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Momma cat moved in and gave birth to a litter , without telling me . I still have two of them . They bring me gifts , usually a lizard , but , on occasion , a squirrel , bird , mouse , and most recently a rat . Live ! Middle of the night , the newly gifted rat escapes , onto the bottom of the fireplace . I move the unicorn and both two foot high dragons and he scoots up the artificial trees , onto the mantle piece , then back and forth behind the translucent glass candle holders , then up the artificial trees , clutching a tapestry and climbing to the top of that , where he survayed the room , while he rested out of reach , as the cats reclined on the floor . Next , he takes a flying leap , to a stack of white resin chairs , then bounds off in another unexpected direction and , I think , takes cover inside the couch . That was a couple of weeks ago . He began knawing on the sweeper attached to the bottom of the kitchen door because , apparently the hard plastic feels good on his gums . I bought several glue rat traps . I think he's living on the cat's food . Recently , I woke up to find one of the glue traps well away from it's official position . No cat hair in it , so assume it was the rat . And apparently he's figured out how to get out of the glue trap . So I have purchased the spring rat traps and baited one with stale peanut butter . He's stopped knawing on the plastic door sweep , not that there's much of it left . I think he's suspicious .

Cast1es 9 June 12
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Maybe you should stop feeding those cats.

Jolanta Level 9 June 13, 2020

You need to have a talk a talk with the cats about "bringing friends home". 😉

RavenCT Level 9 June 12, 2020

You write beautifully. Great clear descriptions. Sorry for your dilemma, though.


Yikes, what an ordeal! I have had luck with mice with the electronic traps. I believe they make a rat sized one.

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