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Is it cat cruelty?

Cat curfews & outdoor bans.


FrayedBear 9 Sep 16
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My sister tried (years back) to keep her cats indoors. They had other ideas... and won.

Now two of our cats prefer to go out, while a third prefers to stay inside most of the time.

I think if you have pets, they need to be happy. And if happy means roaming outdoors then they should be free to roam.

Our cats bring rarely bring home birds and sometimes bring home baby rabbits or possums, and once a squirrel. We haven't had problem with mice with the cats roaming about, which the former owners of the house did. People first got cats to keep away mice and rats, and our cats do that very well. And they keep us warm on cold winter nights too.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 17, 2021

My old girl used to roam over acres. As you mention she was acquired because I was woken one day by a rat eating my bread in the cupboard only feet from head. This was when I first started living off grid.
I do not think that a fed cat that is also played with regularly is any more prone to attacking other animals than the snakes that kill for food are. Your American squirrel is a feral in the UK that needs eradicating.


Frankie killed a bird yesterday. It was alive when he brought it in and played with it. He hunts for lizards which he brings to me before he eats them.

Susieq Level 7 Sep 17, 2021

Try feeding him so he doesn't have to.

@FrayedBear Good idea. I will try that. He weighs 16 pounds.

@Susieq if fat try exercising. Take him for walks & put more veggies in his diet.

@FrayedBear Or he could just chase lizards.

@itsmedammit Cruelty to lizards.

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