Critter Corner

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

For people who like the more "maligned" creatures, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea life etc.

Most Commented Posts By Zster (24) Posts by anyone

Critter Corner
Aug 11, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Insectra
My favorite North American spider, the black and yellow argiope (Argiope aurantia). Somewhere on my SD card is a neat picture of her unique web.
Critter Corner
Jul 13, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by OpposingOpposum
Ants face through an electron microscope. Blatantly stolen from the internet but I thought it was neat.
Critter Corner
Jul 17, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Insectra
The newest member of my herp family. This lovely lady was given to me this weekend. She needs a little fattening up, but her previous owner did take good care of her. She just ran out of time and interest for the beardie. No name yet.... I'm not...
Critter Corner
Jul 28, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Insectra
A pretty garter snake that lives under the front step of my house.
Critter Corner
Sep 24, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by evergreen
I'd like you all to meet "Nellie" - about 4 1/2 mos now, peeking out from her favorite spot on the couch ... A non-releasable rescued orphan.
Critter Corner
Sep 23, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Insectra
Have you ever seen a male bald faced hornet? You probably have without realizing it. The difference in appearance between male and female is subtle and is usually most obvious in the antennae. Male hymenopterans do not sting, so they can be ...
Critter Corner
Jan 5, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Edgeward
This little guy just got rolled out from under my bed ! What is he/she ??? She’s about 3 cm X 1 ...
Critter Corner
Apr 24, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by graceylou
My Nhandu tripepii (Brazilian Giant ) Champagne is finally out and about. It’s been a strange winter and she had been hiding most of it, unusual for her. They can grow 7-9 inches. She’s getting there.
Critter Corner
Jun 3, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by graceylou
These were the cutest critters I’d ever seen. Two short-eared owl babies and their mommy lounging on my gazebo. Not the best pics I’m afraid as I didn’t want to get too close and had to really zoom in.
Critter Corner
Jun 1, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by snifflz
I found a friendly snake just chilling in my yard.
Critter Corner
Jun 22, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
I received the turtle and it's a beautiful, adult female, Eastern box turtle with sequins and beads glued to her shell. The people that found her were able to remove some of the "bling", but the rest of it is really stuck on. I'll take her to ...
Critter Corner
Jul 12, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by btroje
Last night my dogs were in combat at the fenceline with something that totally sounded like a giant kazoo. Anybody have a clue of what that might have been?
Critter Corner
Jul 24, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Insectra
A monster bullfrog that I moved off the road tonight, on my way home from trivia. We've been having quite a lot of rain lately and the amphibians are on the move!
Critter Corner
Jun 25, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
Since my parents are getting older they've lost interest (what little interest they had to begin with) in gardening. However, they're fine with letting the raised beds grow up with milkweed and dogbane. I was poking around their garden yesterday, ...
Critter Corner
Jul 9, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by evergreen
I usually pull roadkill off the road, so that they don't get repeatedly driven over, and any scavengers can snack without risking their lives. Last week, as I was leaving the gym, I spotted a large opossum in the road - quite dead, already ...
Critter Corner
Jun 17, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
A weird scene I encountered in the woods of Bald Eagle State Forest: five, dead, red-spotted purples on a stump. I assume they were posed, as they don't look like they've sustained predator damage. They weren't far from a campsite, so I'm guessing ...
Critter Corner
Jun 26, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by LB67
Driving back roads near Joshua Tree, we met this snake. Staying in the car seemed like the best option. It was the st snake I have seen in the wild.
Critter Corner
Jun 11, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
Some of the prettiest dragonflies I saw while being eaten alive by mosquitoes.....I mean, bird-watching.
Critter Corner
Jul 8, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by OpposingOpposum
This frog terrified me by jumping on me when I went to the bathroom. I have got to stop leaving windows open.
Critter Corner
Jun 13, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
My last promethea cocoon eclosed today. The result: a spectacular female.
Critter Corner
Jun 27, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Insectra
More polyphemus pics that I found on my phone.
Critter Corner
Sep 2, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Insectra
I love wandering around outside in the dark. Here are some of the critters I encountered at 2:00 this morning. Hypercompe scribonia caterpillar; Orgyia leucostigma caterpillar; Schinia rivulosa caterpillar; cabbage white butterfly roosting for the ...
Critter Corner
Dec 12, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Count_Viceroy
R.I.P. little ox beetle. We hardly knew you.
Critter Corner
Sep 30, 2018Sep 2018

Posted by Insectra
Baby snakes! ❤ A super tiny Storeria occipitomaculata (red-bellied snake) and Nerodia sipedon (northern watersnake).
Critter Corner
Dec 11, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Insectra
Yesterday, I found this cute little green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) in Corkscrew Swamp near where I'm staying in Naples, Florida. My vacation is off to a good start!

Photos 1,930 More

Posted by dalefvictorThis is a picture of Tigger, he has been sick for a while.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by BudgieSo one night my brother finds a carpet python inside, the other night I nearly trod on one coming in the door, tonight there was one in the chicken coop.

Posted by ZsterMy first Monarch since moving here! I started a butterfly garden two years ago, specifically targeting monarchs and swallowtails.

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraThis is my girl Space Ghost (I thought she was a male when I named her).

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraA cute grey treefrog (Hyla versicolor) that I found in my birch tree, this afternoon. His camouflage was great and I only discovered him when I heard him calling.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

Posted by InsectraSpring amphibian migration in Pennsylvania is well under way! Most of these are Jefferson's salamanders, one of our earliest moving amphibians and a species of special concern in Pennsylvania.

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