Autoimmune Disorders and Rare

For non-believers with Autoimmune Disorders and Rare Disorders. Lupus, Raynaud's, Celiac, MS, etc., Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, 22q Deletion, etc.

For non-believers with Autoimmune Disorders and Rare Disorders. Lupus, Raynaud's, Celiac, MS, etc., Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, 22q Deletion, etc.

Most Liked Posts By TaraMarshall (4) (Page 4 / 9) Posts by anyone

Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Dec 7, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
For the last 3 years or so I get severe, painful hiccups whenever I drink something really cold. These hiccups do not stop at all unless I take a cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxant). They're actually more than hiccups, it's part of my dystonia. My ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Dec 11, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
I've felt real out of it today all day and just proved it by going to soak in a nice warm tub and forgetting to undress. That's a new one.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Dec 23, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by sassygirl3869
13 People Who Stood Up For Chronic Illness
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Mar 21, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Liebran
Lupus, Raynauds, Sjogren's syndrome--plus. They are calling it Undifferentiated Connective Disease-symptoms of some of the autoimmune diseases. Nice you started this list.
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Mar 21, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by JulieBFree
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes shortly after my daughter was born in 2008. I also have low thyroid and arthritis that (thankfully) only flares up once in a while. Thanks for creating this group. :)
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Mar 27, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by Cassandra
I fell off my porch yesterday. I have fibromyalgia & diabetes (& others), which I've never received proper medical care for. I get periodic flare ups of inflammation that cause muscle pain and weakness. For the last few weeks, my left ankle has ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Mar 28, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by RobH86
Sad to hear about one of my favourite Magicians 'Dynamo'. He is very popular over here in the UK and I knew he had Chron's disease, but it didn't seem to affect him until now. I myself have Ulcerative Colitis (similar to Chron's) and have suffered ...
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 5, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
So after work I checked into our e.r. to get a torodol shot for my perpetual migraine. In the middle of getting examined, my left nostril starts dripping water. Doctor R ks "Hm I don't feel right just popping you a cocktail and letting you run off. I...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Corsaire
New to the site but am very interested in meeting like minded individuals.... my affliction is cushing's disease.
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Apr 11, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by TaraMarshall
Woke up with right hip partially dislocated, can't get it to slip back into place. Ow. Need to suck it up, I've got a meeting with the Phoenix PD Cross Disability Advisory Council to get to. Life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. If I can't get it ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 11, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by KKGator
Just needing to gripe a little. Having a major fibro-flare. It's been going on for about 3 months now. Not taking anything but Tylenol for pain, which is migrating all over the place. Wish I had a big bag of weed!!!! Seems to be the only thing ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 22, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by CarolinaGirl60
Greetings, earthlings. I have fibromyalgia, gastroparesis...and suspect that I have dysautonomia. Chronic pain—that’s one way to put it! I it constant pain?.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 3, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Dingodog
So, how are you dealing with the social security, lack of income, insurance, copays and rent mortgage and so on. My wife was misdiagnosed with MS about 3 years ago even though she was asymptomatic. I just found out today that insurance for the with...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 12, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Little victory Got my tags today. (Cost 200 dollars more than they were supposed to) Budgeted with 'help' from my slave driver I mean mother. She is ridiculous. Somehow after she budgeted I had 5 dollars left for groceries for 2 weeks, and had me ...
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 13, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
This stuff is mind blowing. I typically have very little trust in homeopathy but I rubbed this on my neck and I can't remember it ever being this uninflammed. It's so amazing I want to bathe in it
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 15, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Monday I was given a steroid shot for an allergy attack. Normally this would help my pain substantially. However the last three days I've hurt so bad it's like triple the normal levels. Now either the steroids didn't work, or they're working and ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 27, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Just another day in the life of an EDS patient Took one step and spraines my ankle
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 27, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
After spraining My ankle I turned around two hours later and broke my toe. Y'all don't know how gross it is to set a toe bone. It made a squishing pop
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Oct 9, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by sassygirl3869
Fibromyalgia Relief
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Oct 9, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by sassygirl3869
Multiple Sclerosis Relief
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 1, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
For today's game of "whats that weird random pain" I broke my big toe. Bad. That should be something you remember doing or have a vague idea how it happened. I was just sitting at my desk not doing anything and suddenly my toe hurt like something...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 1, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by DoDapper
My primary rare disorders are terminale filum TCS (tethered cord syndrome) and arachnoiditis. Not a rare disorder but related to my TCS correction, I have a T1-L3 fusion. Nice to see this group.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 4, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
The war on opioids has claimed yet another victim. Day after day I hear of another pain patient committing suicide, and today is no different except this time they committed suicide by cop, and it was my moms friend. Today, I felt a sort of ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 11, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Okay now I am irritated. I am on a little immunosuppression therapy to try and control my mcas. (Mast cell activation syndrome) My coworkers and family are all well aware that I'm immunosuppressed. My coworker was at work with a sore throat for ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 12, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
So I broke the small bones in my left foot and my toe about two months ago. I've not followed up with an ortho because my neck is more important to get fixed and I can only afford one major issue a year. Anyway my other foot the toenail on my big toe...

Photos 29 More

Posted by Sonja44Sums it up.

Posted by Sonja44This meme cracks me up. I'm Fine.

Posted by PiperMckennaAlways cold + sick days = Mermaid. Sometimes living with peoples who like the AC isn't such a bad thing.

Posted by PiperMckennaI'm quite prone to bruising because of EDS....any tips on how to reduce the look of bruises? Ideally I'd like to prevent them. But it's too late for that today. haha

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaI didn't learn my lesson well enough in March when my incisions refused to heal because i was working the crazy shifts.

Posted by ponz111I have restless leg syndrome which is not uncommon but with me it is my whole body which has the complusion to move.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaPost op day 3 update: There will be some TMI, which I will mark so you can skip if you don't want to get grossed out.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaBehold!!!! My weightloss progress thus far!!!! And an update: Surgery in two days.

Posted by RavenCTTruth,,,,,

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaHow it feels going to the doctor

Posted by LutherzmeAnybody else have to do this once a week?

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaPsst hey kid.... You wanna see something cool? (I scared the shit out of my ortho p.a. as he walked by my office. It was freaking hysterical)

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaFor today's game of "whats that weird random pain" I broke my big toe.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaSo I finally have the date for MEETING my new neurosurgeon.

Posted by sassygirl3869Medical Reasons For Using Cannabis

Posted by sassygirl3869Multiple Sclerosis Relief

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