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Agnostic. I am not here to meet people.Married 39 years to a non religious believer I admire Neil deGrasse Tyson,Richard Dawkins ,Stephen Hawking and the late Dr.Kevorkian, Leonardo da Vinci .George Carlin, Robert Klein,Lawrence Krauss.Bill Maher Enjoy science facts .astronomy, biology, love all animals ,especially dogs


This is totally crazy! []
richiegtt comments on Oct 29, 2021:
When I first read this in the newspaper I thought the amount was a typo mistake .This is outrageous
The radical, racist BLM matters leaders are threatening to riot again. []
richiegtt comments on Nov 14, 2021:
Those racist BLM scum are an annoying destructive disease that continues unabated .
Happy to find this group! My daughter’s 1970 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
richiegtt comments on Dec 4, 2021:
The huge heavy chrome bumpers of that era were phenomenal.
That lying fucktard officially found guilty!! 5 out of 6 charges.
richiegtt comments on Dec 10, 2021:
There are plenty of his racist fans that wish he had been found innocent even if they knew he was guilty.
I had to block lovinlarge, absolutely no common sense! She's arguing with me that grass is green!...
richiegtt comments on Dec 10, 2021:
She is an annoying liberal idiot who will never believe any facts presented to her no matter what the source .
Wouldn’t the fact that Biden said he was going to appoint a black woman to replace Breyer on the ...
richiegtt comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Not any more ,a good example is what the recently appointed Mayor of NY (Eric Adams ) did with most of ALL his appointments.Color and Gender were obviously his objectives from what I have seen here in NY.
Soft On Crime brand, lol. Endorsed by the Biden Admin.
richiegtt comments on Feb 13, 2022:
And soft in the head
It’s funny because it’s true
richiegtt comments on Feb 25, 2022:
And a pathetic senile incompetent puppet that is not even running the show
"When Putin just decides he's going to invade Russia" I kid you not,, he actually said that.
richiegtt comments on Mar 8, 2022:
Small minded and stubborn people are famous for not admitting that this sorry excuse for a President is off his rocker . Why can’t they try to understand ? Because that’s not what they want to do .They’d rather ignore this fool and watch him make a spectacle of himself…that’s just what they do .
The man is such a joke. It's sickening to think he's in the WH right now. []
richiegtt comments on Mar 16, 2022:
It’s sickening to think that idiots voted for this pathetic fool
richiegtt comments on Mar 18, 2022:
To bad Trump didn’t fire his ass like he would have preferred to do .
I got a new cap and I’m getting a very positive response to it here in Oklahoma.
richiegtt comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Very sad.
richiegtt comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Not surprising
Will Smith's 'apology' at the Oscars was a faith-based defense of bad behavior
richiegtt comments on Apr 3, 2022:
Only a bunch of idiots would have applauded Smith after the assault .This meant they took the side of the perpetrator over the victim .
Uh oh, a new BLM movement...
richiegtt comments on Apr 14, 2022:
Unfortunately it does not matter to a deplorable segment of the population .
26 People Share What Made Them Stop Being Religious
richiegtt comments on Apr 14, 2022:
It started when I began to realize that the concept of prayer was so ridiculous and made absolutely no sense or logic.I questioned the belief that god gave humans free will and that this was the reason they are capable of evil actions etc.Common sense told me at a young age that a god would not give free will to humans due to being aware of the consequences.
When will these arrogant little woke college kids learn?
richiegtt comments on Apr 16, 2022:
Typical woke nitwit that has to resort to profanity and insults when he is challenged by someone with more class and intelligence.The POS should not have been able to continue after his disgusting insults . Ben Shapiro held his cool and proved he is the better man
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Suggests SCOTUS Roe v Wade Leak Was Done to Sabotage Him Specifically
richiegtt comments on May 8, 2022:
He is full of crap just like the overpriced pillows
I wonder why school shootings never (at least to the best of my knowledge) happened when I was in ...
richiegtt comments on May 27, 2022:
I blame social media and the news media .These nut jobs do it partially for the notoriety that they receive from posting and even filming themselves .I say they should not publish photos and names of these outcasts because it gives them what they crave.
Justice was definitely served in this case. []
richiegtt comments on Jun 1, 2022:
With all this transgender bullshit going on more situations may occur similar to this and in some scenarios individuals may never know the true biological sex of the person they are involved with .
Alex Jones Gets SHUT DOWN By DOJ [youtube.
richiegtt comments on Jun 3, 2022:
I cannot believe anyone would waste their time listening to this annoying asshole.
What will the crazy democraps think of next?? []
richiegtt comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Total BULLSHIT ,another way to rip off the taxpayers.
To date, here are a few of Biden's accomplishments.
richiegtt comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Another accomplishment is that he still has idiots that think he is doing a good job especially on this main site .
You can't make stuff like this up.
richiegtt comments on Jul 14, 2022:
CHAMPAGNE Socialist .excellent phrase
Yeah, top one is just a cartoon, bottom one is very real...
richiegtt comments on Jul 25, 2022:
The top one is a cartoon the bottom one is a puppet
Pat Benatar won't sing 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' in wake of mass shootings
richiegtt comments on Jul 25, 2022:
What the hell does this song even have to do with gun violence.It’s not referring to actual guns and bullets. It’s about romantic relationships for crying out loud.
Easy fix just say no to WOKE
richiegtt comments on Aug 15, 2022:
I refuse to legitimize sexual dysfunctions and pretend to accept this as a normal form of behavior
All HAIL ALEX BERENSON!! He sued twitter and won.
richiegtt comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Good for him
Our new King…King Charles III gives his first address to the U.K. as sovereign. []
richiegtt comments on Sep 9, 2022:
A purposeless figurehead that serves no purpose other than sucking the taxpayers dry ,him and the rest of the parasites that are born in to privilege and never had to earn or work for their life of luxury.
I kind of feel sorry for those on the west coast with all their issues with crime and blackouts, ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 12, 2022:
This is a scam...
richiegtt comments on Sep 24, 2022:
He’s laughing all the way to the bank
Seven facts about Tyrannosaurus Rex from American Museum of Natural History- []
richiegtt comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Enjoyed the video and facts I was not aware of .I have been to the American museum of natural history many times.It a fantastic place to visit
I honestly thought this was another Babylon Bee post of sarcasm.
richiegtt comments on Nov 15, 2022:
What a load of bullshit .The woke wastrels enjoy labeling anyone they can as racists
Twitter poll says Trump should be allowed back.
richiegtt comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Of course he should be allowed back
Doesn't get much more moronic than that.
richiegtt comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Not the first time this nitwit has displayed her pathetic liberal mentality.
With that strike going on, looks like the New York Times didn't have anyone to write news stories ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 9, 2022:
It’s a shame what this newspaper turned into .Never read that shit rag anymore.
I watched season one episode one live, how about you?
richiegtt comments on Feb 14, 2023:
I think it was the second year it was on that I actually got tickets to see it live in person in Manhattan, but was disappointed that I saw the rehearsal instead of the broadcast live show but at least I saw all the original cast
I don't understand why any state would not have a death penalty for people like this.
richiegtt comments on Feb 16, 2023:
What they should do is speed up the long process of killing these sick bastards
What do you think of this quote?
richiegtt comments on Mar 1, 2023:
I think it is quite thought provoking in that life is no doubt terminal and no more than a vessel ( gene machine) to carry and pass on genes to the next generation .This train of thought can be attributed to Richard Dawkins .
Texas bill would allow "prayer and Bible reading on each school day"
richiegtt comments on Mar 8, 2023:
Requiring children to read the Bible is a form of indoctrination and child abuse .
It appears the state of California now has the "honor" of holding another record.
richiegtt comments on Mar 14, 2023:
Definitely agree
One of my all-time favorites;
richiegtt comments on Mar 26, 2023:
This man is a genius.I am finally starting to read his book the selfish gene.
Famous quote - almost condemning the religulous in politics - by Republican Barry Goldwater.
richiegtt comments on Apr 6, 2023:
It took guts to say this at the time .He should be commended
Dalai Lama apologizes after video kissing a boy on the lips and asking him to 'suck' his tongue | ...
richiegtt comments on Apr 11, 2023:
His deluded followers will give him a free pass .
This guy (in typical proper British form I might add 🤗) is the quintessential intellectual trying...
richiegtt comments on Apr 23, 2023:
China must love these clueless climate activists. China controls most of the vital resources needed for EV batteries . This is just one of many consequences if these activists get what they want
This lemon has been squeezed dry
richiegtt comments on Apr 24, 2023:
I guess he is past his prime like he had stated that Nikki Haley was .
For many years I hated religious people.
richiegtt comments on May 9, 2023:
You can hate the religion but not the people
Finally we have a State Superintendent willing to fight the radical teachers unions here in ...
richiegtt comments on May 21, 2023:
At least in your state some action is being taken .In most states nobody gives a shit especially here in New York city
Social Security and Medicare are ticking time bombs.
richiegtt comments on Jun 1, 2023:
They failed to mention that raising the earnings cap could be one of the solutions .
Since the site security certificate expired on Friday, I take it no one is left online in this ...
richiegtt comments on Jun 8, 2023:
After trying different browsers I was able to get on today .Thanks for the alternative sites you posted
It seems most everybody from this group is gone now that the website has lost their security ...
richiegtt comments on Jun 11, 2023:
I managed to gain access
Is anybody left in this group?
richiegtt comments on Jun 18, 2023:
Still here ,miss posting with you guys.I sent you a private message with some info but I guess you did not get it
I second that one.
richiegtt comments on Aug 31, 2023:
No politician should be allowed to use anonymous or burner email addresses while performing their ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Just one more crime committed by this wastrel that the democraps turn a blind eye to on a daily basis
Sorry, couldn't resist, too funny.
richiegtt comments on Sep 9, 2023:
That’s true but did you also know
Obama was the most divisive and racist president in our lifetime. []
richiegtt comments on Oct 4, 2023:
The proof of his racism is his past association ( 20 years ) with the known racist reverend Jeremiah Wright who was famous for his telling his congregation, that blacks should not sing God bless America, but God damn America.
My 16yr old daughter is talking about joining the Air Force Reserves when she graduates.
richiegtt comments on Oct 16, 2023:
You should be neutral and just weigh both sides negative and positive.She will get 100 percent paid tuition to further her education and the benefits etc
Hard to believe with the worst inflation we’ve had since Carter and there’s still people out ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 29, 2023:
Unbelievable but true.
Never dreamed we’d become a banana republic by prosecuting political opponents.
richiegtt comments on Nov 3, 2023:
A banana republic that many people embrace and are so ignorant that they do not realize that it’s happening,that’s the travesty.
“It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of...
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2023:
There is nothing inherently wrong with this. But sometimes the associated eagerness and hopefulness for strong connection can shield us from seeing potential red flags in a person and this is far from ideal when we’ve already decided they essentially could not do anything wrong-and trust that they won’t
The Catholic Church, which is still anti-LGBTQ, will let priests bless same-sex couples -- ...
richiegtt comments on Dec 21, 2023:
Regardless of the fact that any religion makes changes in the right direction it’s still a sad fact if an Individual would allow religion to dictate how they make decisions and run their lives .This indicates how brainwashing can prevent logical thinking.
Yup.... Time to vote these liberals out of office. 😎👍 []
richiegtt comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I think I already hit my breaking point.
These kids are smart
richiegtt comments on Feb 5, 2024:
It also takes much longer to charge.the colder it gets.and it’s been reported that at charging stations.the part that attaches to the charger port on your vehicle freezes and it cannot make a good connection.. One of the good things though is if the vehicle does manage to start and the battery is charged enough you don’t have to warm it up like an internal combustion engine and you can get full heat in the vehicle right away.
" Holistically " 😄😂🤣 .. What a damn joke! []
richiegtt comments on Feb 22, 2024:
The voice of reason .
Cool lady. []
richiegtt comments on Feb 28, 2024:
Truly an amazing woman.
And then liberalism came along👿👿👿
richiegtt comments on Mar 30, 2024:
Unfortunately these days are long gone thanks to democratic ideologies
“Regret is an appalling waste of energy: you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing...
richiegtt comments on Apr 14, 2024:
Regret can prevent an individual from repeating past bad decisions or actions .I know in my case it has. But wallowing in it can definitely be detrimental
Take a Defensive Driving class to lower the cost of auto insurance.
richiegtt comments on Apr 21, 2024:
I am surprised that your test was timed . I always take online classes and the ones I have taken in the past have given me few weeks to complete Unfortunately your state regulations may not permit this type of test. In N.Y. State this is permitted .(.improv online defensive driving course is what I used )
richiegtt comments on May 25, 2024:
The voters who want Trump don’t give a shit about this bullshit trial .If he wins the case or loses this case, nobody will change their mind about voting for him
What happened today in a New York court room is a disgrace and hopefully will be corrected on ...
richiegtt comments on Jun 2, 2024:
If Anyone cannot see that this reeks of a banana Republic then there’s something wrong with them.
For school teachers that say they are woke
richiegtt comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Woke is a joke
See, I told you, we FINALLY beat Medicare. 🤪🙄 []
richiegtt comments on Jul 1, 2024:
Yeah, Biden beat it to death.
No doubt is there!
richiegtt comments on Jul 1, 2024:
The face I make when I hear deluded fools on this site defending Joe Biden.
Have you ever been on Google Earth and zoomed in on a random place you have no intention of ...
richiegtt comments on Jul 4, 2024:
Have done this numerous times
Some biden memes
richiegtt comments on Jul 12, 2024:
And the shit -show continues !
For all those claiming Psyops don't exist..
richiegtt comments on Jul 15, 2024:
And the ones who don’t believe in this crap are the ones that are demonized
richiegtt comments on Jul 28, 2024:
The use of state power to harass and intimidate political opponents is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes, not a free republic. This was bullshit from the beginning .There were no victims claiming any harm , Banks and insurance companies never alleged any losses . James actions represent a dangerous.abuse of prosecutorial discretion.
Seriously, how can one be for women's rights and equality and still be okay with men competing in ...
richiegtt comments on Aug 1, 2024:
And where are all the so-called feminists who are no where to be found in regards to what’s been going on for much to long ,in all of woman’s sports.What kind of self centered biological man would beat up a woman . A major problem in regards to this matter is not enough woman in sports are coming forward and complaining about it either because they’re afraid to be ostracized or they might have the woke mind virus.
Regarding that vasectomy van at the DNC, in thinking about it more I actually support that concept, ...
richiegtt comments on Aug 23, 2024:
The men who ...
richiegtt comments on Sep 12, 2024:
Bill Maher got fired for saying something similar to that but it’s true
I don't believe Walz misspoke there, he let the truth slip out in a rare moment of honesty, and now ...
richiegtt comments on Oct 4, 2024:
Well at least he admitted he was a knucklehead .😂🤣
The people have spoken
richiegtt comments on Nov 10, 2024:
If she would’ve spoken and answered one question without her moronic word salad things might have turned out better for this incompetent fool
Sounds about right..
richiegtt comments on Dec 10, 2024:
Definitely sounds about right
Watching the Grammys it's amazing that every single Grammy was won because of god, meanwhile they're...
richiegtt comments on Feb 4, 2025:
Being brainwashed by religion, and the belief in a god erases, any logic and common sense from even so-called intelligent people.
If your god asks you to convert others ...
richiegtt comments on Feb 11, 2025:
If there was a god it would have just skipped this step and created everyone to believe in it from birth ,Just more proof that simple common sense and logical thinking proves there is no god .Also the free will argument that the religious love to use is also idiotic due the fact than an all knowing god would know the consequences of giving free will to its creations and would not do this due to the dire consequences.
What do you think of backward ball caps on older men?
richiegtt comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I have always thought wearing a base ball cap backwards looked ridiculous especially when the strap shows .I have worn these caps for 50 years and not once wore these caps backwards .The main reason I wear these hats is to keep the sun out of my eyes ,so why the heck wear it backwards
Some Atheists can be just as self righteous and judgmental as Christians/religious people.
richiegtt comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Astute observation.
richiegtt comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Never in my life from 1st grade on did I ever eat a school prepared lunch .My mother always gave me lunch in a brown paper bag that I took to school.
Who avoids discussing religion and spirituality?
richiegtt comments on Apr 8, 2020:
The only person I debate this subject with is my wife of 30 plus years ,who is a believer but not at all religious. She realizes I make sense and has relinquished her belief in the catholic religion over the years and excepts that I am agnostic..For what it’s worth I think believers are prone to be more receptive to the ideology of agnostics over that of atheists .
What are some things you wish you could blink out of existence?
richiegtt comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Al Sharpton. A racist lying ,homophobic,anti Semitic, trouble making POS
Dating religious people
richiegtt comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am married but before I was married it depended on how religious they were .If they went to church on a regular basis I would definitely not date them .If they were just believers and did not follow a particular religion this was acceptable.If I had cut out all believers 35 years ago my options would have probably been practically no one .A nonbeliever that does not accept a believer is no better than a believer that does not accept a nonbeliever
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
richiegtt comments on Apr 26, 2020:
This is an ongoing question on this site and is a non issue as far as I am concerned .These labels are just as insipid as the labels on different religious ideologies in that all claim they are correct and everyone else is wrong
Opening America now is ludicrous.
richiegtt comments on May 5, 2020:
If this started from one person only about 6 months ago then logically the only way this hideous virus will no longer be a threat is if not one single person on the planet has it and this is never going to happen In the near future .
What if a God was proven real. Would you worship that god?
richiegtt comments on May 9, 2020:
If it was the god Christians believe in ,Would you worship it if you were sure to go to a place of suffering and fire and screaming and your ex wife ( or any one else you despise )if you did not? only a masochist would answer no ,But that’s ok ,it’s not your fault if you were born this way.
How have plants rewarded you for caring for them? PIctures, please.
richiegtt comments on May 14, 2020:
I get pleasure in watching them thrive under my care .My wife and I have planted various types of evergreens in our backyard .We especially like Holly bushes.
"My Last Drink was Ten Years Ago" by John DeVore. Your thoughts?
richiegtt comments on May 20, 2020:
I think Small amounts of red wine are Beneficial .My 104 year old father has been drinking about 10 ounces of sangria every day for about as long as I can remember . I do not care for wine beer or any thing but an occasional mixed drink in a restaurant once in a while .
Milton Friedman - I, Pencil []
richiegtt comments on May 28, 2020:
Excellent video .
Lame-stream-media LIAR:::: "journalist" shown to be a liar, having attempted to destroy lives with ...
richiegtt comments on May 28, 2020:
This SOB Farrow had the audacity to put pressure on his book publishing company to prevent the publication of his father Woody Allen’s book because it counters allegations in his own (Farrows)book about the allegations against Allen.
"Let me say as I've always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially ...
richiegtt comments on May 30, 2020:
This is an Indication that ignorant people do not necessarily take advice from people they profess to look favorably upon.
Life insurance saved my daughter's sanity and life.
richiegtt comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Your daughter is lucky she has such a mother who made the correct decisions as you did.


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Agnostic, Freethinker
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  • Joined Nov 15th, 2017
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