I find it interesting that many atheists, including ones on this platform, give up their belief in a god but do not give up their religiosity. For example, you have a lot of progressive atheists who swallow what the government tells them whole without any skepticism on their part. There’s a virus going around, sure, we can give up our freedoms including being able to assemble in public. I witnessed this with Jake, a prominent leftoid streamer who wears a corn suit and bloviates about how bad capitalism is, even though he engages in it. A lot of progressive atheists believe in feminism and critical race theory unquestioningly. Essentially, SJW bullshit has become their new religion. Just ask Steve Shives and Kristi Winters. Also, PZ Myers, a biologist, thinks that in order to be an atheist, you must also agree with social justice principles. Here I thought that being an atheist merely meant lacking belief in a deity. Interestingly, a group of people that preach “tolerance and acceptance” are the most intolerant and insufferable assholes in the world. When it comes down to it, being an atheist does not exempt from being susceptible to brainwashing.
Yeah, I've see breakdowns with more than a dozen categories of atheism. For a lot of people, they need to transition out of their belief systems slowly or want to preserve their social or family connections. Remember, atheism is like lower than pedophile serial killer thanks to the evangelicals.
Buddhism in its purest form is atheistic and so is LaVeyan Satanism. Yeah, a lot of evangelicals give atheists a bad rap but a lot of atheists do themselves no favors. Thanks for the reply.
So much for being open minded.
If Progressives are so prone to believing the government then why are we so skeptical of idiots like Reagan, Trump, and Bush? I think you're fooling yourself about who's buying government propaganda, there's far more idiots on the Conservative side.
Let's take another type of situation, sex scandals, if Matt Gaetz weren't such an insufferable asshole he'd have 100% conservative approval, the liberal Matt Gaetz named Anthony Weiner we immediatly tossed out of office not to mention Governor Cuomo.
But then again Conservative Government people have told you what liberals are like and you buy it hook line and sinker. All streamers are weird ass people and you using Jake is like me saying all Conservatives are exactly like Rush Limbaugh. So if I don't compare you to Manson because you're white like him but you compare me to Jake because he's an excellent example of everything you think you hate about liberals then you suffer from severe political bias.
You can't be a humanist without being a feminist. The idea behind feminism is that women have every right a man has. The idea behind humanism is that every human has every right that every white man has. If you find that threatening then you're a misogynist, a racist or perhaps both. If however you disagree and try to tell me that feminism is something different then the definition I just gave you then you're ignorant and don't understand what words mean.
As for Critical Race theory I'll argue that you have no idea of what that is. It's only taught in graduate level law schools but the common conservative like yourself insist they teach it in kindergarten because once again you're ignorant. Your notion of what critical race theory is, is based on conservative media, who gets it from conservative politicians, which equals government so again who's buying government propaganda hook line and sinker.
As for tolerance and acceptance F you in the ass if you think for one moment I give a F about how tolerant you are, that's why we have laws to protect the public from people exactly like you.
Please respond in an insulting way so I can see it before I permanently block your government brainwashed ass.
It seems to me that @Heavykevy1985 is conflating progressiveness with gullibility.
@anglophone With no evidence no less, while we have decades of conservative incompetence that proves their inability to produce or enforce healthy public policy.
Didn’t you know they teach Derrida and Foucault in elementary grades alongside the Adorno Cultural Marxism [sarcasm tag]?
Instead of recess there’s Maoist struggle sessions and out loud readings of what Obama learned in the madrassa that taught him to let too big too fail capitalist acolytes fix Dubya’s blunders. That very last part wasn’t sarcasm.
@Scott321 Bush was an idiot, but philosophy really isn't my cup of tea. Obama was a black man that never allowed himself to show his anger in public because he knew nothing scares white people like an angry black man no matter how righteous his anger, and the conservatives used it to force him toward bad policy. The ACA forces people to be ass F'ed by insurance companies and Wall Street loves it. Thankfully Biden doesn't have the same weakness, his issue is he's a moderate corporate Democrat although I admit he's doing better under the circumstances then I expected. However our country is in desperate need of a new FDR to actually clean up the system from the current 1899 viewpoint so we can drag it kicking and screaming into the twentieth century at least.
Hell the dems threw out Al Franken....and he just made a fucking joke. Of course, that proves how fucked up the dems are and has nothing to do with the original poster. Or does it?
@twill It does prove that gullibility isn't as much a Progressive trait as it is a conservative virtue.
The people calling Progressives gullible are taking fucking horse wormer, a fact that should wake even these idiots up.
@Willow_Wisp I'm around enough right wingers to know that they don't even start to 2nd guess anything that comes out of the mouths of their choice
Great reply, but prolly wasted on this one.......
Feminism in practice are women getting special privileges over men including being able to freely exclude themselves from responsibility of their kids. Also, many states adopted the Duluth model of domestic abuse. Also, feminists whinge and whine about the pay gap, which does not exist. Also, CRT is a racist ideology within itself full of contradictions including the silly notion of white privilege. You or Jake are not liberals; you are authoritarians. Not a conservative but what to expect from a progressive except insults.
@Heavykevy1985 Thank you and goodbye, I don't allow toxic misogynist in my feed.
@Willow_Wisp As was once said to me, if you cannot express your idea in at most thirty words, then you have no real idea what you are talking about.
@anglophone So you are agreeing that the OP has no idea what he's talking about.
@BufftonBeotch Yes. I see him as conflating progressivism with gullibility. I cannot be bothered with detailing his other logical fallacies.
@Willow_Wisp me either, sheesh, what a Misogynistic asshole!
Ohferpetessake....but wait, you forgot The Kitchen Sink in this muddled mess
Dear Hevyskevy, could you clarify a few of your statements? Like All of them please, it hurts my brain trying to decipher exactly what your whiney, pussyhurt diatribe is all about, thanks in advance.
Nice try at snark. Keep your day job.
@Heavykevy1985 At least she has a job... & an education.
@Heavykevy1985 "...people that preach “tolerance and acceptance” are the most intolerant and insufferable assholes in the world."
At the root of this intolerance is the fact that they cling to thought systems that are not consistent with reality. The closer a thought process is to reality, the more tolerant and respectful of differences people are. The further from reality, the more cruelty and intolerance are required to maintain the fantasies. It works the same whether they are theological fictions or political ones. This is why people caution about talking about 'religion and politics' in polite company. They are the most insufferably intolerant people on earth when they subscribe to political or religious fantasies.
@phxbillcee How do you know that either person has a job or their education? Assume much?
@Heavykevy1985 actually it's straight up Sarcasm..guess you didn't pick up on it..
@Charlene snark, sarcasm. Picked it up just fine.
Well, you have demonstrated your last sentence, at any rate...
& what do you even mean by "believe in feminism"? & do you even know what CRT is at all? Do you know any history (besides which one your many kissin' cousin ancestors fought with RE Lee)? One does "give up" certain "freedoms" during emergencies, like certain streets get blocked off if there is a fire or an accident. & if many of you anti-vax/mask idiots would have abided by some basic guidelines this damn virus would likely have been stomped out by now. & I can see your tolerance & acceptance is on full display here. I will say that being a "supposed" atheist sure doesn't necessarily bring wisdom, understanding or intelligence...thanks for reminding us of that fact.
@phxbillcee no. Probably better that the virus petered out naturally instead of prolonged artificially by government lockdowns
@phxbillcee believe the fourth-wavers when they bandy about the gender pay gap, the patriarchy, etc.
@Heavykevy1985 Your level of ignorance is not easy to achieve. You must work on it constantly or it is that Mississippi education which is consistantly ranked in the bottom three in this country and has been since its inception. I can hear the dueling banjos in the background when you speak.
I have found that it's not worth my time talking politics to people from Mississippi and Alabama. We live in a different world.
Definitely not profiles in intelligence or reason.
But that’s what idiots let religion do to them.
@CuddyCruiser Atheist myself but thanks for proving the OP right
Proving the OP right with your intolerance. I am an atheist, for your information
@Heavykevy1985 That doesn't automatically make you smart. Even the stupid get something right occasionally.
I certainly agree with your leading point. The rest is laughably the pot calling the kettle black.
There are absolutely progressives and conservatives alike who struggle with some straight-forward logic principles. I am sure you would consider me brainwashed. I am just as sure it is you whose ideology is blind. Go figure.
Diety belief is just one issue plaguing humans. Removing that certainly does not guarantee paragons of logic. It helps, but it is just one step.
It certainly hasn't stopped you from being brain washed. Being an Atheist doesn't mean we a think alike on every subject. People on the left are just as distrustful of government as people on the right. We don't take measures to protect ourselves from the virus because the government tells us to. We do so because science and the medical specialists tell us to, you know, those people trained in this shit. We also have the ability for critical thinking, something stupid people don't have because they are stupid. This is how stupid works. When you see hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone dying it tells you something is really wrong, duh! I have lost an ex brother in law, one fellow musician friend, and have another friend who looks like she will not survive this. This is just common sense. The people who are listening to the politicians are the people on the right and they are the ones losing loved ones or dying themselves. You really don't seem to be up on current events.
"This is how stupid works" 'nuff said brother !
No. But if atheists are skeptical of a god, then why so many drink the Kool-Aid of being for more government control of things and not questioning concepts like CRT and feminism? Missed the point the OP and finished with a whataboutism
@Heavykevy1985 CRT is just a out teaching our true history. Feminism is nothjng more than having the same rights as you and eqaulity in pay in the work place. These are not strange concepts.
@Sticks48 Women get the same for the same work, cuck. Women EARN less than men. There is a difference, prog. CRT is ahistorical. Show me the #cottonskyscrapers.
@Heavykevy1985 No they don't. Your ignorance grows by the day. Why do you think they have been trying to get the equal rights amendment passed for decades. Google CRT. You are aintelligent. Your lack of knowledge of the world is staggering.
@Sticks48 What the hell is “aintelligent?” Already have equal rights, dipshit. Recall the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, and Fair Housing Act of 1968?
@heavykevy1985 you really are not up on current events. Remarkable given you have all the information in the world at your finger tips. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
How do any of those things equate to religiosity?
Basically, from what you posted it appears you have swallowed virtually everything said on Fox News without question, but have accepted it as fact.
Conservatism resembles religiosity more so than leftists, as conservatives want you to accept authority without questioning, just like religion does, and conservatives get all bent out of shape if you question them, just like religious people do.
I studied addiction studies in college, and there is what is known as a "dry drunk". Which is a person who stops drinking, but remains just as dysfunctional in their actions and thinking. I postulate that conservative atheists may no longer believe in god, but they maintain the same dogmas and prejudices that they (mostly) got form religion. Your statements above pretty much mostly demonstrate that... along with the condescending presumptive attitude of thinking one is always right.
Also, it is annoying that you posted it three times. It is veyr much like a religious person to think that repeating your message will somehow change a persons mind or get them to agree with you..
The only thing leftists are intolerant of is intolerance itself, and those dotn' tolerate intolerant people themselves. Sorry if that makes you feel excluded.
Leftists are intolerant of other opinions. Read Johnathan Haidt’s “The Righteous Mind.” Studies show that right-wingers understand the ideology of their opponents more than the reverse. BTW, don’t watch Fox
@Heavykevy1985 As my degree is in sociology, I sincerely doubt the existence of studies showing that right wingers have more understanding than left wingers. At least none that were not loaded (rigged) to create a particular outcome.
I have seen many studies that show the more educated a person is, the more likely they are to lean left. People who actually understand the problems society faces tend to lean left.
If you don't watch Fox News, then it is pretty strange that your opinions are exactly in line with the viewpoints they are pushing and you harp on the same subjects. I suspect right wing talk radio also echos what Fox News spouts out.
@snytiger6 Don’t listen to right-wing radio. Considering that the overwhelming of sociologists are leftists, a worthless degree I might add, I am not surprised
Well, he doesn't have to exclusively watch Fox. There are a plethora of other outrage vying for advertisement dollars above all else channels/sites out there that he could be viewing. He simply gets caught up in the outrage and tries to desperately come across as a relatively calm person commenting on liberals because he's convinced that's the best way to "own" them.
@dokala, @Heavykevy1985 I did learn a great deal while studying sociology, mostly giving me an understanding of other's behavior, but also learning how to properly use data and statistics. I found it to be very useful in my life.
However, if Sociologists are mostly leftist, it is because they better understand humanity and how people interact in the real world.
I started college late when I was 29, but had already flipped from right wing to left wing back when I was 23, and seeing how Regan negatively impacted society. It was the republican party, of which I regret that I used to belong, that made me into a liberal, because I was able to step back and see what their policies were doing to society at large, long before I studied sociology. I am just to empathetic to be a right winger.
However getting back to you, you never addressed what I said about "Conservatism resembles religiosity more so than leftists, as conservatives want you to accept authority without questioning, just like religion does, and conservatives get all bent out of shape if you question them, just like religious people do." Which countered your claim that leftists act like religious people. I noticed you didn't address it, but changed the subject. Yet another common ploy of the religious.
@snytiger6 I did not mention it because one, you arguing against a paradigm that no longer exists and two, it is just a whataboutism. The left acts way more puritanical in its beliefs than any conservative I met. You spat out a word salad that resembles Gish galloping, making it next to impossible to address all. No, the reason that sociologists are leftists are because the left has entirely taken over academia, to the shunning of right-wingers. Being a leftoid does not make you any smarter. As a matter of fact, progs spew the same crap like it is a religion
Not at all surprising that a conservativism advocate would attack sociology. Sociology, by and large is very critical of the status quo in the social order. Sociology quickly became dominated by various approaches to conflict theory, recognizing that there are many problems in society and they tend to be structural, systemic. (I mean, seriously, does anyone pay the slightest attention to Durkheim anymore?? )
Conservatives can't stand such reality, prefering the myths of the "rugged individual" and "self-made" success. Sociology questions the status quo, and by extension, authority. Conservatives tend to get a little thrill at the notion of authoritarianism, at least what it promises, if not the reality. Of course they always imagine that authority should agree with them, personally. Lol! Ah, simpletons.
@Heavykevy1985 Again, you make no distinction between progressive and liberal, preferring to lump us all together with every accusation. It is actually progressives I think you are harping about, for the simple reason that progressives are most likely to be fighting for large structural changes to society as a remedy to deeply entrenched societal problems.
Conservatives like to blame victims of inequality. I suspect you are confused as to the difference between Puritanical tyrany and fighting hard against traditional power structures, which from the outset, already enjoy a distinct power advantage. How can a progressive, the outsider, be the Puritan? Puritans, after all, are all about authoritarianism and conservative social order. Conservatism is the most fertile of breeding grounds for authoritarianism and love of tyrants(Hello Donald Fucking Trump!)
@MikeInBatonRouge how can progressives, which have strongholds in academia, Silicon Valley, mainstream media, and Hollywood, be outsiders? You can’t be both, Mike. There are no distinctions because a lot of liberals want stronger federal government all the while too milquetoast to criticize progressives and their idiocy. Donald Trump is along the lines a business Democrat. As a matter of fact, he waved the LGBT flagged after he was announced the winner in 2016. What change is needed? Progressives advocate for more government intervention. My point is the leftist atheist worship the government, thus proving my point that they have never given up their religiosity
@Heavykevy1985 You prove nothing. You misunderstand, misinterpret, and misstate much.
A toehold is not a stronghold. When it comes to business, even in Hollywood, progressives have a bit of a voice, because liberals and some independents are willing to listen, but they are certainly not in charge. And recognizing government as potentially the only institution powerful enought to counterbalance excesses of religion and mega-corporate business and finance, being very critical of government, and fighting hard to change it
...none of these things constitutes "worshipping" government.
@MikeInBatonRouge no. Progressives want more mask mandates and more government control as a whole without any criticism. Yeah, that is worshipping the government. You question the constitutionality of mandating vaccines, you are called anti-vaxxer. Question feminism, you are a misogynist. Question CRT, you are a racist. No different than being called an apostate.
@MikeInBatonRouge no. Whenever you have all of Hollywood and the press kowtowing to groups like BLM, progressives definitely have a stranglehold
@Heavykevy1985 You "question" any idea important to others, and they will challenge you You are, after all, challenging them. That is how public discourse works. Of course you see the only acceptable outcome as being that everyone agree with you. Well, sorry Charlie.
As for labels of anti-vaxxer, misogynist, and racist, well of course you are going to be suspected of those things.
I get it, that negative judgment labels are easy to come by and tend to be blunt and to generalize in sweeping fashion. You are not simply either racist or not, sexist or not. Racism and sexism are real rhings, prominent and woven theough our society. We are all affected by them, and our perspectives impacted by our socialization. When you vocally dismiss and criticize feminism concerns or concerns of racial minorities, and if you fail to offer any constructive alternative that acknowledges those concerns, you are arguably (and very likely) expressing the prejudice of your privilege.
Anti-vax? Yeah, whatever your motivation, you are spewing that, and it is dangerously stupid. So stop. Just stop.
@Heavykevy1985 Re. "All of Hollywood and the press kowtowing to groups like BLM," what you call "kowtowing" is really simply journalistic integrity in acknowledging that such movements have legitimate concerns. I WISH it were ALL, but at least it is a majority, and that is progress.
Your delusion that there is some progressive DeepState-style kabal is sheer paranoia.
@MikeInBatonRouge no. It is kowtowing. Every corporation and MSM outlet dare not question or disagree with BLM, biggest support coming from academia. Never said anything about a cabal but you do you, boo boo. Institutional racism is nonexistent except against whites and Asians. Just because you handwave shit away does not mean it is the reality on the ground.
Re. "Institutional racism is nonexistant except against whites and Asians..."
Wow. You never heard of a little post-WWII program called "the GI Bill?" It only institutionalized redlining and set the stage for intergenerational massive wealth inequalities in America. There are many examples. You are absolutely racist, hate to tell you.
I stand by my previous statement. Not kowtowing. You are just all kinds of levels of wrong ...Boo
@MikeInBatonRouge yes kowtowing. Considering that BLM exploded with the myth of “hands up, don’t shoot,” yeah it is. Also, redlining affected whites and Hispanics worse. Poor people in general were affected. Debunked myth. Regurgitation of same tired prog talking points, just like a catechism. Religion much?
@Heavykevy1985 Wrong, wrong, wrong, and...oh yeah, wrong again. But I have already explained it, so I am done. Not that I saw any chance of either of us changing opinion. But for the sake of any audience that might been entertained, it was an amusing exercise. But now it starts to go in circles. And when you start saying shit like "redlining affected Whites ...worse," and that BLM claims are just myths, there is no antidote for the Kool-aid you've drunk.
@MikeInBatonRouge you are the one that swallowed all the idiotic prog talking points. By the way, a lot of people at Jonestown were forced to drink the poisoned Kool-Aid.
You're just another white male who feels oppressed?
How you got that out of the post is amazing. It must prove YOU are among the intolerant people on the planet.
@Alienbeing Why should I be tolerant of someone who wants me oppressed just because I am a woman?
Fuck that shit with the business end of a claw hammer.
The fact that you say "straight white male" or "white male" infers you have a prejudice against such
@Tejas Only the ones who whine and complain about how they are oppressed by women and other races daring to live as they damn well choose.
Imagine your reaction when people refer you as "just another woman"
@Tejas Why would I have a problem with that?
That is exactly what I am.
@Alienbeing I don't agree with you at all. @buftonbeotch can tell who he is by his tone and choice of words. I met so many of these people in Mississippi and Alabama when I called on banks there. I could tell so many stories. They live in an alternate universe from the USA. A place still locked in the American Civil War.
The original poster fits right in there.
How did you get being white and oppressed in the OP? You are just proving my point.
@Bigwavedave I live in Mississippi and no, we are not locked in the Civil War.
@BufftonBeotch NO ONE even hinted women should be oppressed. Your prime abilty seems to be feeling outraged, when no need for outrage is present. His "tone", as you put it, is not his tone it is actually your prejudices revealing themselves.
@Alienbeing Show me where I used the word "tone" in any form whatsoever.
You can stop putting words in my mouth yesterday.
@BufftonBeotch I can't put words in your mouth, your foot is always in your mouth, so there is no room.
@Heavykevy1985 If you hate feminists and people who work for social justice you hate me.
So you can fuck off.
@BufftonBeotch don’t hate anyone. Total strawman. I disagree with them because their beliefs are incongruous to reality. Hate is a strong emotional investment
@Heavykevy1985 So I'm just incongruous. FUCK OFF!
@BufftonBeotch block me then. I will not fuck off. Lol
Your prejudices are showing X 3
How so?
Your preconcieved notions are showing.
@Heavykevy1985 Maybe I misinterpreted your comments but you you appear to be prejudiced against any so called atheist who is to the left politically.
US politics are unique to the USA and what you call socialist or is the new buzz word "progressive" can be quite different to a socialist in the rest of the world.
You list people I have never heard of so I have no idea what their beliefs or politics are.
I am a confirmed non believer in any supernatural entities or gods and I would call myself a socialist politically but I have religious church going friends who have similar political views to me so in many cases belief or non belief in gods has no bearing on political leanings.
@Moravian I am not prejudiced. I am just pointing out that a lot of progressive atheists tend to be very dogmatic in their beliefs to the point where it is a religion for them. Yes, you are still misunderstanding what I am saying. Instead of saying that I am “prejudiced,” why not ask clarifying questions?
@Heavykevy1985 Why are you bothered by the opinions of "progressive atheists". I was an admirer of Christopher Hitchens although I disagreed with him on his approval of the Iraq invasion .
@Moravian considering that progressives have a stranglehold on culture and now politics, it is disturbing. Also, progressive atheists tend to be ill-formed and lack a nuanced point-of-view
@Heavykevy1985 That is probably one of the most ridiculous comments I have seen on this site and there have been many.
@Moravian your opinion man. I am observing on this platform what I said
For your consideration:
Careful not to conflate religious observance with religiosity, nor for that matter, atheism with logic. Conservative vs liberal values does not dictate whether someone is religious or non-religious. It does, instead, correlate with how a person personally defines their religious belief system or, alternately, secular philosophy.
The most rational of humans is still more guided by emotion/gut feeling than by logic. Logic only ever plays an advisor role. A person's political affiliation certainly does not shield one effectively from emotion- driven errors in judgment.
But religiosity per se is not synonymous with Irrational people. Plenty of otherwise bright, thoughtful people suspend their critical thinking skills in specific subject matter in order to cater to particular chosen values. Hello politics and religion!
Which brings us, Kevin, to your stupid-ass conjecture about it being liberals who are brainwashed by politicians, when it is you who have allowed political ideology blind you to what science is clearly warning us about. You are laughable.
BTW, did you mean to post the identical rant three times???
Okeydoke, full of malarkey, don’t you mean?
@p-nullifidian Just meant, okeydoke.
@p-nullifidian just as long as it isn't applesauce and baloney or flummery and tripe.
" A lot of progressive atheists believe in feminism and critical race theory unquestioningly. Essentially, SJW bullshit has become their new religion."
A guy has a flat tyre. As he is changing the wheel, all of the wheel nuts slip down a ditch and are lost. So he walks up to a large building which happens to be a lunatic asylum. He knocks on the door and one of the inmates opens a small barred hatch in the door. He explains that the institution is locked down for the night. The man explains about his flat and the nuts, then asks if there is any way he can call AAA? The inmate says no but says "Why don't you take one nut off each of the good wheels and use them on the replacement wheel. If you drive carefully they should get you to a garage."
"That's a great idea," says the man. "How come you are locked up in a loony bin when you are so smart?"
"Just because I'm smart does not mean I'm not insane"
The moral is that it is wrong to assume that an idea is wrong just because of its source. Yes, politicians lie and sometimes science can be coerced. That does not mean that they always lie (tRump excepted) or that we should dismiss everything they say.
Critical race theory is just that, a theory. Just like Marxism or Keynesianism, are attempts to explain the eco-political landscape. Is it valid? Does it hold water? Well read about it with an unprejudiced eye and get back to us then. I suspect that it may hold more truth than you are willing to admit to, Bearing in mind that the very constitution of the USA counted black slaves as 3/5ths of a person and that you have large resentment/racial conflict to this day. If everything was fine and dandy then it would not be an issue, would it? I would think as a "free thinker" you might welcome any ideas that might throw some light on the problem.
That story was an excellent take on the genetic (or source) fallacy. Thanks.
“…being an atheist does not exempt from being susceptible to brainwashing.”
No matter how weak one’s supporting arguments may be—which in this case I find them to be—the BLUF (bottom line up front) principle is a good rule of thumb for any article, essay or diatribe.
To say nothing of public speaking: tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them , tell them what you told them.
"about how bad capitalism is, even though he engages in it."
Being born and raised in a capitalistic country limits a person's options. We all got to eat. There is no inconsistency in pointing fallacies of said system and trying to improve it.
You can opt out of capitalism freely here. Jake is a hypocrite
To summarise:
Some leftist atheists have accused you of homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia and et cetera phobia, perhaps the most damning opprobrious obloquy of all.
So very well said
Seriously??? That mish-mash above? You must be a FauxNews viewer...
@phxbillcee don’t even have cable but thanks for proving my point. Lol
@Heavykevy1985 The only point she proved is that your statement is mish mash, and that’s be generous...I would call it gibberish....
@Heavykevy1985 If your point wasn't 'a point' containing valid perspectives, their panties wouldn't be in such a bunch. The blinded minions of political ideologies only differ from back woods Baptists in one way. They don't have a pie in the sky deity. They worship party on planet tin gods who promise them Paradise here.
They worship heroes of this place and time who also offer salvation at the price of abdication. In neither case do they ever get the pie. They do get the bullshit though and it cuts them deeply to be shown their beliefs in fantasies didn't end with rejecting gods.
@Silver1wun I agree. Their unerring God is progressivism, even progressivism gave birth to eugenics and many racist policies
@Heavykevy1985 There are also a few tin gods on the extreme Right as well. What they, primarily on the Left, are blind to is their own indoctrinations to absurd thought systems without gods.
@Silver1wun agreed. At the very least, from my experience, you can always engage with right-wingers. No telling how many profiles I see on dating sites that say if you voted for trump, swipe right. Same with agreeing with BLM or being vaccinated
@SpikeTalon I have gotten those kind of comments directed my way including that I would die from a slow cancerous death
@Heavykevy1985 The closer a belief system is to reality, the greater amount of tolerance is displayed by adherents. Conversely the further a thought system is from reality the more cruelty and intolerance are required to maintain it. The maxim works universally; not just on theological fanaticism. All deluded fanatics react cruelly and absolutely without recognition of, let alone appreciation for humor. They are frightened, narrow in their perceptual faculties and dangerous in large numbers.