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Hell-0 people reading my post here. I feel i need to meet, well type with new people and learn new understandings and/or sequences to keep myself happy with my surroundings and people that i would hope to maybe touch one day. I have only a few real friends and sometimes i feal unknown and/or overlooked because i keep to myself as a lsck of an angle with others. I guess, i think?? Any ideas??

PokerJ 3 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Great community here and welcome.

BUT like any group, you get back what you put in. I know it can be here but for the most part people are here to help and support one another ok


Read and write a book on how to influence people and win at poker by engaging them in conversation for less than 60 seconds.


Welcome to the site. Here is where I drop my (shameless plug) brain droppings in the wordsmith group. If you like poetry but not trump you might get a kick out of reading it. (My apologies for the dangling participle).

Paddy O'


I think that's why we're all here -- to be able to communicate with others who have a similar understanding of our world, something in common. We all need to speak our minds with like-minded individuals, when we're frustrated with the world around us, and perhaps not able to say so outloud in public, due to our surroundings.

I've created a little niche for my own world in that since I'm already outspokenly atheist, agnostic, humanist, what-have-you, I provide weddings, vow renewals and funerals for like-minded folks, so I actually have a lot of temporary interactions with others like me.

In my little bit of interaction with my music loving friends, I've also discovered that many of them are also atheist, they just are not vocal about it. By seeing that I am outspoken, they feel they can open up to me a bit, so I think that's helped me immensely in carving a life for myself in my environment.

Good luck to you in Nebraska. I have family in rural Nebraska, but maybe you're closer to the urban area where there is more open-mindedness?


You will be fine here, there are many people with various interests and ideas on this site. Perhaps you can start a group for people who like fishing. Take care.




Welcome to the site! I see you're into metal music too!!! Hope you enjoy the site!


Welcome. Jump in and enjoy. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Aug 3, 2024

Look around the site at the various groups and see what people are talking about, and how they behave towards others. When you feel comfortable, start with a comment on a topic you are familiar with on a post or on another comment. I generally keep to myself, unless I have something to say. Try that approach and see how far you get. And welcome aboard. Jump in and hang on. 😉

Oh, modest!!!

@pamagain Oh come on. You know I am the MOST modest guy here. LOL


Welcome! We're a diverse group with atheism/agnosticism in common. Other than'll undoubtedly find people you want to know better and people you'd prefer to ignore. Let me say I've made some very good friends here and hope you do, too. Just curious...are there many atheists in Nebraska?

I've got a bunch of relatives right smack in the middle of Nebraska, farm country, and they are most decidedly not atheists, but the nicest people you'll ever find.

Last time I went to a family reunion, I was vegetarian at the time, and so they accommodated me by serving chicken nuggets, as an alternative to the prime rib, haha! Apparently there is only one meat in Nebraska and it's beef!

I'm not the only atheist leaf on our family tree, but the only one on all the branches who is vocal about it and stand my ground. They were actually pretty respectful of that in person, but not online when talking about agnostics they don't know. Far more than my urban family members who are quite hateful toward my non-belief. Funny how that is.

I said all that to say, the more of us who make ourselves known, the easier it is for the staunchly religious folks to reckon with us.


Welcome, enjoy the site, and don't worry about points, they come fast if you engage.


Welcome. I know what you mean by having only a few friends. I have and can work with the public but the real me is a recluse.

The real me is a recluse too, but lucky for me I guess that I have to go out and help people celebrate their events, for work, as it gets me out of the house and also lets me meet others who have the same agnostic/atheist outlook as me, even though they are gone within a week, since they're only on vacation for the week or their wedding.


Welcome, dude!!!


Definitely join some groups and converse. Perhaps start a 'Heavy Metal' music group of your own. I know of several folks here that love that genre as well. I'm more into the classic rock and some bluegrass, classical, even some older beach music and big band stuff. I'm a musician so I've acquired a rather wide spectrum in musical tastes over my many years.
Most of the folks here are pretty cool, some not so much if you fall on the wrong side of their thin emotional/political line. I tend to just ignore anything they type when I see their name. 🤤 I fall more on the right leaning center of the political spectrum and a few of the radical leftys here will say some childish shit to me (like it's going to hurt my feelings or change my mind 😂).
That being said, you just make what you will of this place. It's not for everyone. I've seen some great folks leave just because of the stupid ideologies and childish behavior of some folks on here.
Welcome to the site all the same.

This is the nicest comments I have ever seen you contribute. Kudos.

And behold, 🎂 a prime example of one that knows nothing about me, and yet judges me on my responses to their radical leftwing nonsense. They don't care for it much, so they prattle on about me in such a fashion and post nonsensical ad hominins so that they can feel superior in some way. They're not that bright, but we put up with them all the same. Take them with a grain of salt. 🙄

@captfeelgood And there you have it, she offers you a sincere compliment, but instead of taking it with class, you have to revert to form and be an asshole back to her. Why am I not at all surprised? Shithead...

@TomMcGiverin Insinuating I am rarely, if ever, nice in my comments is hardly a compliment. If she actually went back and looked, she would know that. Talk about classy. 😏 And your ad hominem shows you're no better. Why am I not surprised? 🙄

@captfeelgood Nope, you've always been an asshole, anytime I've seen you on these forums. So I'm going to block and be done with your for good. This comment is for the benefit of the others.


Welcome aboard matey. ⛵

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