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Hello, Kittie Frirends.
This is a serious inquiry: a few weeks ago, Brendan my resident grandson and helper in all things requiring height and strength brought home a very skinny, very hungry white cat with black spots. She is spunky and hisses at my three cats. Fine. She had nipples, so I surmised that there had been kittens in the near past, I made an appointment with my Humane Society for a checkup and a spaying procedure. This week, Natasha, as I call her, has gained some weight. I feed her well and pet her a lot, but that round belly feels like a soon-to-have-kitten belly. Her appointment is in two weeks.
Should I let her have this litter? She is a beautiful cat, the shape of an Egyptian Mau, ( and the attitude) but with dramatic white and black fur. The kitten could be just beautiful.
But... I am handicapped, getting worse all the time, and would be a danger to kittens running around. I could have the kittens aborted when she gets spayed, but my heart says no.
Any comments?

Spinliesel 9 Sep 5
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Off the cuff reaction: seems wrong to take in a cat and force her to have an abortion. If she had the ability of informed consent, would she choose to abort her litter just so she could live in your house? We can't know, but it just seems wrong to me to make decisions about others' (even cats) reproductive processes.


I agree with FrayeBear but would suggest reaching out to a local shelter that has a foster system in place. They might allow you to surrender her with a promise to take her back after kittens are ready to go to new homes.


The bottom line is you need to do what is best for you. The Humane Society will be able to advise you of the options for the kitty.


Tough one. Advertise for a 2 month foster capable of looking after kittens & mother.

Good suggestion! Thanks.

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