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I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 5, 2018:
It is not your call to worry about "messing up his life" unless he wants you to adopt him! It IS up to you to decide if you would feel uncomfortable around him, which will screw up both of you. If you are starting off thinking like his Mom, fergedabowdit.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
True. Well, we both enjoy that kind of kink. But that is another story.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Secretguy comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I've always thought you were very attractive. Wish I was younger. ;)
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Why would you wish that?
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
memorylikeasieve comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I'm 43 and I have found I just can't relate with most people more than about ten years younger than me. It feels like they're from another planet. I get tired of the blank stares over not just little things like 'the fuck is a rotary phone,' but also things like handling money, relating with ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I totally get that. I’ve had that happen a few times. I hate the “it’s cute you think you are right but since you’re much younger you don’t actually know as much as us older folks” attitude.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Julie808 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I prefer men my own age or close to it. I also look young for my age. I've been pursued by men old enough to be my father, but more often by men young enough to be my son. I think the super young ones are sometimes looking for a sugar mama. Not interested in that. I have a son I could spoil, ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I actually don’t think I can maintain a relationship with someone my age. May be it is because those my age tend to have a view of life that doesn’t coincide with mine. Lop-sided works best for me. My relationships have lasted decades. With my younger one two years now. I just want to enjoy it but I get the feeling lately he’s restless and is wanting more with me.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Vintenar comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I think the important thing is just finding a person that is on the same wavelength as you are in life. If they happen to be much younger, or much older then so be it. I have a co worker that is 33, and his wife is 59 I believe, but despite all her current health issues, I don't suspect any foulness...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Yes definitely true. To complicate matters, I’m poly. My other relationships are with much older men who fit well with me. Only one with a much younger man but obviously we share many interests and ideals or we would not have been together at all. He isn’t the one having those nagging thoughts. It’s all me.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Donotbelieve comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I prefer older men. A good bit older. I've had considerably younger men request dates, but I'm just not attracted to them.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Usually I’m not interested either. I did have one who was 5-6 years younger and that wasn’t a big deal. Nothing serious either. It was just fun.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
MacTavish comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I'd faint if *any* woman said she was interested.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
skye724 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Good Grief. We sure do conjure up enough barriers in our minds, don't we? And guess what - what's going on inside my head and your heads IS NOT REAL. Ageism to me is bigotry writ large. Now I'm sure I'll get a barrage of, "Well, this is what happened to me..." - and you know what? It doesn't...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
You are right. We do invent issues where there might be none. Although like in any relationship there could be situations arising that are age related or not age related.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
TonyMacaroni comments on Aug 5, 2018:
First, you look a lot younger than your actual age! But, I digress. Personally, I prefer people in by age range +/7 years.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
@Donotbelieve Thank you. I wouldn’t say it’s flawlesd myself though.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
TonyMacaroni comments on Aug 5, 2018:
First, you look a lot younger than your actual age! But, I digress. Personally, I prefer people in by age range +/7 years.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Yes. That is true that I do. Most people would not guess I’m even 40.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Decieven comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I know you didn't ask this, but on the flip side of a younger person's perspective I think it just depends. I am not really attracted to people my age & would love the experience of getting to know someone older. I think there's a great potential on both sides to learn & grow from each other.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
That is what I'm used to as well. People my age think I'm much younger than they are so I rarely have them interested. I'm not averse to them but that's just the way it is. Older men I have no issue with. Younger men I'm a little bit apprehensive.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Wavefunction comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I couldn’t do it putting aside the legality of such a relationship any woman that is around 5 years younger than me is too young for me. I need her to be around my age: anything else feels wrong.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Fair enough. It's not for everyone.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
JackPedigo comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I feel like you. My daughter is 43 and anyone even approaching that decade is a real yuk for me. 15 years difference is a real stretch as there are other aspects besides chronological.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Yet, I have no problem with much older men. When I'm with older men, I'm often mistaken as their daughter because I look much younger than I actually am, and yeah, I admit I don't dress my age either (whatever that is supposed to be).
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
yogafan108 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I have had it happen several times too. I always pass, due to the fact, I am certain youngster’s ultimate goal is to “bag a cougar”. I want no part of that.
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Honestly, I think before they really know more about me, these guys think I'm closer to their age. Most random guys I just turn down because I feel that if they do know my age they would have an issue. And my love life is complicated anyway, too complicated for most mainstream folks.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Jenelle comments on Aug 5, 2018:
At 42, “much younger” to me is someone in their 20s or even early 30s, LOL... A huge turn off to me when a guy says: “I like older women,” because I think why say that, you should like me for me not just some generic arbitrary goal that you seek in every partner. Side note: “I like bigger ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
True. Some much younger men want a mature woman but a lot of times I'm just a silly crazy girl. I don't want to be held up to a standard people might have of women in the late 40s.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Whatever and whomever you are comfortable with.l dont think you are too old for me at all. ?
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
You aren't too old for me either. LOL.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
LimeySteve comments on Aug 5, 2018:
My best friend and lover is 21 years younger than me. Personally, I love it when younger women want me. Hell, I love it when women of almost any age want me. :-)
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Mine's 20 and some odd months younger. Some days we are at par. Some days I feel like I'm housetraining a puppy dog. Puppies are cute but could be a handful.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
itsmedammit comments on Aug 5, 2018:
In general, if I were into short term, a younger man would be ok. For a serious relationship, it would be difficult to imagine having a compatible mindset with a younger man. Anything is possible though and I wouldn't necessarily rule out anybody within say, 15 years. I think age difference ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Yes, absolutely true. My bf is 27 currently and I'm 47. We've been together 2 years. He pursued me relentlessly though I wasn't interested in someone so young. At his age, he's old enough to have his own career and kids. May be that is my issue here, that he's at that age where many men would start thinking of getting married and having families. That sort of thing will not ever happen with me. He knows all that.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Hitchens comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I read somewhere that the following is an accepted guideline for age difference for a male anyway.. but of course it depends on the couple.. Acceptable age difference is half your age +7
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I have heard of that. But yeah, who decides that.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Fit50something comments on Aug 5, 2018:
My relationships have almost all been with women who were either several years older or several years younger, and it has never been a factor in either the attraction or the separation. To your specific point, dating a woman half my age would be a positive experience for her. She would learn about ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I've had the same experience with much older men myself, and prefer them. I'm not normally into much younger men. In their 30s or early 40s are fine, but in their 20s is a bit much too young usually for me.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
Snickers77 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I have a slightly different peespective on this question. My Dad was 40 and my Mom was 17 when they met and married 3 months later. They were together for 23 years until the day he died. Bogart-Becall relationships were much more common and accepted at that time. Today, I'm not sure I'd be here ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
My parents are 14 years apart in age. She was 24 and my Dad was 38. I was born when my Dad was 41. They've been together 50 years now. There's always been some sort of disparity between them. In their younger days, my Dad worked all the time and my mom did things she enjoyed like taking cooking classes and shopping. Now that they are older, my dad likes being at home and relaxing, and my mom still wants to go out shopping and eating out and such. And yes, something like what your parents did would be seen as inappropriate these days. Farther in the past centuries, you see 50 year old men marrying 15/16 year old girls, and that was seen as normal.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
SeanNock comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I personally prefer older women, I have done the part thing I have gone out and been wild. I prefer someone more down to earth and tend to relate a little better with aomeone older than myself. When I am approched by younger, my first thoughts usually go to what kind of craziness will I have to ...
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I've met quite a few younger men who prefer more mature women. I don't see anything strange about that because normally I would be interested in much older men.
I know the subject of age difference has come up a few times here.
joeymf86 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
15 years younger or half my age? She would be 16-17 years old. My response: GET AWAY!!!!
graceylou replies on Aug 5, 2018:
I did say the definition of much younger varies.
What is your strangest talent? How did you discover it?
graceylou comments on Aug 2, 2018:
I can impersonate cats and chickens.
graceylou replies on Aug 2, 2018:
@RobLawrence There is actually but I would just be bood of the stage. I would be better off putting on my sparkly bellydance outfit with midriff showing and may be a thigh too. And shimmy my ass.
This is what my job entails.
CaroleKay comments on Aug 2, 2018:
That's looks sooooo fun! Yes, I get to make things and get paid lots for it. :D
graceylou replies on Aug 2, 2018:
It’s so much fun. Dogs are always happy to see you. But you do get hurt a lot working this job. I’ve gotten scratched all the way to bitten badly. Black eye, busted lips, scraped knees. But I love it. I wouldn’t want to do anything else.
This is what my job entails.
Hitchens comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Wow.. I love animals..especially dogs..I feel so happy around them..I envy you. ?
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
@Hitchens I worked at a boarding facility the last 6 years where I worked with a lot of dogs (the most at one time was 51 dogs I cared for all by myself). I left that place to open my own boarding business. It had taken 3 years to get this place to where it could open and have guests, though my vision goes far beyond what it is currently so the place keeps expanding.
This is what my job entails.
ArtfulBliss comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I’m currently looking for something new. The dislikes have begun to outweigh the likes.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Good luck. This is why I opened my own business. Tired of working in the hectic messy crazy other place that focuses on quantity over quality.
This is what my job entails.
ScienceBill72 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
These are really adorable pics,looks extremely fun and heart warming ?
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I've had awesome guests so far.
This is what my job entails.
FatherOfNyx comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I used to work with dogs, it was my zen place. I was in charge of their socialization and there's something wonderful about watching dogs interact and interacting with them on their level. Now I drive a truck for a construction equipment rental company. The long drives are nice, but bittersweet ...
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I've worked in pet boarding for years now. I used to be an academic. LOL. I prefer working with dogs. I'm working at my own pet boarding facility now. I has been a lot of work getting here.
This is what my job entails.
Hitchens comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Wow.. I love animals..especially dogs..I feel so happy around them..I envy you. ?
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I have four dogs of my own as well, so I'm constantly around dogs.
This is what my job entails.
Omen6Actual comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Fuck and no.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Awwww that's too bad.
This is what my job entails.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Everthing but setting up and tearing down the equipment.There is nothing else that compares to playing music for me except for sex and l can't do that for three or for hours.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
May be with some break time in between.
This is what my job entails.
JustKip comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Nope. I want your job!
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
You're hired.
This is what my job entails.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I'm a self made IT guy just for myself and family. I could not do your job. I'd be too busy petting the doggies.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
@DenoPenno I used to work at another place doing the same thing but just opened my own boarding facility a little over a week ago. Now I work for myself. It's been much better.
This is what my job entails.
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I Love being Retired... I tell you that much. I wouldn't trade.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain I bet. I can't stop working and relaxation drives me bonkers. I need to work work work.
This is what my job entails.
toots8735 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I love watching people with mental and physical impairments have success in spite of their disability. They have people in their lives that say they cannot do anything and I have witnessed them prove those people wrong.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I used to work with kids with learning and developmental disabilities, tutoring them with school work. I loved it!!
This is what my job entails.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I'm a self made IT guy just for myself and family. I could not do your job. I'd be too busy petting the doggies.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
But that's what my job is. LOL. But I also run the whole place, clean, do bookings, and do paperwork.
This is what my job entails.
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I Love being Retired... I tell you that much. I wouldn't trade.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I think being retired would drive me crazy.
This is what my job entails.
PhitDoctor50 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I teach. Working with students can be very satisfying.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
I used to teach also. University then just my own students I tutored. Very rewarding job.
This is what my job entails.
maxhyde comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I work from home @graceylou Your job is better than mine
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Actually, I work from home too. My pet hotel is just down my driveway from my house.
This is what my job entails.
Secretguy comments on Aug 1, 2018:
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Awwwww. That's not good.
This is what my job entails.
IAMGROOT comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Um, I love that my boss and I are separated by 8 floors. Does that count? LOL!
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Sure why not. I'm my own boss so I can't be separated too far from that bitch. LOL.
Has anyone else had an issue with the messenger today?
graceylou comments on Aug 1, 2018:
It’s been messed up all morning. I had to send messages through the message button in the profiles.
graceylou replies on Aug 1, 2018:
Apparently that only works on my phone with the app. It doesn't work when I'm on my laptop.
I love hanging out in my garage making and fixing things.
graceylou comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I have a sewing room, which has been taken over by my geckos (and tarantulas) so now it's the gecko room, although I still sew there now and then.
graceylou replies on Jul 31, 2018:
@soquel one eyed snakes? Tonight my snakes prefer to hug their furry dinners.
What famous person do people think you look like?
graceylou comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Hmmmm. Any random Asian actress or whatever. Cause you know, we all look alike. Dressed in one of my dance outfits, a friend’s daughter said I looked like Mulan.
graceylou replies on Jul 30, 2018:
@Akfishlady Thanks. I just learn these days to say thanks for nice comments. I don’t usually feel comfortable with nice things said to me.
What famous person do people think you look like?
graceylou comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Hmmmm. Any random Asian actress or whatever. Cause you know, we all look alike. Dressed in one of my dance outfits, a friend’s daughter said I looked like Mulan.
graceylou replies on Jul 30, 2018:
@Akfishlady I can be anything people want me to be it seems. When I’m in Mexico the locals think I’m Mexican. In a New Mexico pueblo they thought I was an indigenous person. Filipinos think I’m one of them. Malaysians think I’m one of them. In grade school my friends called me a geisha. Don’t know where that came from. My distant ancestry is supposed to be Chinese but I look nothing like a Chinese person. I suspect there might be mixing of DNA in my ancestry somewhere during the colonization periods.
When parents allow their kids to leave pets at their house.
graceylou comments on Jul 30, 2018:
But you gotta admit, hognoses are so darn cute.
graceylou replies on Jul 30, 2018:
@birdingnut We are limited here on the types of hognose we can keep as pets and the few allowed including tri-colour are quite pricey. Wild species are illegal to keep as pets. Corn snakes are probably the most docile snakes I know and I take one of them to Kids Camp at the vet clinic to teach kids about caring for pet snakes. My kings are pretty insane except for my variable king. My boas...well depends on the species. I love them all but I especially love the feisty ones with attitude.
I love hanging out in my garage making and fixing things.
graceylou comments on Jul 30, 2018:
I have a sewing room, which has been taken over by my geckos (and tarantulas) so now it's the gecko room, although I still sew there now and then.
graceylou replies on Jul 30, 2018:
@KissedbySun I have a huge library/office in the basement, and it's been taken over by my snakes' tanks.
What famous person do people think you look like?
graceylou comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Hmmmm. Any random Asian actress or whatever. Cause you know, we all look alike. Dressed in one of my dance outfits, a friend’s daughter said I looked like Mulan.
graceylou replies on Jul 30, 2018:
@JoeMastle Ummmm. Thanks.
Pros and cons about having a tattoo/tattoos?
graceylou comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Pro: Having amazing art applied to your skin as canvas, having an expression of something that have special meaning to you always with you Con: as have been mentioned, tattoo healing and aftercare can be a pain, especially the itching; allergies, if you are allergic to metals you may want to ...
graceylou replies on Jul 27, 2018:
@KKGator There was no real point to make. You are reading too much into what I said. Obviously I wasn’t stating that it’s a medically serious addiction since I said that I couldn’t really choose whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Like potato chips or cats, you may not be able to stop at one or a few. Ask people with tattoos and most would say they want more and more. I really don’t care to argue the semantics of my use of the words “fact” and “addiction”. The addiction is a “fact” for me and many others with tattoos. I am not prone to addictions to drugs or alcohol or sex or whatever else. A friend of mine has an addiction to collecting cross stitch patterns that she can’t control but she’s not a drug addict. Addiction can simply be an utter love for something that you always have to have more. In terms of tattoos there could be a chemical component involved. I’m not proving your point. I’m proving my point in the first place if I were pricing a point.
Pros and cons about having a tattoo/tattoos?
graceylou comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Pro: Having amazing art applied to your skin as canvas, having an expression of something that have special meaning to you always with you Con: as have been mentioned, tattoo healing and aftercare can be a pain, especially the itching; allergies, if you are allergic to metals you may want to ...
graceylou replies on Jul 27, 2018:
@KKGator It may not be a scientifically proven fact but many who have tattoos have said it is addictive to them. It’s not necessarily the same kind of addiction as an addiction to nicotine or alcohol in terms of mechanism. It could be like an addiction to books and reading where you would keep buying books even if you already have stacks of unread ones. As someone says, tattoo pain can be addictive. I feel that way as well. Sometimes I crave it and need it like I need a drug.
Do you like it when your partner is the dominant one in bed, or do you prefer leading things?
graceylou comments on Jul 26, 2018:
I’m a switch but I prefer to be submissive. In other aspects of my life I’m dominant. In intimate situations I take on the opposite position. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want me to do to you. Hell, just use me. Mmmmm hmmm. If I’m asked to dominate I can easily do that as ...
graceylou replies on Jul 26, 2018:
@JohnINFP ohhhh punishments. I like punishments LOL
So, the postman delivers 3 boxes to your door.
graceylou comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Large-a snake, medium-a lizard, small-a tarantula. But I would be suspicious of the postman delivering to my door because I can’t get mail here.
graceylou replies on Jul 25, 2018:
@Sticks48 Are you talking about the objects in the boxes or the postman who shouldn't be delivering to my house.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
ScienceBill72 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I will approve and if someone has an issue ill explain what i felt or whatever, for the most part i haven't run into to many people fighting and arguments on this site, which is a very big plus
graceylou replies on Jul 25, 2018:
I've only approved, never disapproved. I stay away from political and controversial posts so I don't see much in the way of offensive rude comments.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
belikewater comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I didn't know this was a thing. I've had some comments not show up before. I thought it was a snafu that happened when the site certificate expired. Now I'm wondering if they weren't approved, although I don't recall the content as being at all offensive.
graceylou replies on Jul 25, 2018:
This is a perk for Level 6 (I just checked again) members. When you get to level 5, your comments would show up immediately. Level 4 and lower, your comments have to be evaluated and approved first either by admin or by level 6 plus members. This perk actually helps most members in the lower levels have their comments approved sooner. It might be that no one has gotten to approving you yet but even if disapproved by a member, admin has to evaluate it and may override member decision.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
Jolanta comments on Jul 24, 2018:
What do you mean "lower levels" once upon a time you were "lower levels" too. You did not get there all by yourself.
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
@Jolanta This is a perk (reward) for reaching level 6 I think, I can't remember. This feature allows you to approve a comment by someone in the lower levels before admin does. It shows up among the comments on a post (anyone's post) and it asks you if you want to approve of these comments (choose yes or no). It does help a newer member get their comments accepted and posted more quickly so they get their points (but admin still gets the last say). So, by approving a comment made by a lower level member, the higher level member can help that lower level member.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
geist171 comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I find the feature a little daunting. I appreciate that the site and community as a whole operates on a system of self-governance and it's intended for the community to police and guide itself with minimal administrative interference, and in a lot of cases, posts are pretty easy to approve. But ...
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Yeah, I want to approve to help someone but what if it's seen as a terrible or useless comment by the person who made the post. I don't know. I don't like the responsibility. If I ignore it, I feel bad for the commenter. Hoping someone else will approve it I guess.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
xenoview comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I like a post because I want to, not because I'm ask to.
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
It’s not about liking a post. It’s about approving a post. If you choose No then the comment won’t be posted (or at least theoretically that is the case). It is a perk of level 6 I think. Or 7.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 24, 2018:
It is a perk of the Levels. Nobody Makes you do it, if not comfy, ignore!
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
If it’s my own post they are commenting on I would instantly approve (haven’t seen anything to disapprove yet). If not, I kinda feel strange either approving or disapproving but I would approve if it’s not an offensive comment.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
TheAstroChuck comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Your approval/disapproval is only a temporary one. It merely allows a provisional posting of a comment and Admin subsequently scans through the backlog of all comments.
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Still, I feel the responsibility to do the right thing. Feels a little patronizing for me to sort of oversee someone else’s comment. I still approve anyway to help them.
Do you feel weird when asked to approve someone's comment on a post?
Jolanta comments on Jul 24, 2018:
What do you mean "lower levels" once upon a time you were "lower levels" too. You did not get there all by yourself.
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
Are you even understanding my question or the topic? I just don’t feel right to either approve or disapprove of someone’s comment just because that person is in the lower levels. I never asked for that feature. It’s just there. I feel somewhat patronizing to be asked to approve someone else’s comment no matter their level. If it’s my own post may be it’s fine but for others’ posts it feels odd. So far I’ve approved all comments to help those in the lower levels get their comments seen.
So something has been bothering me the past couple of days.
graceylou comments on Jul 24, 2018:
I am poly as well and in a similar situation like you. But I chose not to select “interested in meeting men” because I can see how some might think I’m misleading them. Being here for community has led to many friendships, a lot of flirts, sharing of fantasies. I have crushes, yes, but the ...
graceylou replies on Jul 24, 2018:
@JohnINFP Better than nothing right? You just never know.
Just look at this ratato! He thinks all ratties live in a house with chef catered meals and a queen...
graceylou comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Rats are so cute and smart. Sadly, they are illegal to have as pets where I live.
graceylou replies on Jul 21, 2018:
@SkotlandSkye This one made me think of this post.
Oh My Gato!!! I found my Cat Butt Coasters!!!
Alvinsmama comments on Jul 21, 2018:
I love cats and prefer male cats to female cats (all fixed of course). But, all my friends think I'm nuts because I think cats balls are cute because they are fuzzy (I'm not including the cats who are hairless, I shall not speak of them...ugh). Mens' balls and dogs' balls are kind of yucky to look...
graceylou replies on Jul 21, 2018:
Me too. They look like cute little fuzzy pompoms (even after neutering).
Just look at this ratato! He thinks all ratties live in a house with chef catered meals and a queen...
graceylou comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Rats are so cute and smart. Sadly, they are illegal to have as pets where I live.
graceylou replies on Jul 21, 2018:
@SkotlandSkye You didn’t cross the border in Alberta though. As far as I know Alberta is the only province with a rat ban.
Do you ever feel that no one "gets" you?
AmiSue comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I can't imagine how that would even be important?
graceylou replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@AmiSue That sounds a lot like me. I understand that completely.
Do you ever feel that no one "gets" you?
graceylou comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I prefer that people don’t get me. The things that I do and my lifestyle have some people worry that I might become a social outcast. And I would think, “What’s so bad about that?”
graceylou replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Alimacbean Here's the thing. I don't care if my weirdness rubs someone the wrong way. In fact, a lot of times I rub them the wrong way on purpose. You are just a nicer person than I am.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Etre comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hmmm..... Prescriptive Grammer vs Descriptive Grammer = English Teachers vs Noam Chomsky Naom Chomsky, hmmmm.... Noam Chomsky is the Father of Modern Linguistics.....hmmmm... I know what side I'm on! What side are you on?
graceylou replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Etre I see. I love learning languages. English is my third language actually. I learned Dutch as my second language. It’s my father’s first language. I learned French in grade school/high school and Spanish in university, also Shuswap which is an indigenous language. I’ve learned some Egyptian Arabic for dance.
Is there a tattoo you wanna get?
graceylou comments on Jul 19, 2018:
My next tattoo will be a dragonfly on my belly upper abdomen area. It’s a ticklish sensitive area for me so I’ve left it bare all this time. My next one after that will be one or more starfish on my elbow continuing my shark half sleeve ocean scene. The elbow is supposed to be one of the most ...
graceylou replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@JohnINFP Yes I see that. I think I’ve seen pretty much all the important parts if the movie in that long trailer.
Is there a tattoo you wanna get?
graceylou comments on Jul 19, 2018:
My next tattoo will be a dragonfly on my belly upper abdomen area. It’s a ticklish sensitive area for me so I’ve left it bare all this time. My next one after that will be one or more starfish on my elbow continuing my shark half sleeve ocean scene. The elbow is supposed to be one of the most ...
graceylou replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@JohnINFP That is one strange movie trailer. I will share my tattoo pics with you if you want.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Etre comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hmmm..... Prescriptive Grammer vs Descriptive Grammer = English Teachers vs Noam Chomsky Naom Chomsky, hmmmm.... Noam Chomsky is the Father of Modern Linguistics.....hmmmm... I know what side I'm on! What side are you on?
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Etre One of my university majors was in Linguistics.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
Lukian comments on Jul 18, 2018:
There are concerns about the solvents, the source and type of (chemical) pigments and, other ink texture modifier used to make the ink since that part of the industry is not well regulated (or lack thereof). There are many funky colours that haven't been around for that long which is also a concern ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Lukian Seriously though there are many things people with compromised immune system should not do.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Etre comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hmmm..... Prescriptive Grammer vs Descriptive Grammer = English Teachers vs Noam Chomsky Naom Chomsky, hmmmm.... Noam Chomsky is the Father of Modern Linguistics.....hmmmm... I know what side I'm on! What side are you on?
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Etre I’m sure you’ve heard of Nim Chimpsky.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
Lukian comments on Jul 18, 2018:
There are concerns about the solvents, the source and type of (chemical) pigments and, other ink texture modifier used to make the ink since that part of the industry is not well regulated (or lack thereof). There are many funky colours that haven't been around for that long which is also a concern ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Earthling50 Am not a huge fan of Dr. Oz, thanks.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
Lukian comments on Jul 18, 2018:
There are concerns about the solvents, the source and type of (chemical) pigments and, other ink texture modifier used to make the ink since that part of the industry is not well regulated (or lack thereof). There are many funky colours that haven't been around for that long which is also a concern ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Lukian I don't. I know it's a science based observation. There are indeed careless tattoo artists and shops that have endangered the health of their clients. You have to research everything and weigh the risks.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
Lukian comments on Jul 18, 2018:
There are concerns about the solvents, the source and type of (chemical) pigments and, other ink texture modifier used to make the ink since that part of the industry is not well regulated (or lack thereof). There are many funky colours that haven't been around for that long which is also a concern ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@Lukian Everything has risks. I try to stay away from things I'm unsure about, like glow in the dark tattoo ink, for example. I have allergies to some tattoo ink so I also take that into consideration. Different brands of tattoo ink have different effects on me.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
Lukian comments on Jul 18, 2018:
There are concerns about the solvents, the source and type of (chemical) pigments and, other ink texture modifier used to make the ink since that part of the industry is not well regulated (or lack thereof). There are many funky colours that haven't been around for that long which is also a concern ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Would not be the first or only chemicals we put in our bodies that cause "concern".
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
NothinnXpreVails comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I dig them, but not all of them. I see horrible tats on people, but I’ve seen fantastic ones, too. I follow artists on ig from around the world and there are some amazing pieces out there. I guess it’s subjective. I’ve had no issues with jobs, but I’ve had the same one for years.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@NothinnXpreVails There are many talented artists out there. I would be honoured to be their canvas. New styles are coming out all the time and some are quite interesting.
TATTOOS ... what do you think of tattoos?
NothinnXpreVails comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I dig them, but not all of them. I see horrible tats on people, but I’ve seen fantastic ones, too. I follow artists on ig from around the world and there are some amazing pieces out there. I guess it’s subjective. I’ve had no issues with jobs, but I’ve had the same one for years.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
I go to the Tattoo convention locally and met artists from all over the world. I'm truly amazed by the Japanese tattoo artists. I love Japanese style tattoos.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I'm a big fan of wit. Too bad I've only got a half.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
@MrBeelzeebubbles A meeting of minds? Do any Fox News Watchers have any brain matter at all to get together with other of the same to make a functional brain? Love your name by the way.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
HardBlues69 comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Know I dons be Karin bout dad stuff mane
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Etre comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Hmmm..... Prescriptive Grammer vs Descriptive Grammer = English Teachers vs Noam Chomsky Naom Chomsky, hmmmm.... Noam Chomsky is the Father of Modern Linguistics.....hmmmm... I know what side I'm on! What side are you on?
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
That would be Chomsky not Chompsky.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Salo comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I make a pronounced effort with my spelling and grammar, but the size of my phone's keyboard and the autocorrect often make it pointless. I'll correct errors I see in time but I won't bother going back to edit a mistake unless it's likely to cause confusion. I'm more forgiving with others. Besides ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Yup, totally agree. The language is changing. I’ve seen that when grading or proofreading works written by the younger generations. If they all make this particular “mistake”, I just let it go. I don’t want to be that outdated older generation that’s resistant to change.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
SkotlandSkye comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I still text people in complete and full words and sentences. My friends would probably shit themselves if I wrote "how r u?" How someone writes --- the words they choose and their grammar ---- can give a fairly accurate picture as to education level and attention to detail.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
I text complete sentences too. I mean, there are word suggestions when texting and they still choose the wrong words.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
geist171 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
You've seen some of my comments. I'm verbose and I'm kind of a grammar snob. I'm usually willing to compromise on technical correctness and concern for correct language use in the name of clarity, and I learned a long time ago that other people do not put the same (potentially excessive and ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Yes. I agree with your points. My background is in academia on the graduate student level but I consider some who have never even finished college to be more intelligent than I am. There are better problem solvers. There are those who can navigate the real world more efficiently and effectively than I can. There is more to a person than the person’s language. Some write with perfect grammar and clarity, and use big words. But their egos are sickening, and that’s a huge turn off.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
TristanNuvo comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I have a few things that do bug me, they misuse of words like There, they're and their. And your, and you're. I do have to admit though that I make quite a few typo's because I mostly make comments and posts on my phone, and my fingers are too big to type correctly. But I do try to do my ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
My biggest pet peeve is the misuse of “its and it’s”.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
DaveSchumacher comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Glad you relax here, I'm dyslexic and can't write for shit. But I do try and communicate ideas that are important to me although sometimes I find it hard to express those ideas precisely. Maybe I can hire you to coach me. :)
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
I worked with students with learning difficulties in the past. I understand writing can be a challenge for some. We can’t always assume level of education or intelligence. I can help but not for hire.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
ScienceBill72 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
It doesn't matter so much to myself, unless they clearly dont know english well and it obviously affects communication with them. Im no English expert but i do my best to use the right words when talking online
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Yup. Same with me. And well there are more important things in our writings aren’t there?
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Etre comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Sounds like a prescriptive grammerist with a heart!!
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Shhhhhh. Don’t give away the secret. Heart? What heart?
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
MrBeelzeebubbles comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I'm a big fan of wit. Too bad I've only got a half.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
I might own the other half.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
JacarC comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I am all over misspelled words and grammar droppings. Observing that a person has no clue about the difference between "then" and "than" sucks me down the hole. The clarity of knowing that the writer is not able to construct a coherent "if-then" sentence makes me wet. What more can we ...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Are we discussing grammar or something else? Or may be I just have a filthy mind.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Hermit comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I commit tons of typos, especially when I’m using my phone. If there are a lot of grammar and spelling problems, then maybe I start questioning the person’s level of education. There are plenty of intelligent people who don’t always use correct grammar or maybe didn’t get very far in school,...
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
I think I’m the same when it comes to those assumptions and I hate making assumptions. So I try to get to know the person behind the writing and not rely completely on the writing. Once I had to grade a university class paper and there was one that was beautifully written but so convoluted and pedantic I couldn’t begin to understand what any of that meant. I gave it to the professor to grade because I had no idea how to. She didn’t have a clue what the paper meant either. LOL. It seemed so well written it made no sense.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Stephanie99 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Poor English makes me think that it is someone pretending to be someone he isn't.
graceylou replies on Jul 18, 2018:
Interesting perspective.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
ABSykes comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I think it's very important. I tend to become more picky as I get to know the person, as it becomes a longer, deeper relationship. Especially online, I feel it shows something of their personality, so I'm not too hard nosed about little stuff but if it comes across as dull or as you say, pedantic or...
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
Hahaha. I originally was going to write something else not what I ended up writing. I was going to write “how important is someone’s writing style”. I changed it to skills but forgot to change the “is”. LOL. There I changed it.
How important are someone's writing skills when communicating online?
Seajay88 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
If I can understand it, it’s not important. I work with a menagerie of cultures and people. I get the honest pleasure of working with so many people with English as a second language. I only correct them if they ask, otherwise I ignore the grammar and spelling mistakes whether verbal or written ...
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
Technically English is my second language, actually third, possibly fourth. I get that someone who’s first language isn’t English might write with errors but I find native speakers are just as bad. I don’t correct people unless I’m asked to proofread or I’m grading assignments.
The sign at one of the churches in town says “God loves you whether you like it or not”.
maturin1919 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
@maturin1919 I’m not feeling imposed upon by the imaginary being but by people who put up the sign. It just made me cringe passing by there. It’s not affecting my life I’m general thanks.
The sign at one of the churches in town says “God loves you whether you like it or not”.
maturin1919 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
@maturin1919 But to love is also an action otherwise it wouldn't be a verb. Love is shown in many certain action-oriented ways. In any case, being loved by an imaginary being is even more creepy. Someone saying that to me is an intrusion on my belief or lack thereof.
The sign at one of the churches in town says “God loves you whether you like it or not”.
maturin1919 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
Yes, that's how I felt. It felt creepy, like I'm being intruded upon. If that's not how you would feel, then it's because you are not me.
Would you like to?
graceylou comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Sure why not. I’ve been known to do crazier things.
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
@JohnINFP That couldn’t have been me. I’m vegan. I don’t have cheese. LOL.
Would you like to?
graceylou comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Sure why not. I’ve been known to do crazier things.
graceylou replies on Jul 17, 2018:
@JohnINFP I don’t kiss and tell. ?


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