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Please forget the political nature of the example in the link. I posted to talk about AI.
It seems AI is being instructed in bias. This means it will never reach its full potential. Instead, we will get a Frankenstein of a system if this is allowed in programing.
The thing that will always be missing in AI is life, being alive. So AI will never really understand life unless we are very careful in what it is programed life is.

The danger is this. We all understand life as we live. We understand we are surrounded by other life aka Flora and Fauna. AI will not understand this if only programed for humans is the first issue. The second is if we succeed in AI understanding life but have bias as in the example, a whole lot of other issues will occur eg it start grading "life" into useful to humans and not in decision making. This bias, although helping our species, may very well destroy others in servicing human needs.

So in developing AI, we really need to keep politics and biases out of it. Don't teach AI to lie, omit and deceive. That would be a huge mistake. AI must not only understand what living organisms are, but respect each individual organisms right to existence, whilst explaining death is a natural part of life eg not sacred. No easy task, but in these early days of AI development, not a promising start if Alexa in the link is anything to go by.

Ed To try to explain we need to teach. I think we need to give AI sensors like us eg touch, smell etc and make it understand once they are gone, they can't be replaced like AI parts. That not all sensors work 100% like AI parts in individuals. That not all sensor inputted information is processed 100% efficiently like AI does etc etc.
This is going to be the main challenge developing AI imo. Making a machine understand life and being alive.

puff 8 Oct 12

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Right now, ai is programmed to support communist ideology, as it's programmed by communists, no different than a propaganda machine, making it utterly useless for any practical purposes

Yep, we are not there yet. In the West at least. I wonder how the Chinese approach it eg input Confucius philosophy? Hopefully not for pure military purposes.
I feel many of the same things concern us, but have real difficulty how you define communism. For me, much of your concerns are fascism not communism. They are both the extremes but at different ends of the political spectrum. Their outcomes are very similar though.
Fascism is when government becomes a business and they control who's in power to enhance their interests for profit and power. Communism is when government becomes Daddy and direct everything in individual lives. Sure those in charge become entrenched and wield their power in a business like manner but control of all is the aim, not Capitalist power and profit. Psycho/ Narcissist personalities seem to float to the top of the shit pile in both systems.

@puff naw dawg, i put in chat gpt before list positive things about Hitler and it gave me nothing. I put list positive things about moa zedong and it gave me 20 pages

@Communistbitch Chat gpt is Western. The Chinese would have their own version.

@puff point is it was programmed that way. Obvious propaganda

@Communistbitch i believe your both right to a degree!


I understand your concern, but the real issue there is not artificial intelligence directly, but rather the human beings behind the programming. Certain human beings may have an agenda, and could use AI to help further their agenda by coding some biases in their AI softwares.

It's not only bias in politics that's a concern, but by extension also social issues. If something is not deemed politically correct, some AI chatbots might get programmed to deliberately omit certain data. For example, recently was experimenting with two chatbot apps, and achieved similar results when asked the question "give me a list of Elton John's number 1 hits as a solo artist minus the song Candle In The Wind", and the responses I got were partly inaccurate and left out one song which I think was deliberate based on the AI's programming.

So it's not AI programs directly that are the concern, the human beings who code those programs are the potential problem.

Agree human's have agendas and whilst we are the ones doing the programming.......... Makes you wonder if Chinese AI developers utilise bias or try to avoid it in programing.

@puff oh i think in china if they say we destroying the planet and must do this the people listen


You act surprised by "garbage in, garbage out" as if it is something new?

Well, there is that. Used it alot when I was working at a Quik Print shop back in the early 1970s - way before computers, personal printers, etc. People would bring in stuff they had done at home and wanted business cards or letter heads printed up and they just did not understand that what they had done was going to look exactly what they gave us. Somehow they thought just reproducing what they gave us would somehow "clean-up" the type. They did not want to actually pay for typesetting, or a paste-up artist (me) to make a clean image of their 'idea'.

@silverotter11 back in the day people had no idea of the amount of work that went into printing a final image. I disappointed my boss when I told him that we would not be able to replace our best paste up artists with computers, but only the lower paid ones, because we still needed their vision to make the pages come together.


Please stop trying to convert a non human into a human. We need to understand ourselves first before we understand machines and what we want them to do for us

That's what I'm saying. We don't want AI to mimic humans, we want AI to be far better than humans processing information. Humans have bias which is a flaw. Don't want it in AI.

@puff Sometimes when thinking of Al the Woody Allen movie Sleeper pops into my mind. lol sorry

@silverotter11 Comedians again forecasting where human uncontrolled thinking can go . I must watch that film again , but how?

@puff Human misinformation is very pervasive despite all our precautions . I do not see how a machine can be programmed to get rid of all human deliberate misinformation and we possibly can only improve by checking Humans more often

@Mcfluwster I think it can be done by programing empathy for all living things into AI. It will piss those off who wish the exploit resources for short term, personal gain, but so be it.
Unlike humans, make AI unable to disregard its empathetic duties to all life ever. By ensuring species variety, humanity will also benefit.

@Mcfluwster Try amazon or any of the free sites first. Now ya got me headed off to search. lol
I FOUND!! for free even

@puff great point!


It would be impossible for AI to develop without biases, since they are built into the nature of any input.

AI will always live in the matrix like, and inaccurate, internal model of the universe which it itself creates. It would therefore be no more possible for AI to develop without bias, than it would be to develop a human culture without biases.

I tend to disagree. AI can understand emotions and feelings, but it will never have them. So the human "Seven deadly sins" won't affect it's decision making. This is a huge advantage over people in governance running things for us, average citizens.
A society run efficiently can happen if agenda's are not promoted because of vanity, ego and self interest. It should be immune from corruption and thus, inefficiency............theoretically.
I don't want it to be biased for humanity. Because it could very easily be turned, suddenly biased against humanity instead. It must respect all life, even though humanity doesn't..

@puff Sorry I reedited the text to read "without" instead of with, (typo) You may see it better now.


I asked a question about how thick would a steel water pipe have to be to prevent it from splitting in freezing conditions. If that is a number you need, to get there are many variables AI is not going to give you an answer because of the variables. It is very much in crude form currently but that will change when AI learns to ask about the variables. Almost like compound interest on thoughts and ideas! We are a really clever group of hominids.

Ok, some of us are, then there are others, apers.

Also I would like to point out that I did indeed use the word "to" grammatically correct, just in case there any retired teachers out there that would like to administer a pedantic knuckle crack.
I hope my saucy retort brings a smile to their face.

AI would cope with that example as it is physics, pure logic.
What I'm wanting AI to do is when you ask it say "I need to get water from "A" to "B" in freezing conditions". Don't even mention pipes and see what it comes up with. I'm hoping it comes up with shit humans didn't even think of.

@puff Not sure how it can. but maybe, if the human factor was not already part of its' 'operating' system. Pure physics creations still had the human bias but by a mind that worked in a way that was not like other minds. Just saw a little vid on FB about Jackson Pollock by Michael David Mayo. What seems chaos in Pollock's work is actually fractals, upon fractals, upon fractals! Pollock says he leaves his mind when he begins to paint.


Alexia is only responding to what people have posted about and is feeding these things back to you. It gathers information. Only an idiot would think that AI could accurately tell you who to vote for.

AI at the moment agree. But in the future I would hope an AI would be considering many more factors that our brains do. If we get it right, would be the way to run things I think as there will be no emotional baggage eg ego, vanity and the like. This means it won't be tempted to corruption.
An awfully big "if" though eg If we get AI right.


Look up the AI "lavender" and its actions, capabilities and implications.
it makes good reading and answers a lot of questions and queries.


Whilst it may explain the deaths of 42,000+ women, infants, children & men it does not absolve the Israeli Jews from committing their murders with American facilitated munitions any more than it absolves humans employed by a corporation from being responsible for the decisions that their programs have generated.

@FrayedBear The main point this article makes is that "The Terminator series" was a prophecy. Instigated now by the Zionists. Have they lost control already?? I would hazard a guess that just about all the western government have this A.I developed by Israel.
They know that Israel can and, would , use it to their advantage. No one is fool enough to write a program without having a secret hidden back door. Imagine all western nations' leaders being bombed in their homes. The perfect blackmail. But has The Lavender A.I already rewritten it's own code? Has It gone rogue??

@vocaloldfart whether AI programs itself or not a human should be authorising the implementation & sale of the software. If not the full company board & shareholders become responsible.

@FrayedBear True but with despots at the helm, the shareholders cannot contain the despot with any speed.. What frightens me is that everything is now run by the internet of thing. THERE need be no human interaction or oversight.
It is certain that A.I could launch drones and robots with today's technologies.
Innovation is accelerating at warp speed so how far will "progress" be allowed to dictate humanity?? Mankind is already totally dependent on the internet of things from farming, manufacture and for that matter, all life's functions and needs. We need the technology, the technology is rapidly evolving to where it does not need us anymore.

@FrayedBear The software that is behind all the carnage is Israeli by design, Lavender and the previous bundle of goodies that was responsible for the banks collapse and financial collapse.
This is now being forgotten.
Does Israel also have the capability to destroy any nations economy?? I think so! What other software have they peddled to various governments that we do not yet know about?
Is this the reason the IDF with the aid of a liberal dose of blackmail can flout international law , morality and ethics with impunity??

@vocaloldfart good thought. . . Unfortunately.☚ī¸đŸ¤Ŧ
Ping @Puff - thoughts?

@FrayedBear The pager incident in Lebanon should be a wake up call to all nations. No-one will be buying Israeli electronic equipment now and NATO countries will be eyeing all US made kit with suspicion. For sure F16 etc have the same kind of remote control capabilities. Countries will start developing their own weaponry without foreign technology.
The real problem will be once these AI death machines power themselves through renewable recharging. Then if they are instructed to kill and no-one shoots them down, theoretically they could fly around forever without further human instruction. And if their weaponry becomes renewable as well as power, thinking lasers, then we really are in deep terminator shit. Especially if they coordinate in swarms.

@vocaloldfart @FrayedBear The problem with new weapon technology is it's all fun and games when new and you are the only one who has it. But technology becomes normalised and common, becomes cheap and soon enough, those who wish you harm have it as well.

@puff Musk playing games?

@puff I saw this elsewhere, Al-Jazeera or RT & wondered. I also read that they're not allowed to shoot the drones down.

@puff the Germans had antigravity craft Eg.Die Gloke... remarkably identical to modern UFO's. Strangely most UFO's are sighed roughly in the vicinity of American military bases.
Now with Drone and A.I technologies, When will "aliens" offer their support, or will the wars pale into insignificance from this "new" threat??

@vocaloldfart conspiracy theory

@FrayedBear A funny fact but true:- Conspiratory theory all has come true . The greatest honour anyone can bestow upon me is calling me a conspiritory theorist! It proves I am still capable of thinking, researching, assimilating and evaluating information.
BYW my father was a commando ( Branderburg Division) in the German Army during WWII.
He has always told me, from toddler onwards, that he personally had seen Die Glocke on its launchpad.
Sorry I don't believe that he ever read popular mechanics magazine.
I never hd any reason to think that my father was delusional or prone to fabricating events about things that he experienced during the war.

@vocaloldfart yet more US censorship & propaganda? I cannot believe however that if the US stole it & continued to work on it that no one in 75 years has not spilled the beans.

@FrayedBear Believe or not believe , it is your choice. To me it is quite plausible that they would keep such technology secret for any
a number of reasons. How long will the real truth of 911 come to light?? or Kennedy assassination?? Oh yea, they are conspiritory theories.. got it.

@vocaloldfart When America falls they will be too concerned with their own skins to out the truth.

@vocaloldfart like rats on a sinking ship.

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