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As a Libertarian you own a large lot of property and a gun. One day you find a man in rags going through your property? Can you shoot him for trespass? If you did would you be held liable and by who ?

Marine 8 Jan 14

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Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility.[1][2][3] The troll pretends ignorance and feigns politeness, so that if the target is provoked into making an angry response, the troll can then act as the aggrieved party.[4][5] Sealioning can be performed by a single troll or by multiple ones acting in concert.[6] The technique of sealioning has been compared to the Gish gallop and metaphorically described as a denial-of-service attack targeted at human beings.[6] []


Well, that is a simple question and deserves a simple answer. No!
The proper response would be "can I help you?"
The question,as posed, gives you almost no information. What if he is your long lost brother who has come looking for you. What if you were in critical need of help and this person has just the skill to help you.
You would only become beleaguerent with him if he was beleaguerent with you.


i can imagine the scenario just fine but i could never begin to imagine being a libertarian.
as a human being not having my life threatened, i can't imagine shooting anyone. who would try to hgld me liable depends on which state is involved. but since when is trespass a capital crime?



Depends on the State you are in, the type of weapon, his demeanor/ perceived intent. There is no one law for any of this!

@maturin1919 if you shoot someone, I assure you your political philosophy will not matter, only the laws of the particular state you live in

@maturin1919 my brother is an adamant libertarian, "survive or starve", basically. We have a lot of debates where, so far, I haven't killed him.....he is also a gun nut. I come here to get away from all that! Love you Bro, but grrrrrrrrrr


Not sure why this question should be posed to Libertarians.


Ok, I understand where this poster is going. He's asking Libertarians to defend their policies. Good fun, love it. I think these posts should be prefaced with, "In a hypothetical Libertarian utopia..."



Since when is trespassing a death penalty crime?

he's trolling and trying to incite people against the LP.

No crap, shooting seems awfully harsh, yet some people do advocate it. Crazy.


Personally, I would ask if they needed help, or at least if they were hungry.
And if the were homeless, I would do what I could to get them to a shelter, or some where that they could get more help than I am available to.

Thats the kind of thing why I volunteer at a homeless shelter.

And also, WTF does ones political stance have to do with it.

@SpikeTalon Thanks I like being salty


No threat? No shoot.
Property posted? Ask!
Property not posted? No trespass violation.


Stop asking ridiculous questions and do the research yourself.
You are just trying to cause trouble and divisiveness because you have some personal ax to grind.
It's annoying and borders on trolling.
Don't be "That" person.


Right on!! Good answer!

The only rediculas question is the one never asked? Plato

@Marine I'm pretty sure Plato could spell

@Gareth System would not let me correct spelling. I have been having same problem since I joined. It is nice to see someone else can spell however,thanks. Plato thanks you too.


As a Libertarian with lots of guns and property, why on earth would I shoot someone who is no threat to me?

I may ask him why he is there and his intent, but my duty is to retreat and call the authorities if something is amiss.

This question is nonsense and serves no useful purpose.

Thank you

@Gwendolyn2018 that is probably true.....he should pop by my property and I'll give him a demonstration on how logical people act in that situation. LOL

But, but Libertarinas don't believe in police,do they? A police force means tax dollars. As a libertarian, should you not take matters into your own hands, regardless of whether you offer him a bullet or a morsel?

@itsmedammit if you let me stop paying taxes legally then I won’t call. But as long as I bought them (even by government force) I will use what I paid for.

I don't understand why you have lots of guns. Why not just have one good one, and possibly a spare?

@Gareth Because I can ...just like people can have multiple cars, houses, books, pairs of shoes, or anything else they want and work for. When was the last time you walked up to a neighbor who has multiple cars and started questioning their choices?

Also, if you knew anything about guns, you would understand that there are different guns for different sets of marksmanship skills. I like throwing lead down range. It's a good hobby and totally my choice and an inherent human right.

@SkotlandSkye Don't worry, I question everyone who acquires for the sake of acquisition, especially people with superfluous cars, houses and shoes.
"Because I can" indicates to me the absence of an argument in that it can apply to anything, including religious rituals, murder or child abuse. If it's your hobby then that's an honest response - it's a little odd to me that you want to have a different gun for anything a gun can do, but that's your choice. It's when people say it's for self-defence or to resist authoritarian governance and still have more than they can hold and use at one time that I find it illogical.
As for being an inherent human right; humans have existed for around three million years and portable firearms for about three hundred, but sure - believe what you want.

@Gareth "Why do you have?" is basically, NONE of your business. How about you let others live their lives and you keep your NOSE in your own business. No one put YOU in charge of policing others. How dare you? You are no better than a dictator who thinks they know best for everyone. Also, if you think portable firearms have only been around 300 years, you really really suck at history (it's more like 700 years). And, the inherent human right of which I spoke included all the knives, swords, and clubs used before then.

@SkotlandSkye If you post things that are nobody else's business on public forums you will have a lot of disappointments. Keep that stuff to yourself. Anyway, I apologise for not letting you live your life. Go, fly free, and play with your culverins.

@Gareth Sod off, you SOCIALIST troll. Quit trying to control your fellow humans.

@SkotlandSkye It's always the angry ones who seem to love their guns.

@Gareth wrote something and then immediately blocked me after tagging me in I have no idea what he wrote. Sometimes the trash takes itself to the curb.


Ok since I’m not an idiot and a former law enforcement officer I’ll say that your political affiliation has absolutely not a fucking thing do with your scenario.

But depending on which state you live in you can shoot a trespasser but you’ll enjoy a very long investigation and you’ll be sued by the family of course and civil courts aren’t as literal as criminal courts.

blimey! i didnt know that. are there some states where you can just shoot a trespasser? is that without a warning?
I'm from the uk but that seems HARSH even for america

@JimmyM I believe that you have to give some kind of warning but in those places are way out there and they’re usually ranchers and are considered as protecting their livestock.

And my ancestors are from the UK one of which actually became infamous for shooting his neighbor over a land dispute in the early 1600’s.
So let’s not forget where some of us came from shall we. ?

@JimmyM Anthony Edward Martin (born 16 December 1944) is a farmer from Norfolk, England, who shot a burglar dead in his home in August 1999. Martin was convicted of murder, later reduced to manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility, and served three years in prison, having been denied parole.

@JimmyM The cases will be widely evaluated too. Will vary not only be state but by community. You better be well liked in your community before you shoot someone. And probably best to be white.


I would ask him to leave.


I'm pretty sure the laws apply to all US citizens whether you believe in them or not. You need a self-defense" alibi to not suffer consequences. But I'm not an attorney.

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