Autoimmune Disorders and Rare

For non-believers with Autoimmune Disorders and Rare Disorders. Lupus, Raynaud's, Celiac, MS, etc., Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, 22q Deletion, etc.

For non-believers with Autoimmune Disorders and Rare Disorders. Lupus, Raynaud's, Celiac, MS, etc., Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders, 22q Deletion, etc.

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Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Mar 26, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
You've heard of Angels in the Outfield Well get ready for Almonds in my Icecream Ffs I cannot get a break
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 9, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by vita
Anyone here battling chronic Lyme disease and coinfections? If so, how are you handling your presumably pro-science outlook with your denied-by-science diagnosis? (To anyone who might feel like telling me I don't have CLD, you should know that it ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Apr 20, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Interesting development So for as long as I've had my pain, steroids of any kind have done...well...nothing. So a few weeks ago I developed pitiriusis rosea, a viral infection like chicken pox that covers your body in a massive amount of ringworm ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jun 13, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
So today I saw my 'new' pain specialist. I say new but I've been a coworker of his for 3 years. He took one look at my cervical CT and shuddered. 3 neurosurgeons and a spinal surgeon and a different pain specialist ALL said my neck looked fine. ...
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jun 20, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by rogeralyn
Having one of those days where I want to give in and scream! Not very manly I know but don't care right now.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jun 22, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by CarolinaGirl60
I had trigger point injections today in my upper back/neck. In a few days, I’ll be glad. Right now though, may I just say::: OW! Fucking OW!!!!
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jun 23, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by memorylikeasieve
So I went to physical therapy today for my initial appointment and they discovered that I have joint hypermobility, which is why everything slides out of whack so easily, and why I've been having so many dislocations and muscle spasms. It's kind of ...
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Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jun 29, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Flexymorals
I had Saturday Night Palsy once. Couldn’t move my hand for two months.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 4, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Anyone else's skin do this with even a slight touch? I'm a human etcha-sketch
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 6, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by memorylikeasieve
I work running deliveries with Door Dash, which is a lot like Uber Eats. Tonight I was unhappy with myself because I had to end my delivery hours earlier than I thought i should do. But with this narcolepsy and joint hypermobility I should probably...
1 comment
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 8, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Drsmash253
Hey everybody just spotted this group I believe I qualify as a member since I have rheumatoid arthritis I just spent three years working my way out of a wheelchair I still take Methotrexate injections but I'm slowly beating this damn thing
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 10, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Little Victory time! I went shopping a while ago, got some food. Came home and cooked some food and two angel food cakes (I call them faithless food cakes lol).
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 11, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
I've decided that once my bankruptcy is finalized apply for disability. Even now I do it reluctantly and rather like a child trying eat their veggies. I don't want . I really passionately don't want . It feels like admitting defeat. Like giving ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 12, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by ColoradoSass
So happy to find this group. I have Hashimoto's disease and now I have some sort of "unidentified autoimmune disease". It acts like Celiacs but doesn't have the same genetic markers as Celiacs so they don't know what it is. The struggle is real. ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Jul 13, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
I've a lengthy to do list today, despite wanting to spend it all in bed. So far I'm doing good. Frequent breaks, doing what I can do sitting down. I still need to get the trash together so my brother can take it out for me (too hard to take it ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 1, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
I fell down on the driveway. Both ankles, knees, palms, wrists, and shoulders are very displeased. Some nice scratches and bruises but nothing broke, thanks to the fact that I'm made of rubber.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 16, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by JesseBoren
They finally put a label on my illness after 18 years of searching, Cramping fasciculation syndrome.
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 17, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by BookDeath
I'm getting EXTREMELY tired of having to be the one to go to my neuro to inform them of diagnoses: thalamic pain syndrome; pseudobulbar affect; etc. I should have been told these types of things were headed my way potentially, not the other way ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 18, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by CarolinaGirl60
???Sigh. My kids showed up today for an ‘intervention’. My going to the ER last weekend, then being admitted, was apparently too much. Too much what, I’m not sure. My son tells me I’m depressed and that’s why I vomit and stay in bed all ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Aug 23, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Lutherzme
Hi there. I've been fighting polymyositis for over 10 years. It tore up my lungs in about 8 and Ive been lucky enough to receive a double lung transplant. 3 Plus years since and I'm still truckin'! ScienceSaves BetterLivingThruChemistry
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Oct 1, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
I got the results from my cervical and brain MRI. Brain is hunky dory. Unremarkable. Odd, actually, given the huge amount of mental issues I have. My neck has gotten worse. Either he didn't have a really clear image of it a few years ago, or it ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Oct 5, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by rogeralyn
Well, no big surprise here. Rules Are for Schmucks: Trashing Research:
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Oct 29, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
So I finally have the date for MEETING my new neurosurgeon. November 12th. Hes supposedly a cervical specialist, but I'm incredibly nervous. Also he looks like Tim Curry so I'm even more nervous. Update Fuck that guy. Nope. Just cancelled my...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Nov 20, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by LadyAlyxandrea
Adjusted my meds lately, and felt really really not half bad tonight. Especially after sleeping like 12 hours lol. I started taking an extended release muscle relaxer instead of my normal ones that knock me out, and started taking my oxy by halves ...
Autoimmune Disorders and Rare
Dec 2, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by sassygirl3869
18 Common Pet Peeves When You Have Chronic Illness

Photos 29 More

Posted by Sonja44Sums it up.

Posted by Sonja44This meme cracks me up. I'm Fine.

Posted by PiperMckennaAlways cold + sick days = Mermaid. Sometimes living with peoples who like the AC isn't such a bad thing.

Posted by PiperMckennaI'm quite prone to bruising because of EDS....any tips on how to reduce the look of bruises? Ideally I'd like to prevent them. But it's too late for that today. haha

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaI didn't learn my lesson well enough in March when my incisions refused to heal because i was working the crazy shifts.

Posted by ponz111I have restless leg syndrome which is not uncommon but with me it is my whole body which has the complusion to move.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaPost op day 3 update: There will be some TMI, which I will mark so you can skip if you don't want to get grossed out.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaBehold!!!! My weightloss progress thus far!!!! And an update: Surgery in two days.

Posted by RavenCTTruth,,,,,

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaHow it feels going to the doctor

Posted by LutherzmeAnybody else have to do this once a week?

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaPsst hey kid.... You wanna see something cool? (I scared the shit out of my ortho p.a. as he walked by my office. It was freaking hysterical)

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaFor today's game of "whats that weird random pain" I broke my big toe.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaSo I finally have the date for MEETING my new neurosurgeon.

Posted by sassygirl3869Medical Reasons For Using Cannabis

Posted by sassygirl3869Multiple Sclerosis Relief

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