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OK. I am heading to Southern California to visit friends for two week. Won't be posting anything until I get back.

snytiger6 9 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Enjoy the weather while you are here it is nice out at about 100 degrees...

It was in the high 90's most of the time where I stayed. However, we did head out to Palm Springs where it was over 100. I was originally from Southern California, but have lived the last 14 years in the Pacific Northwest. I was surprised to how acclimated I had gotten to cooler weather. Still, after a few days, I got used to the heat again.

Luckily most of my friends are also nudists, like myself so that made it easier to deal with the heat.


Have fun.


Have a great time. We will miss your posts.


Enjoy, and say hello to the ocean.


Enjoy your trip and come back with stories. Have fun. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Oct 1, 2024

Thanks for heads up, and have a good time.


Where will you be?

I stayed at a friend's house in the San Fernando Valley, but we also took a couple of trips to Palm Springs, and went to the beach near Marina Del Mar. Lots of trips into the San Gabriel Valley, as most of my Southern California friends as Asian and we hit several Chinese restaurants We also visited a couple Korean spas. It was all very relaxing.

My hosts, who primarily live in Hawaii, were in the area taking care of maintenance issues on some properties they own, but while we waited for contractors to come and give estimates it just gave us more time for conversation and catching up.

@snytiger6 GREAT! We have so many good Asian restaurants in the SGV! Glad you had a good visit.

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