, Australians have a very different relationship with cunt. It's not exactly acceptable, but it certainly doesn't have the same degree of taboo that it does in the States. It's quite often used as a term of affection.
Just trying to do some work.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 16, 2019:
That's so awful. Cyberhug.
What do you save for sentimental reasons?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 20, 2019:
Moving internationally has stepped out most of mine. A few rocks, some bits and pieces from the band I was in, some momentoes from traveling in SE Asia, a few ticket stubs. Oh, and a spectacular polyester suit. It's white with a turquoise and yellow check pattern, and I've worn it to so many gigs, parties and happenings that I can't part with it.
My oldest child graduates today.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 31, 2019:
Good job, mum and kiddo. Only one piece of advice for the lass - never live with junkies, communists or born again christians.
Britons eagerly begin stockpiling bottles of piss in preparation for Donald Trump state visit ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on May 31, 2019:
I thought the milkshake was the traditional greeting for manipulative demagogues in the UK. Australia, eggs, UK, milkshakes.
Three words... Go...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Argon neutron capture.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Thanks, Mr. Blender Salesman.
I’ve never had a pet, but I had a roommate who owned a black cat named Pixie.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 3, 2019:
This is Jetty Jet. He's too much of a great big doofus to have attitude
Woman who called Michelle Obama an 'ape' sentenced to jail for defrauding FEMA of $18K
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 3, 2019:
What did you want to grow up and be as an adult when you were a pre -teen?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Paleontologist. One of those annoying kids who knew how to pronounce all the dinosaur names. Ended up doing a geology degree, but don't work in earth sciences.
Jupiter’s moon visible this month.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Would like to do it more often, but I live in Manchester. Between clouds and light pollution, not much to see.
Now i have to look for pictures of a dolphin clit.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 10, 2019:
If you put a mirror in a tank with a bonded dolphin pair, they'll watch themselves fuck in it. True fact.
As an atheist and raising my sons as such I found the philosophy Stoicism a fantastic alternative to...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Nah, I lean more towards Epicureanism.
Men make it difficult to stay straight I tell ya. 🙄😒
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 13, 2019:
So true for me!
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Both would overflow. It kinda works. Describing Chernobyl as 'one motherfucker of a supercriticality event' caused both mirth and increased understanding to the builders in my loft.
How closely tied are pride and confidence, in your opinion?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 17, 2019:
It's funny how out of fashion modesty and humility have become. Pride was one of the deadly sins for a reason.
Life does have a weird and funny sense of humor.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I just bought a scooter. It's been raining for two weeks. Then again, I live in England.
Parents brawl at youth baseball game over young umpire's call
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 19, 2019:
As a kid, I used to referee soccer matches. Fuck, some parents are awful. At 13 I had to tell a grown, hyper-aggressive guy to leave the field or I'd call off the match. At the end of the game, I had to head straight to the head referee and club secretary to basically get a bunch of them off my case. All because a clever goaly had caught the home team napping.
Jordan Peterson’s Bullshit
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Jordan Peterson only sounds smart to dumb people. He's Deepak Chopra for alt-right incels.
What is the most fun you've ever had on a date?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 21, 2019:
I've never been on a date.
I have been a traveling sales professional for 30 years now and traveled to 48 states and done ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 21, 2019:
I've started using a scooter/moped thingy to get to work, so I go via the back roads. Have no idea what the are like to stay in, but Ashley and Mobberly in Cheshire are rool purdy. A few thatched roof houses dating back 400 years or so.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Learning a lot about the history of the early church and studying geology.
Nice One goes to Lisa Wilkinson ( Aussie T.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Have you seen that Fulau's GoFundMe page had been dropped for violating their terms and conditions? He seems to have an issue with reading contracts...
Don't Tell Your Mother.... What's your "don't tell your mother" story?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 27, 2019:
My brother and I had a pretty fraught relationship growing up, but we were both terrified of my dad. When I was about 7 and he was 10, he was playing golf with a practice ball in the back yard, and I was pretending to be a turtle, crawling around with a clothes basket on my back and the peg bucket on my head, generally getting in his easy and being a pain in the bum. So he thought it would be a good idea to whack the bucket with his golf club. Cue screaming, blood all over my face, a serious egg on my forehead and frantic begging. "Don't tell dad, oh god don't tell dad, please, please don't tell dad..." So I made up a cock and bull story about falling over (I was a clumsy kid, so completely believable), kept shtum and blackmailed my brother into compliance for three months until my big mouthed little sister got wind of the truth and blew the whole gaff. Most rewarding head injury I ever had.
Little Shop of Horrors. Divided an overgrown plant.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I've just divided out a Venus fly trap, and I've got my fingers crossed that I haven't killed it/them.
At the G-20 Summit, Vladimir Putin said that liberalism was "obsolete.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Funny, Northern Europe and Scandinavia seem to be doing ok...
if there is not God, I would like to know where did everything come from?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 3, 2019:
One of the big problems is trying to discover what lies beyond the universe (ie pre big bang) using only tools from within the universe. It's a bit like trying to open a locked box with the key that's locked inside the box.
Existential Nihilists - let’s chat! How do you create meaning in your life?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 4, 2019:
I've always thought it depends on the scale of observation. I did a geology degree, and you spend a lot of time dealing with 1 million years being an eye-blink. Of course, a human life on that scale is insignificant. But on the human scale, my decision to snap at my child or take a breath and give a hug can be monumental.
My grandchildren recently started attending some sort or required class to become catholic.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 5, 2019:
And fossils. Buy them fossils.
We can appreciate this
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Says the generation who can't set up a WiFi router.
Is sexual incompatibility a deal breaker for you?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 12, 2019:
What a charmer. Sounds like he should stick to wanking. One of the useful things about being a guy is of it really isn't working, then it really doesn't work. I've had one lass who wanted me to be a lot more dominant than I was really comfortable with - it wasn't that I'm prudish, I just find that sort of gameplay boring. So that only lasted one night. I've also found a lass who really didn't like being orally pleasured, which was... disappointing. She had quite a fleshy labia minora, and was a bit embarrassed about it so didn't like me going down on her, no matter how many times I explained it was absolutely not a problem. But, she was smart, fiesty and hotter than the surface of the sun, so we worked something out.
How do I end up with 67 notifications??? I love y'all. LOL
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 13, 2019:
This is how.
Negative personality traits?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 13, 2019:
I annoy my ex wife by existing. But seriously, if I want to catalogue my faults, I just have to channel her for a few moments. I'm lazy. I'm stupid. I'm immature. I'm disrespectful. I'm bad tempered. I'm dirty. I'm irresponsible. I'm inappropriate. I lack self control. I lack self awareness. I'm vain. I'm ugly. I'm fat. My personal hygiene, grooming and choice of clothes is questionable at best. I'm contrary. I'm a parasite. I'm loud. Think that pretty much covers it.
If someone is recovery from surgery and is high on pain killers and they tell you they love you, how...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Depends on the person. Depends on the painkiller.
My joke fell flat. How do you recover?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 15, 2019:
This is why we need a universally recognised gently-taking-the-piss font.
Woo Hoo!!! Just hit level 7.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 16, 2019:
I refuse to contribute to such shameless points pestering! Oh, bugger...
There's this guy in my class (I go to a tech school) who I befriended.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Sounds like things didn't turn out the way he had mapped out in his head. You haven't fallen madly in love with Jeebus and him, and he can see the happily ever after bit slip sliding away. Maybe tell him you're only interested in a relationship (be it friendship or anything else) based on equality. If he'll read yours, you'll read his. Let's face it, if he's only interested in an unequal relationship, do you want one (of whatever flavour) with him?
For you, what makes a place homey?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Books. Fossils on the wall (I don't really do art, sorry). Small, cobbled together stereo that punches way above its weight sound quality wise. Plants. Cats. Between 1-4 of my spawn flopping on me/the couch/the floor. That'll do.
Date Bar Burnout
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 18, 2019:
In Australia, 'date' has another meaning. Think chocolate starfish. Rusty sheriff's badge. Ring piece. So, delicious though I'm sure they are, I'm sniggering at your date fingers.
Date Bars - Cooking Light
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Date bars. Snigger.
Describe your sex life using a movie title. Free Willy
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Give Up Tomorrow
My independent, fundamental, quiverful, baptist sister told me I was going straight to hell.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 23, 2019:
In case of the Rapture, you could offer to look after their pets. For a small up front fee, of course.
Men: what are your turn ons in women?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Oh, and I have a real thing for female comedians and musicians. That confidence is so hot. One of the things I really miss about the 90's is the whole riot grrrl/grunge girl thing. Exhibit A: Adilita Srsen from Magic Dirt. There's something so gorgeously natural about her in this vid especially - plus, it makes me super nostalgic for my house sharing in Sydney days.
Robert Mueller Testimony in Congress Today.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Try foreign media - BBC news, The Guardian website etc.
As if I needed another Britsh series to follow! I am just hooked on Travels by Narrowboat.
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 24, 2019:
The canal at the end of our road... I've certainly been tempted.
When the Normans built Durham Cathedral, they certainly made an emphatic statement of their power! ...
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Ely cathedral in Cambridgeshire is similar in age and magnificence.
What gives your life meaning? Why keep going? (just curious)
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I have dependants. It's not like I have a choice.
My points are 166,666. Does this mean I'm the Antichrist?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 30, 2019:
670 - the approximate number of the beast-ish.
What do you know well enough to teach others?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Basic geology and death metal vocals.


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New haircut - I'm such a god damned hipster.
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Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Apr 21st, 2018
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