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Had a customer tell me today that the end times is here because of the African locust plague; the powers that be are covering it up. I ignored his babble bull and just did a google search. It’s true but not because an act of god. Has anyone else get any news of this?

AngiePoo 5 Mar 22

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common in africa....idiots seem to plague the US


I'm hearing all kinds of crazy things. Some have happened before but because most people ignored history they think anything that is happening now has never happened before.

Exactly! ...we just haven't lived in those times but all these disasters have happened before, even cities swallowed by water and will happen again.


There's an old saying in Africa. ''When the rains don't come they bribg drought and famine. When the rains do come they bribg locusts abd famine. ''

Locusts in Africa are pretty much a common thing. Always have been.


Yes a colleagues boyfriend sent this to me today. He knows I'm an Atheist.

Check this out.

I'll share the conversation that followed:

[03/22, 9:33 AM] Donovan Brett: That's what the Bible says, this is a plague by God to force repentance
[03/22, 9:33 AM] Rani: I don't fall for all this ridiculous poetry
[03/22, 9:33 AM] Donovan Brett: But only Bible believing people will believe that
[03/22, 9:34 AM] Donovan Brett: I know you don't believe it
[03/22, 9:34 AM] Rani: Ya and their god hasn't rocked up yet. They're blackmailed by "faith".
[03/22, 9:35 AM] Rani: We've had diseases on this planet for 1000s of year's.
[03/22, 9:36 AM] Rani: We have evolved as a species. That's scientific proof
[03/22, 9:36 AM] Rani: There's no such a thing as Adam or eve. That's a control story
[03/22, 9:36 AM] Donovan Brett: You are naughty 🤣
[03/22, 9:36 AM] Rani: It's true and common sense
[03/22, 9:37 AM] Donovan Brett: That's where you and me will agree to disagree, but love you so much 🤗


Yeah, like the size of your hand! The first I saw of it was about the same time I was seeing the first covid coverage, about mid feb. People were frying them and eating them! Talk about lemons into When you have wheat, eat bread. When a protein eats your bread, eat the protein.

@creative51 oh, come off it. The whole world is going through their own private hell right now, and trench humor is an actual thing. My apologies if you found it too insensitive.


There has always been plaques of locusts. Some come around every so many years, here or in Africa. Jesus also said "there shall be wars and rumors of wars." I might as well tell you that "sometimes it will rain and sometimes it will not." Knowledge is astounding!

Let a pandemic come along and people go nuts. As it happens we see that many people were nuts all along.

"Nuts all along." You bet!


This may seem a dumb question to the knowledgeable, but are locusts edible? Apparently insects are consumed in some parts of the world. Looks like catching huge quantities of the critters would be feasible. Help with the famine...

quite edible some cultures

also, not a dumb question!!

Yes they are. In the bible, when Jesus went to the desert for 40 days, he lived on locusts and honey.


Oh heck yeah... They're staples on many areas. Fried with hot sauce I hear is the best way to eat them.

They are. Some types are kosher, too, despite the fact that no insects are kosher - because rabbis in ancient times decided they were actually birds.

They are delicious when they are fried up with a good amount of garlic.

I am aware of the crop destruction problem. I did not imply that locusts are a good thing or that locust consumption would eradicate the famine; I have seen tv accounts and filming of clouds of millions of locusts but have not heard of large scale locust consumption. Thanks for the google suggestion. I will peruse it!

@GeorgeRocheleau How about "When the myth said that jesus....?"

@PadraicM So are snails.

There is even grasshopper flour...they used itin a "Chopped" basket once & the judges raved about the nutty flavor.


Plagues, pandemic, climate change, wars, Donald Trump; how many signs for an apocalypse are there supposed to be?

Trumpets, don't forget the trumpets. I think that is the real reason they closed down the bars in New Orleans, they didn't want people to confuse the jazz with the trumpets at the end times. (yes, I'm taking the mick)

@PadraicM, maybe that's a typo, and it's really loud, braying Trumpers that signal the end times! 😲


I heard about the locust thing a couple of weeks ago.
There's always going to be something for the believers to point to as "evidence" that their bullshit is true.


Yeah, locusts have always been a Huge problem here in Connecticut.....

aren't they called tourists?!!


Christians have been saying it's the end times for decades (if not centuries).

As for the locusts; I heard about that several weeks ago. They have a 17yr cycle where they essentially gestate in the ground and then come up all at once. It's a natural occurrence. devastating, yes, but natural.

Those are cicadas I believe you are referencing here in the United States. I think he is talking about the locusts in Eastern Africa. They emerge after conditions, particularly when the ground becomes moist for an extended period and because they all hatch at once, form swarms that can block out the sun. They used to be in the American west but farming/overturning the soil helped wipe them out. No one misses them. The mormons were beset by locusts until birds came and ate them. The mormons claimed they (the birds) were sent by god and I believe there is a statue in Salt Lake City commemorating that fact.

@yamaha45701 You are correct. Thanks for the correction.


Its cyclical. Been that way since the beginning of stupidity.


I think the corona virus drowned out the locust in Africa news in the us.


I've read enough dystopian sci-fi and evolutionary dead ends to know that "end times" could come any time for humanity. The earth and life will go on in one form or another. Has nothing to do with their magical sky being. I blame it on Cthulu, never liked that guy...

What is wrong with Cthulu?

@dalefvictor He's become far to benign. Won't kill all the unbelievers, and won't even answer my prayers for money anymore. Maybe he's gone back to sleep, again...


It's linked to the Indian Ocean oscillation - like the Australian bushfires. The West of Australia gets dry, the east coast of Africa gets wet. Australia catches fire, East Africa gets plagues of locusts.

Yup! That’s what I read.


I don't hear any of this stuff, but I also don't interact with any evangelicals.

Lucky you


The fishing is going to be great in the future.


Locusts, yes. When one lives in a fairy tale any sort of shit can be THE signal.


Locust have been covering vast Areas for a long every so many years seen a documentary about them. Then there are the army ants that sweep through areas killing everything in their path.


Who else is tired of the death cults waiting for some imaginary dead person to come back and take them to imaginary heaven? They call it the end of days. I prefer to use facts and what science has proven.

ha whenever i am...trolling them, i guess, i call it "death, more abundantly" lol


Yes, its been going on for a while. The locusts, not quarter-wits spouting god bothering nonsense.


The end times are always here because of X, Y, and Z.

Just imagine what it'll be like if this comet puts on a show - a sign from heaven! []

1of5 Level 8 Mar 22, 2020

One day they will finally be right. That'll make it doubly sad, having to put up with that drivel.

@Rossy92 when they're finally right we won't have to listen to them. 😉

@1of5 Not for too long. But I take your point that it will be self-limiting. An upside, of sorts.


It was widely reported here in Europe. Obviously we're quite ungodly this side of the Atlantic, though, so maybe our media were happy to cover it.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 22, 2020

One has to search out independent press or media. Al Jezera, BBC, VICE, Mother Jones, Then there are Africa reports on CNBC on the weekend. C-SPAN. There are also reports in news print such as NY Times, Huffington Post, The Daily Beast (aka Newsweek). Seek & ye shall find.


There is a pretty big Locust outbreak in East Africa at the moment, one of the worst ever recorded in the region (though not as large as some historic outbreaks in other parts of the world, including North America). The reaction of End-Times enthusiasts to this is predictable, though not enlightening. For real entertainment, find an article in a West African news source on the subject, then scroll down to the comments section, where people will be genuinely surprised that Locusts are seen as a plague, and not a free source of protein.

JoeB Level 6 Mar 23, 2020
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