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Does your litter box clean in 6 seconds?

I have just been sent advice on the following kitty litter box which cleans in just 6 seconds. It is a Canadian invention currently obtainable through an Indiegogo campaign.
At nearly $100 Canadian I consider it expensive but do like the clever design.


FrayedBear 9 Aug 16
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It still requires you to use the expensive clumping litter and after a short while it will still stink even if you mix in baking soda and wash out the box (pan). I use a cheap $1 bag of litter and replace it every week. That gives me two years of fresh litter for $100 and it only takes me about one minute. Oh no! Walmart has raised the price to $1.26 per bag this week.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 17, 2021

I passed the notice on to #Starsky 's owners & received this in reply: "Oh Jesus they need this!"
My reply "According to myth Jesus would wave his hand and it would disappear but of course that is like belief in fairies, father xmas and honest politicians!
I thought it expensive but on reflection of looking at current prices no more stupid than $1.5 million for a house worth $20,000." was responded to by being fully returned with "Laughed at" in front of it.
I may be reinvited to look after the two remaining cats again!

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 16, 2021



If it is that easy and it works for a long time, it would be worth the $100.00.

I imagine that it probably is still advisable to wash & disinfect it every time the litter is completely replaced. Very small clumps will fall out of the scoop basket & ultimately make the grains smelly as well as leaving bacteria on the wall.

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