When my mom first started texting she sent her brother a text informinng him a family memeber passed away. She ended the text with "lol". When I saw it I asked why on earth she would laugh. Her reply was "I thought that meant lots of love" she was so embarrassed.
We aren't all that bad as yet, well at least not me so far...LOL.
@SaucyCheryl I always try to find at least ONE thing everyday about life to laugh at, even if it is just about myself or something crazy that I do.
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Ummm, oookkkaaayy. Of course, if you changed the ageist crap for "black" terms, what would we all be saying about it.
Oh, and you're never getting older?
@SaucyCheryl oh, I've been getting them for almost a decade....
@SaucyCheryl That Is Fucking Funny