Critter Corner

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

Most Liked Posts By Zster (24) (Page 3 / 41) Posts by anyone

Critter Corner
Aug 11, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Leafhead
Insectra, can you I'D this leafhopper?
Critter Corner
Aug 12, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Leafhead
Leaving behind an old life...
Critter Corner
Sep 29, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by JimG
One more. I found this poor guy in the middle of an active logging site. Fearing for his safety, I found him a new home. It is at a christian retreat/camp, but he doesn't seem to mind being baptised.
Critter Corner
Sep 24, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Zster
FINALLY! I've got something (or rather, someONE) to post! This cutie was waiting at my front door after my workout. He's almost one inch long! He should get quite the buffet at the porch light. (:
Critter Corner
Aug 20, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Insectra
Adult antlion and female scorpionfly
Critter Corner
Aug 27, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Insectra
A lovely, LIVING, black ratsnake that I found in the road while on my way to meet my trivia team, tonight. I pulled him off the road and he's in the terrarium in the back of my car until I can relocate him to my parents' place. He'll be away from ...
Critter Corner
Sep 13, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by JimG
Tonight I found this in a convenience store parking lot and relocated him to an abandoned and overgrown brickyard. All I got for my trouble: a bloody bite mark on my index finger. This picture was taken after I calmed the terrified snake a bit. ...
Critter Corner
Jul 12, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by AmiSue
She was behaving as if she has eggs to lay so I made her a nesting box. She is now a hissing ball of turtle hatred.
Critter Corner
Jun 8, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
This is a very pretty little moth called The Hebrew (Polygrammate hebraeicum). I like the markings on this one because it looks like a smiley face.
Critter Corner
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
I'm not sure this pic really belongs in this group, but I don't think it will offend!
Critter Corner
Aug 6, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by FatherOfNyx
I found this guy while I was making a delivery in the middle of nowhere. I drove right past it and it didn't flee, it was playing "stick". So I stopped and moved it off the road. Once in the grass, it was shaking its tail to try to play ...
Critter Corner
Jun 15, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by OpposingOpposum
I never knew turtles were this good at side eye. Lil' turtle, big 'tude. ?
1 comment
Critter Corner
Aug 6, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by OpposingOpposum
This toad was kind enough to pose for me last night and I came upon this dragonfly on saturday.
1 comment
Critter Corner
Jun 29, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Donotbelieve
We went to a nature reserve today and found some critters. Can anyone i.d. the caterpillar?
Critter Corner
Aug 4, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Insectra
Nighttime gold The only ID I know for sure is the last moth, the basswood leafroller. I'm working on IDs for these other tiny beauties.
Critter Corner
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Insectra
Dobsonflies.....I just love how creepy looking they are! Pictured: 2 males and a female.
Critter Corner
Jul 31, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Islandgurl
A green anole outside my apartment. Even though they're very common and actually invasive where I live, they've become my favorite reptile species. I love watching them dart away when I walk outside my door.
Critter Corner
Jul 29, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by AmiSue
After a good bit of wrestling Rita has been leashed! She's going out on the town. Measured today at 34" in length :)
Critter Corner
Jul 29, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Insectra
Easily the largest Nerodia watersnake I've ever found in Sullivan County. It's a beauty!
Critter Corner
Jul 28, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by evergreen
I give to you one of my most favorite spiders - the Golden Silk Orb Weaver (aka - "banana") ! This beauty has made her home outside, in a corner of my house - under an overhang, and is already 3 1/2in from leg tip to leg tip. Hopefully she won't ...
Critter Corner
Jul 25, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by walklightly
tiny day today, so this is the wee-est moth i have encountered so far - in southern india. less than 1 cm wing span.
Critter Corner
Jun 24, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by LB67
A recent find.
Critter Corner
Apr 29, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Insectra
A beautiful skunk I encountered (from a distance, thankfully) while bird watching. It noticed me right away, but I guess I wasn't too threatening as it ignored me and continued to root around for things to eat.
Critter Corner
Jun 4, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Hedgewitch
Saw this beauty hanging around my daughter's apartment yesterday. She / he (?) hung around for a few hours before flying away.
Critter Corner
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
My current crop of Saturniids: A female luna, a male polyphemus, a male io, a pair of dubernardi, and a pair of promethea (not in any particular order). Saturniidae is my favorite Family of moths. All are from caterpillars I reared, except the io....

Photos 1,930 More

Posted by dalefvictorThis is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by ZsterMy first Monarch since moving here! I started a butterfly garden two years ago, specifically targeting monarchs and swallowtails.

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

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