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Monday morning cuteness

RobertNappi2 9 Aug 24
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And box opening, and shaken packages, and crinkling paper.......


Great picture. That got my day started off right. LOL

Spudgun Level 7 Aug 24, 2020

Mush face lol


Intelligent puss!

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 24, 2020

LOL! You've just made me realize my cats are deprived. I don't own a can opener. I have a P38 when I need to open cans.

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is a World War II–era American piston-engined fighter aircraft. Developed for the United States Army Air Corps, the P-38 had distinctive twin booms and a central nacelle containing the cockpit and armament.

Bit of an overkill to open a can, don't you think?

@Cutiebeauty That is Army or any military lingo for a manual can opener you can keep in your pocket. They used to be included in C Rations - the forerunner of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) that the military uses now.

@HippieChick58 Wow, haven't seen one for years now!!!!

@HippieChick58 haven't seen that before but I heard a good knife can open a can...

@HippieChick58 I still have a P-38 on my key chain. The finish is all worn off, but it still works like a charm. One of the few things the government's ever had made that will last and work just about forever.

@Cutiebeauty I'm cheap and I didn't want a machine taking up counter space. There are few cans that I have to manually open any more, so I decided the P38 would fit my requirements. I've never tried it with a knife, I'd be worried about ruining the blade. I also think the P38 might be safer than a straight blade knife, it has a gripper for the underside of the rim to help you get leverage. I have arthritis in my hands and can still use the P38 without much bother.

@HippieChick58 i don't use and electric can opener either.. Just a regular manual can opener.. And I really don't use canned foods much except for spam occasionally or tuna fish..

@Cutiebeauty That is mine too!! Not the spam, I had too much of that as a kid. But the canned tuna I like best does not have the pop tops. Sigh. I don't eat it often, in fact hadn't had it in years, but when quarantine started I wanted some comfort food. Tuna salad was one, just like mom made for us when we were kids.

@HippieChick58 I love tuna salad. How did your mom make it?

@Cutiebeauty Oil packed tuna, Miracle Whip, and sweet pickle relish. My mom grew up on a farm in small town rural Nebraska, tuna was not something they had often.

@HippieChick58 that's like tuna with tartar sauce 🙂

@Cutiebeauty very much so, we put tartar sauce on all sorts of fish.

@HippieChick58 for my tuna salad, I use:
Grated onion, celery, carrot , garlic. Mayo and Greek yogurt. Spicy brown mustard, just one squirt.. Minced jalapeños, hard boiled egg, salt and pepper.. It's delicious...

@Cutiebeauty Aside from the jalapeno, it does sound delicious. You must be an excellent cook. Cooking for one is not much fun, so my cooking skills are now mostly dormant. I cook a family meal every two months when my kids meet here for dinner. The rest of the time I cook as little as possible. I don't eat big meals and east mostly vegetarian. Miso soup with vegetables and mayb rice of quinoa if a frequent meal.

@HippieChick58 I'm a pretty good cook.. Have you seen some of the recipes I posted?
Btw, the jalapeño doesn't make the salad too spicy, not with the yogurt in there. 😉

@Cutiebeauty I seem to be highly sensitive to spicy, so I proceed with great caution with hot stuff. My kids grew up on Sriracha that their dad loved. Not me, I only keep it in the house for when the kids visit. And yes, I have seen some of your recipes, but as I don't cook much anymore, I mostly pass them by. I am happiest with simple and quick.

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