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Here I am getting ready to call it a day on my vacation sans phone. It wasn't intentional, I was 2 1/2 hours out before I realized the one thing I had left was my phone. No biggie, I had my computer, except my spyware had just run cleanup and signed me out of all my accounts. When I tried to sign in to email, it demanded that I send it the code it sent to my phone. tried all my other accounts, same thing. The only thing I could get into was Agnostics and a few games. I did bring my camera and have been having a good time.

I can still book on line, but I can't receive a confirmation I can read. A week to go to see if Ill go mad or return to sanity without a phone and email. I said I wanted to reduce screen time and I guess I have . Tomorrow's a new day and I'm going to enjoy it for all it is worth.

glennlab 10 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I left my phone in the cab when I flew to Arizona last year. And you know, there aren't any pay phones in the airport anymore. I had to go into an airport store (a Verizon store, ironically) to call my limo service to tell them what I looked like so they could find me outside. Traveling with no phone really sucks. Good luck buddy.


I think I could give up any of the other screens, but not my phone. I hope your hotel is sending you yours.


Next time be careful what you wish for.


I've not gotten a smart phone. I did get a fliptop cell phone, for emergencies. I never turn it on unless I need it.
It was only 10 years ago that I got internet that was not dial-up! I find it interesting that a device so 'important' was left behind.
Hope the rest of the trip is fun and exciting!

I hear you. My cell phone did go to town with me today and was in my pocket. I'm home now and it is in another room. On, but I'm not worrying who else is online. My cell is for calling and texting if we do short texts. It also stays in another room when I go to bed.


While surely not a pleasant or ideal situation to find yourself in, I think your military training combined with your general reasoned approach to life as a whole will help to keep your brain from getting totally discombobulated. Good to see you can still take a mildly humorous approach to things given the annoying nature of what happened.


I suppose you could get a ''burner'' phone? can just buy a book and take photos and remember a time when you had NO PHONE AT ALL! (Wish I could've seen your face when you realized your phone was NOT in your pocket!) 🙂

I've adjusted well, I just have to remember to put on my watch when I get up so that I know what time it is. You know how those restaurants are if you show up too early or too late and carry my camera . I paniced when I first realized all my backups were dead, but I am not going to let it get in the way of me having a good time.

@glennlab That's something I remember from being in clocks ANYWHERE!


It can only be a good thing. Make the best of it. 😉

Ryo1 Level 8 Aug 21, 2024

Isn't it amazing how these infernal machines can get so embedded in our lives?

I was a long hold out. I got my first cell phone in 2010. It was a little flip phone. I quickly got good at using the number keypad to write text messages. It was a Byzantine system, but I made it work.

Then I got one of those sliders that have a full alphabet keyboard. Man, I thought I was picking in the tall cotton!

Then I got my first smart phone, a little droid. That opened up the world of online dating. Which is how I got onto At first I was just looking for a woman, but I became intrigued by the conversation. Now it's ALL about the conversation. (I did find some interesting dates on other sites.)

I sometimes wonder how long it would take me to get unhooked from screens. I've become very accustomed to getting up to date news, mostly relating to politics and the big issues of our time: climate change, war, economics, immigration, public health. And I use google all the time, for looking up definitions, histories, etc.

I'll be interested to hear if your mental outlook improves after a lengthy break from the madding screens. Good luck! 🙂


We are all human, we all make mistakes such as your's.

One of my hobby horses is to have a unique password for each service that I use, and always de-select the "remember me" option. That forces me to remember passwords. The trick that I use is (name of the service)+(memorable words that is the same for all passwords).

Your phone will feel very lonely for a week! 😉

The problem is not remembering passwords, the problem is two step identification if I log in from an unknown or new server. I may have to get a new burner email for this situation in case it happens again..

@glennlab Thanks for your heads up about new devices. I had not joined those two dots together.

@glennlab Set up an additional account on Google and you can have password reset info sent to that email!

@PaddyO I already figured that out, just too late to do me any good this trip, but thanks

@glennlab Good luck.

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